Chapter 11:

Lin Wuyu used to see such scenes on the street-one or a few battery cars, a few young people who seemed to be idle, sitting or squatting or standing, or smoking cigarettes or holding beer cans.
He has never understood what this kind of crowd-seeking activity that seems to be a waste of time is really doing.
Now he understood a part.
He and Ding Ji, except for the number of people and cars, are smaller.
He was sitting on the battery seat, and Ding Ji crouched beside the sidewalk.
Can't go home and don't want to go back to the dormitory.
After a few chats, I fell into a long embarrassment but a long silence.
"Can you stand up?" Lin Wuyu asked Ding Ji.
"Why?" Ding Ji said.
"I don't know," Lin Wuyu said, "I thought we looked like this waiting for someone who summoned to jump up and fight."
"That's not true," Ding Ji replied very experienced. "You don't see it at first. I may look a bit like it, but I never take part in a group fight with fewer than ten people on my departure."
"...Why?" Lin Wuyu was a little curious.
"Nonsense," Ding Ji said impatiently. "Have you ever fought? There are fewer people, bigger goals, more people, more safety, no matter how many people I have, I can play with my mobile phone."
Lin Wuyu laughed.
Ding Ji's mobile phone began to sing in his pocket.
Lin Wuyu somewhat unexpectedly heard that this was Grandma Zhao Lirong's voice.
Flowering in the spring, fourteen five six...
"I'm done," Ding Ji took out his phone and glanced, "It's my mother."
"Why?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Forgot to tell her that I will not go back to dinner." Ding Ji said.
"Ah," Lin Wuyu felt a little overwhelmed. "If you take it, I will explain it to you."
"Explain a fart," Ding Ji pressed the mute and put the phone back in his pocket. "It's okay."
"Go back," said Lin Wuyu, "I have to go back to the dormitory, and a box of luggage has not been packed."
"Then I will send you back to school." Ding Ji said.
Lin Wuyu has never driven an electric car before, nor has he ever sat in the back seat of an electric car.
After sitting back in the back seat twice today, I was quite touched.
Compared to the previous back to school with his suitcase at home, he now feels a lot easier in the back seat.
Maybe it's full, maybe it's irreversible.
Maybe it was just because Ding Ji hung up the phone he couldn't handle neatly.
Ding Ji's car drove quickly, and his t-shirt was filled with wind.
Lin Wuyu ripped off his t-shirt.
Just after letting go, the t-shirt bulged again.
Pull again, drum again.
"Do you have any obsessive-compulsive disorder?" Ding Ji asked.
"No," Lin Wuyu did not let go this time, "Your clothes are almost on my face."
"Not dirty again," Ding Ji said.
"I didn't say it was dirty." Lin Wuyu tugged at his waistband and tucked the t-shirt hem into it.
"What are you doing!" Ding Ji braked and turned his head back alertly.
Lin Wuyu raised his hand and said nothing.
"Why didn't you pay attention when you took someone else's water?" Ding Ji frowned and tucked the hem of his clothes into his waistband. "It's too much of you."
At the door of the school, Ding Ji pulled his clothes out of his waistband while parking.
So particular.
Lin Wuyu smiled: "Sorry today."
"Nothing embarrassing," Ding Ji waved his hand. "I'm fine, too."
"Then I..." Lin Wuyu pointed to the school gate.
"Bye," Ding Ji said.
Lin Wuyu turned around and took two steps, stopped again, and came back after two seconds: "I have a question to ask."
"Ask." Ding Ji looked at him.
"It can be seen from the palm, brothers and sisters, right," Lin Wuyu looked at his palm. "Can you see anything else?"
"For example?" Ding Ji asked.
"For example," Lin Wuyu stopped for a long time before looking at him and said, "Are you still alive."’
Ding Ji froze.
"You calculated it with copper money that day, because he was not there for two years," Lin Wuyu said, "then..."
"Birthday of birth," Ding Ji got out of the car, took out his phone, took a picture of Lin Wuyu's hand, and took another picture of his face, "What is your brother's name?"
"Are you taking the opportunity to take a sneak shot of me?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Come and come," Ding Ji handed him the phone, "Give you a chance to delete it yourself."
Lin Wuyu smiled and missed it.
"What is your brother's name." Ding Ji asked again.
"Lin Zhan." Lin Wuyu felt strange when he said the name.
Since "Your Brother" disappeared, the name has rarely been mentioned at home. On the one hand, they feel that Lin Zhan is a genius to deal with all the difficulties in the world. On the other hand, they dare not imagine that Lin Zhan's physical condition can be healthy and safe. for many years.
But I don't know why, after changing to the name "Your Brother", it is like entering self-hypnosis. Your brother is not Lin Zhan, your brother is not the missing child, and your brother is the one you can never surpass.
He is the reason why you come to this world, he is also the reason why you are neglected, he is the source that you will be stressed when you do anything.
Lin Wuyu said very affirmatively and firmly during the quarrel, and I was in charge of everything.
But he also had to admit that, after all, he was only a senior three student, and his emotions were inevitably affected.
After taking the luggage back to the dormitory, Chen Mang and several of them packed up the cabinet with the debris and vacated him to put things. No one asked much, nor did he say much.
He usually talks with Xu Tianbo. Many of them will talk and complain, but he did not say anything to Xu Tianbo this time.
It's not many days before the exam. He doesn't want anyone's emotions to be affected because of himself.
He couldn't find the rhythm in the review for the past two days. He was sitting alone by the playground. He wanted to have a problem in his mind. After a few minutes, he couldn't concentrate.
Lao Lin only found him on the playground on the fourth day.
"Talk." Lao Lin sat next to him.
"I can adjust it in a few days, at most a week." Lin Wuyu said.
"Not so many weeks," Lao Lin said, "There is not so much time for you to adjust."
Lin Wuyu said nothing.
"I didn't want to find you, but I had to find it," Lao Lin said. "This time, there is indeed a lot of activity, and we are not fool. Anyway, what kind of comfort or the like can be of no use to others, it makes no sense to you. I can't do anything about your mind and logic."
"Don't flatter me." Lin Wuyu smiled.
"If this is bullshit, your buttocks are too swollen to be seen," Lao Lin smiled and hugged his shoulders. "We just said, I went to your house and talked to your parents. The conversation went very badly. Friendly, I think they can go to the Education Bureau to complain to me if I talk about it again. I don’t think they’re going to loose any more. Your family is in a special situation."
"Well." Lin Wuyu nodded.
"So it doesn't matter, you are very independent in any aspect, their attitude will not have any substantial impact on you, it is you who influence you," Lao Lin said, "it is what you study and review The way is different from others. The time you adjusted this time is too long for yourself, not your style."
Lin Wuyu glanced at him.
"I can only force you directly," Lao Lin said. "It's less than a week. Three models, you look back at your second model God's achievements. Isn't your three model God worthy of me?"
"Brother Lin," Lin Wuyu couldn't help laughing, "What's wrong with you?"
"What's the relationship between us," Lao Lin dragged his fingers back and forth between them, "What's the relationship?"
"Teacher and student recognize the brother." Lin Wuyu said.
"It's a buddy," Lao Lin said, "When you were in the first year of high school, I did not say anything to you. Don't look for Lin Wuyu. You have to leave a strong stroke in my coaching career to help me. You can brag with other parents in the future."
"Well." Lin Wuyu nodded with a smile.
"Okay, I won't delay your time," Lao Lin stood up. "I said something very serious."
"Say." Lin Wuyu looked at him.
"Really there is no time for Lin Wuyu," Lao Lin said, "Come on, you know you don't need to prove anything to anyone, but you said, you are in charge of your business, you are responsible."
"I know me very well." Lin Wuyu pushed his glasses.
"This sentence made you half dead, and told me seven or eight times." Lao Lin said.
"I did what I said." Lin Wuyu said.
"You talk like farting," Grandma frowned. "Not at all!"
"What's wrong with me, I just miss you," Ding Ji lying on the sofa, holding Shi Xiangyang's problem set in one hand, and the other hand holding a pen on the coffee table and counting, "You don't want to Me? I'll come back to see you guys, just treat me like this."
"You just don't want to go back!" said the grandmother. "Your dad said you just didn't answer the phone. Why didn't you answer him? Don't go home to eat or say anything."
"I don't want to quarrel with them, let's talk about it," Ding Ji frowned. "Today, a friend of mine just quarreled with his family. I will act as a quarrel with him at home. Isn't it adding to the blockage?" "
"That's not necessarily true," Grandpa made tea slowly beside him. "Maybe when he looks at it, there are people as unhappy as me.
"This is what I said," Ding Ji smiled. "This person is different."
"How different? Is it a new friend?" Grandpa asked.
"Well," Ding Ji thought for a while, "I let my grandmother count as a person, that's his brother, but my grandmother doesn't count on me."
"Then you haven't forgotten yourself," said the grandmother, "when I don't know?"
"If you're free, then count, his brother seems to..." Ding Ji twisted his eyebrows. "It's quite affecting him, and the college entrance exam is coming soon..."
"You still know!" Grandma yelled, only to find out that she had gone off topic, and quickly turned the subject back, "Do not go home! Do not review..."
"Hey!" Ding Ji sat up at once and looked at Grandma.
"After reviewing, my grandson's face is tired and pointed," Grandma immediately held his face, "Your parents are always wronging you."
"You have time to help count Grandma," Ding Ji took out a piece of paper from his pocket. "The name "birthday" is written on top of it."
"What kind of friend, have you been so sweet for a few days?" Grandma was reluctant, but she put away the paper.
Why are you so sweet?
do not know.
Are you up?
I don’t know.
Ding Ji hurried to the house on a battery car. It was not long before the college entrance examination. He didn’t want to argue with his parents about the review.
Is it because of similar experiences?
Nor is it, Lin Wuyu's parents are not the same as their parents, or vice versa.
They don't seem to care about Lin Wuyu.
But my father and mother put too many expectations on him and too many unrealistic demands on him.
It is not impractical, Ding Ji does not actually know where his upper limit is, after all, he has never tried to go all out.
He didn't even know what he could do.
He just didn't want to be over-focused, and he didn't need the expectation and forcible affirmation that did not start from his perspective.
But when it comes to going all out.
This time I can be considered to go all out, he even did the problem Shi Xiangyang gave him.
Although he did it only because Lin Wuyu said that he also has the ability to do it, after all, learning God is more reliable than Shi Xiangyang.
Hey hey.
Ding Ji took out her cell phone, which had been shaking in her pocket, and saw that the phone was not from home, but Liu Jinpeng.
He parked the car on the side of the road and answered the phone: "Peng Peng?"
"Did you just go back to your grandma's house!" Liu Jinpeng shouted.
"Well," Ding Jiying responded, "Now when I go back to my parents' home, they will explode if I don't go back, maybe I will be driven out of the house, and then you have to go with me to pack my luggage..."
"Isn't everything in your grandma's house?" Liu Jinpeng said.
"Just you have a brain, right?" Ding Ji said.
"I still have some brains, so I will use another one," Liu Jinpeng laughed. "You have time to go to the small park over the past two days to find me, and give some watermelons to your grandparents."
"Watermelon?" Ding Ji froze.
"My cousin got a few carts of watermelon," Liu Jinpeng said, "I helped him sell it, right on the fruit street next to the small park."
"OK," Ding Ji said, "I'll go to you in two days."
Liu Jinpeng gave inspiration, Ding Ji took two watermelons in the watermelon stall downstairs and went home.
Because I carried with me the exercises of classmate Shi Xiangyang and the watermelon, my anxiety and anger were calmed down a little.
Ding Ji snatched into their room before they recovered, and closed the door.
Before starting the review, he took out his mobile phone, printed out Lin Wuyu's face and hands with a photo printer, and stared at it for a while.
Knowing that he was thinking about Lin Wuyu's brother, I don't know what he thought of Lin Wuyu.
... Lin Wuyu is actually gay.
It is really surprising.
Can't see it.
However, they also have a school. The boy in the next class is very handsome and has a very flamboyant personality. He wears a special fashion every day and sometimes wears makeup. Many people give pointers. Ding Ji is not prejudiced, sophomore. He also made his mouth shut for him.
But this man didn't thank him, and saw him walking around the next day.
Very annoying.
However, after analyzing by social figures Liu Jinpeng, it is probably afraid that someone said they had a leg and did not want to harm him.
Ding Ji is satisfied with this tragic explanation.
Lin Wuyu is almost the same today, afraid of being misunderstood.
But... Lin Wuyu did not hide from him.
Ding Ji raised his eyebrows.
Did you really like me?
"Do you think too much?" Lin Wuyu stood by the railing of the corridor with his mobile phone. "The police mean that we are the discoverer of the child and the reporter. Now that the child is settled, we want to go and see. , Who asked you to recognize your son?"
"I said I was going to recognize my son," Ding Ji sighed. "You didn't make it clear, I thought the police were bothering me!"
"...Have you done any shameful business before?" Lin Wuyu grinned.
"Are you going?" Ding Ji asked, "Look at the children."
"I..." Lin Wuyu hesitated, he didn't want to see this child, he didn't want to visit a life that started with not being needed, but in order not to let Ding Ji think he was a cold-hearted person, he nodded. , "Go ahead."
This hesitation made Ding Ji cheer.
Lin Wuyu sighed.
"You come to me, I will drive you through," Ding Ji said, "Do you know the fruit street next to the small park?"
"I know." Lin Wuyu said.
Liu Jinpeng's watermelon stall is a bit inferior, because he sold this car, so he only rented a floor, there was no cart, the watermelon was piled on the ground, just a small stool and a money-filled pocket , And a QR code to collect money was thrown on the watermelon pile.
Ding Ji was quite incomprehensible. Liu Jinpeng didn't usually set up a stall. How could he find such a torn pocket overnight, making him look as if he had been squatting here selling fruit for eight years.
"It's quite sweet." Ding Ji likes to eat watermelon and nibbled half of it on the small stool in a few minutes.
"Dadong said it was still a boy," said Liu Jinpeng, "hasn't it adopted?"
"It is estimated that there is something wrong, or a defect," Ding Ji said. "After all, most people adopt
raising children because they need children, not because of love."
Liu Jinpeng sighed.
Ding Ji buried his head for a while, and Yu Guangli saw someone standing in front of the watermelon stand, and Liu Jinpeng did not greet him. I wonder if he was still immersed in sympathy for the poor child.
"Do you want to buy watermelon?" Ding Ji had to put down the watermelon peel in his hand and asked, looking up.
"Don't buy it." Lin Wuyu replied while standing in front of the watermelon.
When Ding Ji saw the expression and eyes on his face, he knew that he had begun to change qualitatively in Lin Wuyu's heart.
According to the analysis, the broken pocket for collecting money is at his feet. The small stool he sits on is the only seat on the watermelon stand, occupying the c position. He also greeted the guests skillfully.
So it can be concluded.
He finally listened to the sincere persuasion of the learning and evolved from a half-fairy kidnapped by a wanderer into a hawker selling watermelons.
His life began to have a good direction.
Anyway, it is self-reliance.
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