Chapter 5:

Lin Wuyu laughed: "You asked this, it was very rash."
"Don't be careless about what you just said." Ding Ji said.
"Did you not see this when you looked at my palm before?" Lin Wuyu looked at the palm of his left hand.
"I didn't read it, I didn't think about it," Ding Ji thought for a while, lowering his voice, "Isn't it a kiss?"
"It's kissed," Lin Wuyu said.
"Oh." Ding Ji responded.
The two didn't speak anymore and looked at the stroller together.
A few minutes later, a police car drove over, Ding Ji jumped up, waved his hand over the police car: "Here--"
A book stuffed in his pants buttocks fell to the ground.
Lin Wuyu also often stuffs his books and books in his buttocks. He doesn't like holding things in his hands.
But Ding Ji is different.
Lin Wuyu picked up the book on the ground, it was very old, and the pages were black and yellow, but it should be kept very carefully, and the pages were flat and flat without corners.
The hand drawn on the cover, as well as the various lines on the hand, can be known without reading the book title. This is a palmist teaching book.
I didn't expect Jianghu scammers to carry reference materials with them... so dedicated.
"Your..." When Lin Wuyu handed the book to Ding Ji, he had already greeted the police.
"My policeman," Ding Ji pointed to the stroller. "A very young child, who has been sleeping."
"This child is only two months old?" An old policeman frowned. "How did this car get here? Have you seen it?"
Ding Ji and Dadong turned around and looked at Lin Wuyu.
"I'm standing here," Lin Wuyu walked to where he stood before. "Take the phone and look over there. I don't know when this car will come next to me. I saw it when I turned around."
"You have to contact some lesbians in the office immediately, as well as the hospital," the old policeman turned to his colleagues behind him. "This child is too young to know how long he has been hungry..."
"Then...can we go now?" Ding Ji asked beside.
"You guys cooperate," the old policeman said, "to make a record, we have to investigate after we have placed this child."
"Now?" Lin Wuyu said.
"Yes." The police nodded.
"What's wrong?" Ding Ji whispered, "What's wrong with you?"
"I haven't eaten yet." Lin Wuyu also whispered.
Ding Ji ignored him.
From handing the child to the police, and then cooperating to send the transcript, and finally answering a question to leave, Ding Ji ignored him.
Did not even look at him too much.
As soon as he left the gate of the police station, Ding Ji pulled his friend on the front of the car and walked away without returning. Lin Wuyu didn't even find a chance to return his reference materials to him.
Dogs can't get around.
Lin Wuyu ate bowl noodles in a small shop next to the police station and drove back to school.
He knew why Ding Ji ignored him suddenly.
Probably he felt indifferent to him, facing a child who was so small, maybe an abandoned child, but he just wanted to eat.
There is no sympathy at all.
I had noodles for dinner today, and I brought them to the dormitory, which is noodles.
Lin Wuyu took a bit of effort when entering the dormitory with four servings of noodles. The size of the four meal boxes was not much different from that of two pockets of barbecue, but there was soup in it. When running across the door of the uncle Speed, the hand must be steady.
"Don't think I can't see who you are!" Uncle's voice came from afar.
You really can't see clearly.
Lin Wuyu has run to the third floor, he is still very confident about his speed.
There is a mirror on the first floor. He glanced at it every time he ran through the mirror while eating, never seeing himself clearly.
Several people in the dormitory were still reviewing under the lamp, but when Lin Wuyu entered the door, several people's faces were facing the door.
"I heard Uncle shouting downstairs." Chen Mang said with a smile.
"He said he could see who I am." Lin Wuyu said.
"That's impossible. I can catch you early in the morning," Luo Chuan got up and took the lunch box. "Run at least three times a week."
"Did you eat noodles for dinner today?" Liu Ziyi said, "This is not your style. They all ran out and didn't eat a big meal?"
"Something happened," Lin Wuyu stuffed Ding Ji's reference material under the pillow, "I didn't eat a big meal."
He didn't want to say that he picked up a child tonight, and the biggest advantage of a few people in the dormitory that made people feel comfortable was reflected at this time, and no one asked.
Such an excellent roommate, the time spent together is reduced with the countdown in the classroom, and sometimes it will suddenly be sad.
"Return a box of yours?" Chen Mang asked.
"Four boxes are easy to put," Lin Wuyu said, "You have divided it, I just finished eating, I read a little while."
Palmistry puzzle.
Lin Wuyu twisted the bedside lamp and put on his glasses.
This book looks like it's a series of nonsense pirated books. The title of the book is not "Simple and simple, learn palm reading in five minutes" or "Know your hand", "From palm print to life", it seems that it is still going. Suspense style.
Yo. The author is still a foreigner.
Lin Wuyu habitually followed the steps he usually learns, and first preset a question in his mind.
For example, where is the origin of palmistry, the cultural background in which palmistry is most popular, and what is the basis for the division of the various areas on the palm print...
Then opened the book.
On the first page of the table of contents, two lines of large characters were neatly written with a ballpoint pen.
Little Prodigy Ding Ji private collection.
Don't lend you. Don't steal. Pick it up and return it to me.
Each word had to be about two centimeters in diameter. Lin Wuyu looked at it for ten seconds before laughing silently.
There is a row of dates below, calculated according to the date, this should be written by Ding Ji primary school in the first grade or earlier...
Lin Wuyu paused, and turned the book roughly again. There are still some places marked in it. The fonts are the same, and they should be written in the same period.
From this point of view, Ding Ji knew a lot of words when he was five or six years old, and his understanding ability seemed to be good. He still had his own ideas. Not many children felt that the book was an authoritative feeling. It's marked-"How fart!!!"
Lin Wuyu pushed his glasses.
Ding Ji sat at the desk, and the table was a mess of already finished papers and problem sets. At this time, he was holding the mobile phone in one hand, and flipped back and forth in the drawer on the table.
He knew it was a little late now, and Dadong must have fallen asleep, but he could not bear it until tomorrow.
"Quick-connect, quick-connect..." He stood up and turned around in the room two more times, pulling the quilt under the bed.
"I fuck..." Dadong over there finally answered the phone. "Are you crazy? What time is it?"
"I know it's a little late..." Ding Ji said.
"It's not a little bit, it's almost four o'clock," Dadong sighed. "What's the matter?"
"Today I stuffed that book in my pocket," Ding Ji frowned, "Have you looked?"
"Fart pocket? What book?" Dadong was at a loss, "Are you still going out with the book?"
"It's okay, you go to sleep." Ding Ji hung up the phone and sat down on the bed somewhat discouraged. He was a little sleepy and was now completely sleepless.
He had to go home for a while, so yesterday I went to my grandmother’s house to take the book and wanted to bring it. As a result, Lin Wuyu picked up a child and was very angry. I just remembered that the book was gone.
This book has followed him for many years. From the first grade to the present, I have read it long ago, and there is nothing extraordinary about it. I usually hold it, that is, hold it, and rarely open it again.
But this book has been with him for many, many years, just like the little girl's doll, it is a placebo.
Sometimes it is an important way for him to gain a sense of security.
When he was a little kid, it was even a way for him to improve his classmate relationship and get rid of bullying.
This book is not important.
This book is too important.
But I still have to sleep, and I have to take classes tomorrow.
I can’t quit school when my parents live. In grandparents’ home, it’s just casual. Previously, grandma thought he was out of school at 4 o’clock every day as he was in elementary school. He came back at 6 or 7 because he was too hard at school .
He touched the bathroom like a thief and finished washing. He went back to the room and took a random book from the head of the bed. Dad followed one of the piles of books he bought according to his own reading list, and he didn’t see what it was. , Stuffed under the pillow, closed his eyes.
The first day of the baby book run away from home.
Miss it.
the next day.
Miss it. Go to the online old bookstore to search
Actually there is.
Twenty-seven? It's too dark!
The third day.
Miss it. Search for used bookstores.
Thirty-six? Ten dollars for shipping?
Before the teacher came, Ding Ji slid the phone into the pocket on his trouser legs and kept his original posture unchanged.
It wasn't until the teacher patted him gently on the shoulder that he suddenly raised his head and rubbed his eyes.
"Have you no rest?" the teacher asked softly.
"Sleep too late." Ding Ji replied.
"Sleepy for a few minutes," said the teacher, "still pay attention to the combination of work and rest."
"Uh." Ding Ji nodded.
After the teacher walked away, he turned to look at the side.
Shi Xiangyang looked at him with disgust: "How can you pretend so much?"
"Shall I teach you?" Ding Ji asked.
"No." Shi Xiangyang honestly refused.
"I will go out in a while," Ding Ji whispered, "If Teacher He came and asked me about it, you said I would endorse it on the playground."
Shi Xiangyang did not immediately agree, and after a moment of contemplation, he asked: "Have you endorsed the book? Are you not forgetting the legend?"
"Fart," Ding Ji denied without thinking, "When did you ever see me in the legend that you never forget?"
"Then how did you usually take the exam? Endorse?" Shi Xiangyang asked.
"Don't recite, speaking of it... I chose science to think I could not endorse," Ding Ji sighed. "I didn't expect that, there are also many."
"So how did you get into the top five in the exam?" Shi Xiangyang asked again.
"My elder brother, I sighed," Ding Ji sighed again. "I can almost remember what I want to remember, and I can edit it."
Shi Xiangyang didn't speak, just looked at him.
Ding Ji glanced and found that the expression on Shi Xiangyang's face was very sad and lost.
He suddenly recovered, in order to prevent Shi Xiangyang from starting to cut the cake again, he quickly added another sentence: "Sometimes I have to rely on cheating."
"...Oh." Shi Xiangyang nodded.
In the second class in the afternoon, Ding Ji didn't go to the classroom. He slipped out of the school and went to the small park. Although he had bypassed and looked at it several times in the past two days, in the determination not to give up or give up, he ran again in the afternoon.
He knew that old books could be bought online, but it didn't make sense to him.
He just wanted to stay with him for more than ten years, and the one that followed him under the pillow for more than ten years, with his own signature and exclusive label on it, slipped away...
Now the last way to find a book is to ask Lin Wuyu that cold-blooded thing.
I originally wanted to wait for Lin Wuyu to come to the small park and ask, but then a broken book, what if Lin Wuyu threw it away at random, after all, in the face of a child who was thrown away, Lin Lengxue still wanted to eat.
So Ding Ji turned to the middle school.
Lin Wuyu sat on the edge of the playground, and in front of him were several classes taking physical education classes.
He has been on the playground from noon to now, walking around and sitting around. At this time, there are more students around him. He plans to return to the classroom or dormitory.
He stopped when he picked up the book at hand and got up to leave.
Someone turned over from the wall of the grandstand opposite the playground.
Those who like to cross the wall from here are the ones in Gao Erwen 1, headed by Kou Chen, as if they do not turn over a few times a month are not counted as middle school students.
But it wasn't the students in the secondary school who turned in today.
Is... Ding Ji?
Lin Wuyu pushed his glasses, wondering if he was wrong.
But after a second he was sure that he had read it correctly.
After landing, Ding Ji said a few words to a girl sitting in the stands, and the girl pointed to him.
Then Ding Ji and Qiu Qiu for many years finally found out where the enemy was rolling.
This speed forced Lin Wuyu to stand up vigilantly.
"Don't go!" Ding Ji shouted at him more than ten meters away, "Lin Wuyu!"
"...Not left." Lin Wuyu replied.
It is estimated that the sound is not loud enough, Ding Ji didn't hear it, and continued to shout in a series: "Don't go, don't go, don't go... I'm looking for something to do with you..."
"Do you still know where to cross the wall?" Lin Wuyu asked when he ran to him.
"There is no school that can't turn over the wall," Ding Ji gasped for two. "There's no school that can't go through."
"What's the matter with me?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Did you see a book the day you picked up the child?" Ding Ji asked.
"Mystery of palmistry?" Lin Wuyu was a little surprised. He had wanted to go to the small park on weekends to see if he could meet Ding Ji. He didn't expect this man to come over to the school to find him for this book.
This answer made Ding Ji suddenly relieved, and didn't want to say anything, Chong Lin Wuyu clenched his fists and sat on the stone bench next to him, let out a long sigh of relief.
"Just for this?" Lin Wuyu asked.
"Yeah, just for this," Ding Ji was in a good mood. "When did you get it?"
"I picked it up." Lin Wuyu corrected him.
"When did you pick it up?" Ding Ji asked again.
"When you run to the police uncle excitedly." Lin Wuyu said.
"...It fell off that moment? I didn't feel it at all," Ding Ji extended his hand. "Give me, I haven't slept well these two nights."
"In the dormitory," Lin Wuyu said, "I'll get it for you."
"I'll go with you to save you running again." Ding Ji said.
"Don't you have to turn it out later?" Lin Wuyu pointed to the wall over there.
"I'm going out with a big swing for a while," Ding Ji looked over there, and followed Lin Wuyu. "I just wanted to walk in through the main entrance. Your guards are too unreasonable. You can't allow it."
"Fortunately, I'm in the playground. If I'm in the classroom, you might have been kicked out before you even heard about the place." Lin Wuyu glanced back at him.
"No," Ding Ji waved his hand. "I asked a student who just came out at the door, saying you are either in the playground or in the cafeteria."
"Oh." Lin Wuyu smiled.
"Learn God." Ding Ji said.
Lin Wuyu raised an eyebrow.
"What's wrong," Ding Ji raised an eyebrow. "The guy at your school said, learn God, he's in the cafeteria without the playground, the original words."
"Almost, I don't like staying in the classroom," Lin Wuyu said, "Little Prodigy."
Ding Ji stopped abruptly, his voice turned slightly: "...You read my book?"
"Look, you didn't write to keep it away," Lin Wuyu said, "just write, don't borrow, don't steal, and pick it up to return you..."
"Stop talking." Ding Ji sighed.
"Are you," Lin Wuyu suddenly stepped back and whispered in his ear, "Don't you like being called a child prodigy?"
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