Chapter 96:

"Lu Le, did you reply to him?" Ding Ji asked while running.
"Not yet," Lu Le said, "I'm afraid I'm too much like a mother, I haven't returned."
"Return one," said Li Ruichen. "Let's see what he is going to do first. Now I can be sure that he has taken the money and things, but after so many days, he suddenly said he would pay it back?"
"How do I go back?" Lu Le gasped.
"Why are you running like this every semester every day?" Xiong Da looked at him.
"Why should we run," He Jiabao couldn't help asking, "Does everyone think he is going to commit suicide?"
Several people stopped.
"I really... think so." Wu Lang said, "give us back the thing and step out of the railing..."
"It's you who killed me--" Li Ruichen jumped with his arms open, "So?"
"Don't talk nonsense, it's a dormitory anyway." Lu Le said, "Can you persuade or persuade, in case you really realize a mistake?"
"Are you stupid," Xiong Da said, "His brain is absolutely abnormal, and he can't see it at ordinary times. He doesn't know which class he is learning from a poorly-studied schoolmaster. He looks at the kind of person. In fact, he may be stimulated. ..."
"Don't run away," Ding Ji continued to walk over there. "He doesn't have to return things, jumps off the building, and does whatever he wants. He must be sitting there waiting before we arrive."
"Yes." Li Ruichen nodded. "There is a time to guess whether he wants to jump. It's better to think about how to deal with it for a while."
"Regardless of three, seven, twenty-one," Xiong Da said, "When you go up and see someone, you will go upstairs and pull him downstairs. He has the ability to die."
This proposal was unanimously agreed upon by everyone, and he took a big step to the old building in the equipment room.
Lin Wuyu glanced at his mobile phone. There were no club activities in the past two days. Generally, there would be no one in the
headquarters office
of the inference agency. If someone was there, they would go on and on again, so don’t think of just pressing In the dormitory.
He glanced at Ding Ji, but Ding Ji didn't care at all, although Ding Ji didn't mention what Liu Yang specifically said in the letter when he told everyone before.
So Ding Ji doesn't even mind if anyone knows, but within the controllable range, at least he doesn't feel the need to let anyone know.
Now that Liu Yang is in such trouble, it is estimated that all the people in the dormitory must know.
Lin Wuyu felt a little distressed, and squeezed his hands on his back through the clothes, but the clothes were a little thick, and Ding Ji was quite tight. He didn't pinch the meat.
Ding Ji turned his head and looked at him.
He reached out again and pinched Ding Ji's ass.
This time it was quite rewarding, and the meat was pinched.
Ding Ji looked at him.
He smiled and withdrew his hand.
"You said you owe it?" Ding Ji whispered.
"Yes." Lin Wuyu nodded.
"Am I fat?" Ding Ji asked in a small voice.
Lin Wuyu looked at his hand: "From the sense of pinching, no, the meat on the back can't be pinched."
Ding Ji turned his head and went on.
Lu Le and Liu Yang sent two more gentle girlfriend messages. Liu Yang said nothing, only on the rooftop.
Lu Le said that the wind was so strong that he came down first, and he did not reply.
"Have you scored in the college entrance examination composition?" Li Ruichen couldn't help but ask, "There are no other words besides Tianer's cold wind?"
"It's really cold and windy now." Lu Le said.
Li Ruichen sighed: "Which girl do you fall in love with? Remember to tell us, or at your level of messaging, I have seen your life as a lonely old man."
Ding Ji had been holding back Li Ruichen all the time, but he still couldn't help laughing, but if this person had poured vinegar on him at first to make him very vengeful, it was actually quite interesting.
There is a fart meaning.
Ding Ji glanced at Lin Wuyu.
It was found that Lin Wuyu did not smile, and the person with a low smile did not smile.
Ok, Ok.
The equipment room is not high. It has five floors in total. I really want to jump down...if the angle is should be saved.
A few people looked up with their heads together before entering the building.
"The school still has such an old building?" He Jiabao said, "And I found...I have never been here?"
"Me too." Wu Lang said, "One semester, we haven't finished the campus."
"Go up," Lu Le whispered, "Now the sky is dark, and no one can see clearly."
Everyone entered the building together. I don't know why. They all seemed to be thieves. They all lightened their steps and breathed a lot.
Lin Wuyu and Ding Ji have been to this building countless times, and have never been to a place above the second floor. Anyway, it was an empty room with old tables and chairs replaced.
However, the lights on the fifth floor corridor can be turned on, which is quite touching.
After all, Ding Ji is a chicken, even if there are so many people, it is better to turn on the light.
"There." Lin Wuyu saw an iron ladder up at the end of the corridor.
"I'll go up first," Lu Le said, "you follow me."
"One person at a time," Ding Ji glanced at the ladder, quite a vicissitudes of feeling, "Don't step on it."
Lu Le climbed up first, followed by Wu Lang and He Jiabao.
"I didn't see anyone." Lu Le's voice came from above, "Do you want to shout?"
"Shout." Li Ruichen was climbing up. "Don't ambush us with a sap."
"Don't think about it all the time," Lu Le said, raising his voice a little, "Liu Yang? Are you there?"
Did not hear Liu Yang's answer.
The three men who had "hate" with him finally came up. After Xiong Da forcibly requested to pad Ding Ji and Lin Wuyu, they looked as if they were really a squad that penetrated behind the enemy line.
When Lin Wuyu climbed up to the mouth of the rooftop, he heard Liu Yang's voice: "You are here."
"Where are you?" Lu Le immediately turned on the phone's light.
Lin Wuyu leaned out and crouched to the side to wait for his Ding Ji, who probably thought he was too slow, pulling him by the arm and pulling him up.
The rooftop is not as flat and empty as imagined, there are square tables lined up one by one, and the lower edge is the window, which should be a transom.
There are also some old flower pots.
In a pile of black shadows staggered high and low, Lin Wuyu saw the side of the roof diagonally opposite them, standing in a personal shadow.
"There is the opposite corner." Ding Ji also saw Liu Yang.
"Here!" Liu Yang waved to them.
The voice was flat and gloomy, a little pleasant, and even a smile could be heard, as if he was the hero of the Mid-Autumn Festival who gave everyone a good place to appreciate the moon.
"What does he mean?" He Jiabao whispered, "How come it sounds so scary?"
"Absolutely irritated, crazy people have this tone." Xiong Da climbed up and said uncomfortably.
"How did you come here?" Lu Le began to walk over there. "How cold, the wind is so strong..."
"Even a science student is not so poor in vocabulary to this level, this is the mother tongue," Li Ruichen was caught in Lu Le's vortex, which was cold and windy. "My Swahili vocabulary is more than you. Click."
"What is Swahili?" Xiong Da asked.
"One of the three major languages ​​in Africa." Lin Wuyu said.
"What are the other two majors?" Xiong Da asked again.
"Arabic and Hausa." Lin Wuyu replied.
"Sorry!" Liu Yang's voice dragged them back to the cold windy rooftop. "Sorry! I'm sorry you!"
"What did you say," Lü Le finally changed the line. "A dormitory, it's okay to say anything."
"I stole your money! Stole! Stole your stuff!" Liu Yang said, "I it!"
This motion sounds very wrong.
"Don't fart!" Li Ruichen said immediately, "It's not stolen! No one will say anything about you! No one has stolen my parents' money when we were kids."
"I haven't stolen." Liu Yang's voice suddenly dropped from the previous high-pitched voice.
Several people quickly hurried over, and when he was still two or three meters away, Liu Yang raised his head sharply, leaning on the iron railing behind him, pointing at them: "Don't come."
This familiar, heard countless lines in movies and TV shows suddenly made a group of people nervous.
"What do you mean?" Xiong Da looked at him, "can't you say anything?"
"I can't say it, it's useless to say it!" Liu Yang said, "You know what a fart!"
"Then you have to put a fart for us to try?" Xiong Da said, "How do you know we don't understand fart?"
"Hey." Li Ruichen turned his head away in disgust.
Both Lin Wuyu and Ding Ji didn't speak. Both of them counted as people hated by Liu Yangji. Under such a situation that he is obviously in a wrong state, it is most appropriate for them not to speak out. I don't know which sentence will stimulate Liu Yang.
"I lied to you," Liu Yang said, "I have sold all your things, Li Ruichen's player has sold more than two thousand, He Jiabao's shoes have also been sold, and there is money, all spent! It is gone! I have nothing to return to you."
"It's easy to say," Lu Le said, "It doesn't matter, it's spent, and we didn't plan to ask you."
"Yeah, I didn't plan to ask me," Liu Yang smiled. "This kind of money is nothing at all for you. Usually, food and clothing are not expensive. What kind of money is this!" "
Several people did not speak.
Ding Ji whispered in a very low voice: "Is his family's economic situation bad?"
"Yes," Lu Le also whispered, "The counselor said that his parents are sick, but he is not willing to apply for subsidies, nor let people say, so I did not tell you."
If this is the case, Lu Le would have been comforting well, and Liu Yang, a sensitive person, was very harsh when he listened there.
"Do you think I am sick?" Liu Yang said, suddenly raising one leg and resting on the railing.
"Hey!" He Jiabao's voice shook with fright. "Who thinks, nobody thinks! What are you doing!"
"It must have been said when I came," Liu Yang looked at them with a smile. "Does this person want to jump off the building? This person stole something and played the trick of jumping off the building, it was a neurosis!"
"Really not!" Although Xiong Da hates Liu Yang, he is also anxious at the moment, "I'm in conflict with you? I haven't thought about these! It's all young people. It's normal to have a quarrel. Don't think too much about yourself."
"Yes," Wu Lang hurriedly followed and said, "Let's live in a dormitory for several years. Tell us what you have. If you are unhappy today, you can say anything to us. We can understand each other. It's all fine."
"I have no opinion on you! I have an opinion on myself!" Liu Yang shouted, "No! I have an opinion on this world! So I have an opinion on you!"
"Nonsense." Li Ruichen whispered.
"I work hard too! I work hard! I don't sleep at night! I have to take a good school! I want to go to school!" Liu Yang suddenly took his mouth, "The result, what's the use? Look at you again, Is it easy? What do you want to eat when you go to university, what do you want to buy? How moisturizing! Me!"
Lin Wuyu didn’t listen to what Liu Yang was saying. He already knew what Liu Yang was all about. His family situation was not good, and he struggled to get into a good school, but the students around him seemed to be doing well, but he was very Hard work, even confession to the girl she likes was rejected...
"Why are you so happy?" Liu Yang roared, "Do you live this kind of life on your own! Are you not relying on your parents!"
"I'm not." Lin Wuyu said, "You want to make money to find me, I made money by myself since junior high school, I help you if you want to make money."
"No! What are you proud of? What are you proud of?" Liu Yang pointed at him. "You scumbag! What qualifications do you have to educate me!"
Lin Wuyu raised his eyebrows.
"What are you talking about?" He Jiabao said a little unhappy.
"And Ding Ji!" Liu Yang pointed at Ding Ji again, "A pair of dead metamorphosis! How good do you think you are? Do you think other people don't know what is going on with you! Yeah, how smart you are, handsome guys, girls! I love you all! Dare to let them know what is going on in your back!"
"Shut up!" Li Ruichen couldn't help but growled. "Whoever stipulates that you like you have to like you, can't you like others! What crazy! What the are you talking about!"
Lin Wuyu could feel the confusion and doubt on the faces of several people around him.
But he didn't care, he found that Ding Ji was no longer standing in the previous position, but moved to the front of the transom ledge next to it.
Now he is the closest person to Liu Yang.
Liu Yang was emotional, even if he was scolding him, he didn't notice that he was close.
"Send a message to the counselor." Lin Wuyu whispered, "Lu Le."
Lu Le’s mobile phone has been on with a flashlight, and then when he turns on the screen, it is not easy to be found by Liu Yang.
Lü Le stood next to Li Ruichen. When he heard this sentence, he took a slight step back and opened his phone under the cover of Li Ruichen.
"I hate every one of you! He Jiabao what you pretend to be! Cute Wu Wu what you pretend to be! Lü Le what you pretend to be intimate brother!" Liu Yang pointed at them and scolded with tears, "Xiong Yifei What kind of school are you going to be a thug! And Li Ruichen! You smell bad!"
"I you, believe it or not!" Xiong Da pointed at him.
A group of people had no experience in persuading people, and they didn't like Liu Yang. At this time, no one could bear it anymore because he was so stiff that he pointed at his nose.
"You don't have to smoke!" Liu Yang said, "You can't smoke."
Everyone looked at him and didn't know what else to say. Looking at Liu Yang's state, he couldn't tell whether the leg he put on the railing was scary or really wanted to jump.
"I'm sorry," Liu Yang lowered his head again. "I actually know that I can't blame anyone. I only blame myself."
"I can't stand the ups and downs." Xiong Dayian whispered at the beginning.
Liu Yang didn't rise and fall again, suddenly turned sideways, and the other leg also left the ground.
"Hey!" Wu Lang shouted.
Liu Yang's legs that had been on the railing went out, and the whole person turned over the railing.
When Lin Wuyu rushed out, the nearest Ding Ji had rushed to the railing.
Seizing Liu Yang's arm, Liu Yang leaned forward.
"Ah--" Ding Ji was dragged by Liu Yang, whose entire body was already suspended, and hit the railing. The huge impulse pulled him out of his teeth with his eyebrows twisted, "Your uncle!"
Lin Wuyu pounced on the railing and grabbed Liu Yang's wrist.
When I wanted to use force, I realized that the posture that he and Ding Ji hung on the railing did not use the power of the waist and back, but only the arms and shoulders. It was basically impossible to pull people up.
Liu Yang is not a thin man yet.
"Call the police!" Li Ruichen shouted.
Several people rushed to the railing.
"Liu Yang, what are you doing!" He Jiabao's throat broke anxiously, "Quickly kick the wall! Let's pull you up!"
Liu Yang did not respond, so he lowered his head and hung in the air.
"Go down and pull him," Ding Ji gritted his teeth hard. "This posture won't last long, my rib will break."
At the height of the fifth floor, turn over the railing, and then pull Liu Yang up from the outside...
It's hard to think about it. These people in the dormitory, except Xiong Da, are not sporty people. They can die hard after running a step. They might get themselves downstairs when they go out to pull people.
And Xiong Da's weight is a bit overloaded, Lin Wuyu is still afraid that he can't pull the railing and fall again.
Liu Yang didn't care too much, he was afraid of Ding Ji's injury.
He still had to come to rest on this matter.
"Xiong Da," Lin Wuyu said, "You hold him from the side, hurry."
Xiong Da didn't ask anything. He rushed directly to Ding Ji's feet, and protruded out from under the railing. He grabbed Liu Yang's arm, enough to go out, and grabbed Liu Yang's sleeve with the other hand.
"I let go." Lin Wuyu said.
"Hmm." Ding Jiying responded.
Lin Wuyu loosened Liu Yang's wrist, left the railing, and returned his hand to Lu Le's waist: "Leave it to me."
Lü Legang finished calling the counselor and the security guard. At this time, the phone didn't care about receiving it in his pocket. He threw it directly on the ground and quickly pulled out his canvas belt.
Lin Wuyu took the belt and turned over the railing.
Pulling the iron rod at the bottom of the railing, he squatted on the roof edge, his body was completely overhanging, and then he wrapped the belt around his hand and iron rod in a circle.
Li Ruichen understood what he meant, and rushed over to help him tighten the belt.
"Prepare to use force." Lin Wuyu loosened the untied hand and slowly tapped his body out.
"Quick." Ding Ji said.
Lin Wuyu could see that his hand was shaking, and Xiong Da also suffocated his face.
"Here we are." Lin Wuyu spurred on, grabbed Liu Yang's waistband, and then kicked Liu Yang up with his leg, "Ah-fuck!"
"Pull!" Wu Lang shouted.
Several people rushed up and grabbed Liu Yang from the left and right sides, no matter what hair collar or arm.
Finally, Liu Yang was carried upside down on the roof and thrown on the ground.
"My goddamn!" Ding Ji panting against the railing, covering her right chest with her hand, "It's true!"
Lin Wuyu wanted to help him in the past, Ding Ji quickly waved his hand: "It hurts, it will take a while."
"What's the matter with you!" Lu Le, who had always been so good-tempered, rushed over and bent to Liu Yang and shouted, "You are sick! Sick! You have neuropathy! Who do you want to kill? Ah! Ah! How are you like this! So many people who are suffering! Why do you blame others! You blame yourself! Waste! Who didn’t study hard! You don’t have money, you make money! Work! ! Didn’t you say you worked hard! Then you fight! What the are you! You fight a fart!"
"Lele, Lele," He Jiabao pulled him away in the past, "Don't be angry."
"How is it?" Wu Lang looked at Ding Ji. "Did it hurt? Move it lightly to see where it hurts?"
"It should be..." Ding Ji moved his arm. "It didn't hurt the bone. It might have been stretched. It was too strong."
"Look at him," Li Ruichen pointed to Liu Yang, who was lying on the ground motionless and glaring. "Don't jump back a while, then nobody will pull!"
Several people all went up and stared at Liu Yang in a circle.
"Are you all right?" Lin Wuyu looked at Ding Ji and whispered.
"It's hard to say," Ding Ji frowned, "I feel sore and numb right now, and I can't tell where it is."
"No matter here," Lin Wuyu said, "I will accompany you to the hospital."
"For a while," Ding Ji pressed the ribs. "It's okay, everyone is here."
Lin Wuyu did not speak, and put his arm around Ding Ji.
"Just as I said to pull down," Ding Ji said quietly, "you are going to be so dangerous."
"So how do I go down?" Lin Wuyu smiled.
"I don't know," Ding Ji frowned. "You wouldn't blame me? Actually, it was you who could pull people at that time... I basically let you take the risk."
"I'm not pulling him," Lin Wuyu said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to support the security guard. If he really doesn't pull it off, how will this room live in the future, how shadowy."
Ding Ji rubbed his nose.
"Your courage is still small." Lin Wuyu said.
"Get out of here." Ding Ji glanced at him.
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