Chapter 1068: Dadao dominates Yize, a blessing in disguise

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Ye Yang's face changed slightly.
The strong man who seems to be the master of the avenue feels quite strange. But the breath on his body is a bit familiar.
Red hair.
He didn't see any red hair on his body, but the breath was somewhat similar to the red hair spreading everywhere.
Ye Yang quickly thought of the strong man in the mysterious ancient tomb.
"Could it be that those ancient monsters have fallen away?"
This is a big event!
But before he could think carefully, the figure was close to the surface of the immortal land.
At this moment, the whole earth roared violently.
As if the dragon was rolling underground, as if countless violent thunder surged underground. It seems that an earthquake is about to explode, and a volcano is about to erupt.
Ye Yang sensed that the ground veins and ground energy of this immortal land had spurted up into the sky.
This place Qi is actually invisible, different from what I have seen before.
"Is this the wrath of the immortal land? The will of the immortal land that has not yet fully formed is angry?"
The immortal land also has the consciousness of heaven and earth and the will of heaven and earth. It's just that the consciousness of heaven and earth that appeared before is probably only the surface, false, and can only control the surface of the immortal land. Today's consciousness of the immortal land is formed by the convergence of deeper powers.
"Not inferior to the master of the avenue!"
Ye Yang thought so.
Then, I heard that Duanyu sword hummed.
Seeing a fiery golden sword qi sweeping towards the void, it slashed to the body of the suspected master of the avenue master.
At the same time, a powerful and mighty brilliance bloomed from the strong man, and he forcibly blocked Duanyu Sword's sword.
"not dead?"
Ye Yang was stunned.
The strong man who fell from the sky and seemed to be the master of the avenue, actually...played dead? ! !
At this moment, he was holding the spear nailed to his body in his right hand and wanted to pull it out, but the murderous intent of the spear bloomed, making him roar in pain, and he couldn't pull it out.
But at this moment, the entire immortal land bloomed with billions of sword energy.
A few figures of Ye Yang, the figure of an ancient strong man, and the ancient skeletons of the era flew into the sky, one indestructible ancient corpses, and the ghost of Yuanshi.
All of them turned into Jian Yi Jian Qi, including Ye Yang's figure.
They contain the power of different laws, different fragments of the road.
In an instant, many attacks rushed and bombarded the strong man who seemed to be the master of the avenue.
High in the sky, blazing light shone down.
As powerful as Ye Yang, he couldn't look directly, and couldn't see what was going on at the core of the glory.
Only vaguely sensed the turbulence, sensed the roar and despair of the strong inside. A large number of red hairs outside the immortal land were incinerated. At the same time, many red hairs gathered together and turned into dragons or evil scorpions, rushing to the place where the power broke out, and gathered into it.
There, the will of the master of the avenue is calling for the gathering of red hairs.
Unfortunately, most of the red hairs had been incinerated before they got close.
Then, like a, it should be said, like a mortal looking up at a supernova from close range.
The powerful heat blooming in the sky quickly annihilated many undead creatures on the earth, and many red hairs were quickly destroyed and evaporated.
A chain of avenues, a chain of laws. The thread of the avenue, the thread of the law, the thread of cause and effect, the power of time, the fragments of the avenue...even the specially strengthened space fragments, the temporarily formed and destroyed civilized world.
Such strange things fell from the sky.
Avenue of Thunder, Avenue of Flame, Avenue of Life, Avenue of Destruction, Avenue of Causality, Avenue of Space, Avenue of Creation, Avenue of Good Fortune...
These avenues are scattered in incomplete years.
Close to the land of immortality, it turns into wisps of rain, mist and glow, floating in the void and flying.
This power gradually turned into a figure.
You can see the birth of new undead creatures, and you can see the birth of Ye Yang's figure. You can also see a strong stranger.
"It seems something is wrong..."
Ye Yang stretched out his hand and grabbed, some of the weaker figures were drawn by him, and they exploded with a pinch.
Part of the memory fragments are absorbed.
Ye Yang couldn't help taking a breath.
"It's actually a memory copy!"
Not to copy the fragments of memory, but to copy out the various creatures in the memory of the Great Dao Master.
All you need is the power of the corresponding great power.
For example, what kind of abilities a figure in memory possesses can be created with the corresponding power of the Great Dao. The different figures of the strong in the past need different powers of the great power.
But a master of avenues possesses many types of avenue powers. Even if the avenues of one universe are different from that of another universe, it can't be said to include all the avenues, but at least, all the creatures below the level of the Celestial Lord that have been enemies are copied, it is not a problem.
"So, the one who fell just now was really a master of the avenue?
"First, I was injured outside and fell into it pretending to be dead. Do you want to take the opportunity to enter this place? They don't have much control over this immortal land?
"However, the Immortal Land fought back. All kinds of Dao power fragmented into different sword auras, blending with Duanyu Sword's sword aura and sword intent, killing the master of that Dao..."
Ye Yang felt chills in his heart.
At this moment, another figure roared in the void, and a terrifying big foot stomped that figure down.
On the earth, many undead skeletons, Ye Yang figures, and many strong figures turned into sword auras, slashing towards the fallen strong figure.
But the strong man who was trampled turned around and shot it out. Millions of fusion avenues formed a giant palm covering the sky, and a black hole was formed in the palm of the palm, which absorbed all kinds of attacks here and sent it to the big foot that was trampled high in the sky.
Then, He rose into the sky, and thick clouds gathered around him.
Many gray clouds rushed towards the entrance of the huge cave, as if to gush out of this immortal land and the world of withered bones.
"Seriously injured avenue masters will fall, and those who are not injured will be forcibly driven away... Moreover, if the avenue masters really fall, the power and visions that will erupt will be more than just as simple as before, and it is impossible to break down the avenue. The rain of turning into a great road is over.
"It must be the power of the immortal land that has suppressed the vision of the Great Dao dominating the fall!"
Ye Yang guessed that this immortal place has been absorbing the memory and wisdom of many powerful people, and absorbing the power of many powerful people.
For example, Ye Yang's figure was copied, for example, the creatures in the memory of the fallen Dao Master were copied.
Especially the fallen master of the great road, not to mention all the power, at least most of the power has been "plagiarized" by this immortal land.
Plus the strong man suppressed by Duanyujian...
How many types of power has this immortal land absorbed from the very ancient time to the present? What terrible knowledge and wisdom has accumulated?
Also, this immortal place has been in the "old universe" before...
"Horrible, the secrets hidden here are deeper and more terrifying than the deity imagined."
But, except for this place, Ye Yang has nowhere to go now!
The red hairs are rolling around. Although the large red hairs have been wiped out, there are still red hairs farther out in the immortal land.
As for the channel to the outside world, I only know this one in the sky above my head. I can't get out where I came before. I can't even find the one-way passage.
At this exit above the head, there is another main road outside to dominate the war.
"For the present..."
A trace of determination appeared in Ye Yang's eyes.
Reaching out for a false grasp, a famous zombie's skeletons were not sucked over, and they were crushed one by one, and then their memory information was obtained by Ye Yang.
Then, the void sucked in the air of chaos, creating out of thin air the zombies and skeletons that had been crushed and exploded before being created and copied out.
Many of the zombie skeletons that Ye Yang caught were still branded, so they directly suppressed their branding.
The ones that are not branded provide a lot of information in their memory.
The memory information of each zombie skeleton is incomplete, but there is still information about what power fluctuations they have experienced.
From this information, we can deduce what the power of the immortal land "did" to them.
This is something that even zombie skeletons don't know themselves.
Ye Yang can judge the power of the immortal land by what the immortal land "did" to these zombie skeletons.
"Plus the spiritual power penetrates into the earth veins through the formation..."
This is very dangerous. If he is not careful, Ye Yang's mental consciousness may be swallowed by the earth or assimilated.
But since he entered the immortal land for so long and has not been swallowed, the possibility of being swallowed next is not very high. Just be careful not to be assimilated.
"The avenue...the avenue of the immortal land...
"The deity has a faint feeling. Here, countless avenue fragments and countless law fragments gather to form a core of consciousness.
"In this way, the earth veins will change. From this, we can learn the actions of various avenue fragments. Then based on this information, copy and simulate a model in the sea of ​​consciousness of the deity...
In the Yeyang Sea of ​​Consciousness, a variety of different Dao powers converge according to different trajectories, and merge with each other in a different order.
Some avenues that seem to be in conflict with each other smoothly merge or coexist with the help of external forces. Like the avenue of water and the avenue of fire, there should be conflicts, but at this moment they can be interdependent.
"So that's it..."
This looks very messy model, with hundreds of millions of fragments moving in it, and it is difficult to analyze the order. But Ye Yang had observed the Great Cosmos Array, and the two were compared and compared, and it gradually became clear.
"The consciousness formation process of this immortal land has been seen by the deity! This is actually a nearly perfect tutorial on the construction of the ‘Great Cosmos Array’!
Ye Yang fell into obsession.
Time passed, and I don't know how long it had passed before I suddenly woke up.
The ancient temple of the Primordial Beginning in the distance was shaking, Ye Yang faintly sensed that there was a cause and effect related to Ye Yang in the ancient temple of the Primal Beginning.
"It's the ancient temple of the Primordial Beginning that was refined before the deity! Although time has reversed, the cause and effect has not been completely erased.
"The deity has just been assimilated into the consciousness by the immortal land... Once the assimilation is successful, the deity will become the core of the consciousness of the immortal land, becoming countless times stronger, but since then,'I am no longer me', extremely dangerous.
"The causal turbulence in the ancient temple of the primordial beginning awakened the deity... If there were no such changes in the ancient temple of the primordial period, although the deity still had some trump cards, it was still extremely dangerous."
Ye Yang secretly rejoiced.
Immediately, joy.
"If you don't die in catastrophe, there must be a blessing. This statement really makes sense!
"The deity now dare not say that he has complete control of the immortal land, but it is not a problem to separate one side here.
"Even if the true core of consciousness of the Immortal Land is fully formed, at best, the deity can only be forced away. It is impossible to kill or assimilate the deity, and the deity can still escape.
"What's more, there is no need to escape!
"Now, the Duanyu Sword and the Ancient Palace of the Primordial Beginning, as well as two other hidden treasures, are in the land of immortality to segregate one side. The deity can also form a separate side.
"This means that the body of the deity can stay in a safe enough place."
The body stays here, the avatar goes out. This is an old trick, but if the method is useful, it doesn't care about the old or the new.
"Analyze the secrets of the Great Universe Array, plus the information from this immortal land. So... the body of the deity can also condense a prototype of the universe.
"Using the power of the Great Chaos Dao condensed by the deity to replace the embryo seed of Chuyu. Use the fragments of the Dao artifact as an artifact within the seed!
"This will allow the young embryo seed to enter the state of'growth.' Within the embryo seed, the initial division of chaos is a necessary process for the growth of the young embryo seed. The deity can be completely simulated.
"Calculated like this, within three months at most, a miniature prototype of the universe can be formed in the body!"
This means that Ye Yang swallows all kinds of chaos in the outside world, even if there are hidden dangers such as chaotic will, it can be suppressed with the prototype of the universe in his body. Moreover, as the prototype of the universe becomes stronger and larger, its strength will also become stronger and bigger, and it will not become weaker because it needs too much power to control the prototype of the universe in the body.
When one day, the cosmos in his body will form and grow into a real universe, Ye Yang will not expand and explode, and will still be the master of chaos. At the same time, it is the supreme ruler of the universe in the body. You can control the various inner avenues derived from the universe within your body, and that is the avenue that governs your identity.
"The chaos dominates the realm, cultivation level and identity of the peak level, and at the same time all the abilities of the master of the avenue, the integration of the two will surely be detached! Truly immortal!"
Surprisingly, this opportunity allowed Ye Yang to see through the road to advancement in the future.
It is clearer than many powerhouses who dominate the avenue and chaos dominate the peak.
"I have also obtained some memory information from the Lord of the Fallen Dao, from which we can understand that this ancient tomb ruin is divided into multiple areas. The Immortal Land is only one area.
"Other areas have powerful ancient burial mounds. Inside those powerful ancient burial mounds are the masters of the ancient avenue and the ancient chaos.
"They are all unleashing the void storm, not only to'clear the field' to sweep away the creatures under the high-ranking heavenly veterans, but also to use the void storm to carry out a'baptism' for the ancient tomb ruins.
"Then, let the rules and environment of this ancient tomb ruins change!
"The environment changes, the resources change. There is a chance to advance to a higher level.
"Many Dao masters clearly know the way forward. They laid out this game. There are many Dao masters of later generations, even just the core of the consciousness of these very ancient powers.
"At most, less than ten years, and within a year, the entire ancient tomb market will change. Opportunities for promotion will appear one after another, and the real battle between the masters of the avenue will begin!"
This place is much safer than the original mutual aid alliance.
"Fortunately, although the deity is behind, it is now starting to start. As long as the deity is given a little more time, the rudimentary form of the universe in the body will be thickened, and as long as there is chaos, it can rise crazy, and there is no need to worry about expansion and explosion!"
From his promotion to the Chaos Lord to the present, UU Reading seems to be a long time in the past. In fact, it hasn't been too long, it's just that he has experienced more things.
I was worried about inflation before, and they have all improved so fast. What's more, now I no longer worry about inflation or the assimilation of chaotic will?
"We must buy time!"
Ye Yang quickly settled down, and his body was closed, but the surrounding formations automatically took in an undead species and controlled their brand.
What's even more amazing is that the fake Ye Yang outside and the replica Ye Yang no longer improve in strength and cannot simulate the true Ye Yang here. They rushed towards this side, all blocked by the formation.
There were certain forces in Mingming who wanted to steal the formation ability here, but they were all blocked.
So, time passed...
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