Chapter 1074: Exterminate the brand, travel through the ancient tomb market

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As soon as Ye Yang thought, he brought a lot of undead remains into the chaotic air, quickly absorbed it, and helped the undead recover.
Extracting chaos here will consume much less resources than bringing it back to the undead who "resurrected" them in the immortal land.
And it was also very interesting at this time, those masters of the great avenues, actually really ignored Ye Yang here.
After destroying and exploding the entire Chaos Sea, Divine Sense swept away, and many chaotic species could not bear the spiritual will invasion of the Dao Master, and they destroyed and exploded.
And the spirit of chaos dominating the peak powers swept through, and many chaotic species lost consciousness when they were dominated by their bodies. Only a few chaotic species survived.
In the blink of an eye, several Dao Masters and Chaos Masters left quickly, leaving behind a large mess.
"The Holy Grail of Space! Damn it, where is the Holy Grail of Space?!!!"
The voice left by the master of the avenue echoed in the void. There were also masters of the avenue, out of venting their anger, with a casual blow, exploding the void here again, and a large number of surviving chaotic species were wiped out.
Even on Ye Yang's side, many undead men were swept away by the aftermath, and his incarnation barely escaped.
For a moment, although energy was still rushing around, all kinds of messy things were everywhere. All kinds of void cracks, remnants of the void storm, can be seen everywhere. But it is much safer than before.
Ye Yang quietly sensed the emptiness, and his heart shuddered slightly: "Those guys, even though they have already left, they still have a back hand here? Is it to monitor this place and prevent the Holy Grail from returning?"
Ye Yang saw that there were many marks.
It is not the core brand of the masters of the avenue, but the spiritual brand left by them at will. For example, Ye Yang can also make his own brand in the void. Once someone approaches, another Ye Yang will come out of the void when the brand is triggered.
Certain branding may not be wise, and will only instinctively attack or defend or do certain things, like a simple program. However, some brands have a certain amount of wisdom and are smarter than ordinary people. But if you can't cultivate to become stronger, you will lose your spirit if you run out.
The marks of these masters of the avenue are also left here, hidden in the void.
Ye Yang almost laughed.
"It's really... the truth is clear, and it has been repeatedly reported. The deity was thinking about when to avenge these masters of the great road, and now is it actually giving the deity a chance?"
Ye Yang's eyes flickered, and he looked around. There were very few chaotic species that survived here, and most of them were seriously injured.
If Ye Yang wants to subdue them, it is not difficult.
Even if they do not subdue them, it is estimated that they will not be able to withstand the next void storm.
A void storm has struck in the distance. It was previously resisted by the Chaos Sea, and was blasted away by the power of the masters of the avenue, but now it has gathered again.
The remaining chaotic species here are likely to perish, fly away and annihilate.
Many of them are not reconciled. One by one, they rushed towards the remaining chaotic liquid and chaotic air in the void, absorbing it vigorously.
Ye Yang also rushed over with a large number of undead species, swallowing a lot.
"You did not lack the liquid of chaos and the air of chaos before. There was a sea of ​​chaos before, and massive resources were absorbed and swallowed by you. Your strength is just barely able to compete with Tianzun. At this time, no matter how much you suck, what is the use? The strength will not surpass the newly promoted Tianzun!
"Not to mention the serious injury, impaired consciousness, the sucking chaos is easier to be assimilated, you are dead! Don't waste the chaos here!"
Ye Yang said, madly sucking these chaos.
Some chaotic species are not reconciled, and still desperately chase the remaining chaotic fluid, a pond, a small lake and a small lake of chaotic fluid.
Others roared in Chao Yeyang: "Since you are worried about being assimilated, why do you dare to up these chaos?"
Ye Yang sneered: "Don't compare the deity with you."
Speaking of ignoring these chaotic species.
But some ran over and said: "We are now willing to surrender, and only ask Senior to save me and wait for my life."
Ye Yang smiled: "I am afraid it is too late now."
"Not later, not later, isn't the chaotic creature that took refuge in the predecessors just a body with a core of consciousness? We are only injured now, and we can recover a little, not worse than before.
"Before taking refuge, the deity can use the power of the Chaos Sea to transport you away without consuming the deity's power. Now it is difficult to transport your bodies away?"
"However, the deity is not a man of hard-heartedness. If you want to surrender, it is not impossible..."
"Thanks senior, thank you senior!" Chaos species shouted loudly.
Ye Yang said: "Wait a minute. First listen to the deity's conditions."
"Senior, please say!" They said busy.
Ye Yang said: "First, you must first develop your core consciousness. In this way, to ensure your loyalty, you are the important subordinates of the deity, and the deity will definitely try to protect you. Otherwise, your life and death will be irrelevant. The deity may not be important. I will really protect you with all my heart."
"This is acceptable."
"Second, you should search for the chaos by yourself. The time must be fast. You must send it before the void storm is completely closed here. If you send a lot of chaos, the deity will be able to send away both your core consciousness and your body. With less chaos, the deity can only send away your core of consciousness, and don’t want to send away your body. At that time, under the deity, whether you have a body or not, the importance is different."
"This... we understand!"
"It doesn't matter whether you understand or don't. It does not matter if you are willing to accept the terms, or not willing to accept the terms, the deity does not matter. You, go!"
Ye Yang said, waving his hand.
It doesn't matter if they don't want to surrender.
If you are willing to surrender, it is also good.
After all, those who can survive the attack of the master of the avenue are considered lucky, and their luck will not be too bad. Such subordinates are also useful. However, if it is said to have a great effect on Ye Yang, it may not necessarily be true.
The point is that Ye Yang is now racing against the clock to search for Chaos Liquid.
The skeletons near him quickly recovered, and the zombies were quickly recovering. The more and faster it recovers here, the less resources need to be collected near the Immortal Land. It takes a lot of time for the undead species to "resurrect" in the immortal land. Fortunately, a small amount of "resurrection" will take a lot of time. The chaos here can save Ye Yang time.
"Here first pieced together into a gray bone battleship, and then replaced with the chaos transmitted from the immortal land."
The skeletons near Ye Yang were combined one by one to form a smaller bone warship. It is incomparable with the previous gray bone battleship.
However, part of the void storm in the distance has already hit, and the warship can easily resist it.
The surviving undead species, one by one, moved towards this side.
So, not long after, Ye Yang, the bone warship grew stronger, and all the cores of consciousness under the Chaos Species teleported into the Immortal Land. Some bodies could not be teleported away.
The surrounding void storm had hit, Ye Yang's battleship turned around and left.
Go back to the place where you left before, back to the vicinity of the immortal land.
In the immortal land, a large number of skeletons came out to replace the warships here.
This battleship carried a large number of chaotic species' shells and chaotic fluid into the immortal land.
The chaos here, Ye Yang can rest assured to it up for the body. Ye Yang didn't dare to in the chaos of the Indestructible Land, for fear that there would be a backhand from the will of the Indestructible Land, which was much more dangerous than the chaos of the outside world.
So, after wasting some time, Ye Yang returned to the Chaos Sea area before.
The Chaos Sea is gone, there are only a large number of void cracks, violent void storms, and the remaining traces of the masters of the avenue.
"Very well, next... kill!!"
Ye Yang quickly led the undead species under his command, as well as the chaotic species that had been reshaped, to kill them towards the mark of the master of the avenue.
"How dare you wait?!"
Dadao Master Brand is very angry.
However, branding is branding, and it will not be so powerful. It can suppress ordinary Tianzun, but it won't work against a powerhouse like Ye Yang. Even if Ye Yang is just an incarnation, it is much stronger than most Tianzun.
The brand of the master of the avenue is stronger than the brand of the chaos master of the same level. And the mark of the chaos dominating the peak power is not necessarily stronger than the ordinary chaos dominating. Ye Yang himself is the Chaos Lord who surpasses Tianzun's combat power, how can he be afraid of these marks?
Kill them one by one, even crush them, and read the information inside. At the same time, the various avenue power fragments on the bone battleship were impacted on these avenue master marks, and a large amount of corresponding information and data were obtained from them through impact and collision.
"Yes, very good! These data are quite precious, you can get a glimpse of the secrets of the master of the avenue!"
It would be better if they could swallow these marks directly. But Ye Yang didn't dare, even if there was an immortal place as the backing.
"You will regret it! Our true body will never let you go!" A remnant master of the main road branded angrily.
Ye Yang laughed and slapped the gray bone throne of the gray bone battleship. The head of the battleship protruded from the heads of many gray bone giant floodwaters, spewing countless bone meal and bone fragments and chaotic air. There are many fragments of Dao Power in this, which seem to be disordered but actually combined very powerfully.
After killing the brand, Ye Yang hurriedly flew the destroyer away.
While moving forward, wipe out the remaining traces.
Under normal circumstances, the master of the avenue had to track it, and Ye Yang couldn't hide it.
But now, the surrounding void storms are strong enough to threaten the ordinary Tianzun, the Chaos God Emperor under the Tianzun level, and the rule of Yu Nei Law, etc., can't survive at all.
This kind of power is enough to erase the traces left by the Yeyang battleship, what causal information, etc., are all obliterated, no longer exist, and there is no need to worry about being tracked.
To track, only the source of those void storms will be tracked.
"Where should I go next? Um, let's go with the fate... This deity is unfamiliar with the ancient tomb ruins. But even if it is familiar, many landforms have changed under the blow of the void storm."
Ye Yang's gray bone battleship shuttled all the way.
Halfway, you can see that there is a huge floating land in the void. It can be seen that piece by piece of broken pieces of the universe, countless stars converge into a dead star river.
There are also the ruins of the galaxy composed of mechanical civilization.
You can even see the land that stretches for trillions of light years. Some places above suddenly shook, cracked, and climbed out of huge skeletons.
Although it is also a skeleton undead, each bone is of the Dadao artifact level, the middle-level chaos supreme level, and the bones of the chaos supreme treasure of the fourth level and above, you can guess how powerful this skeleton was before his death.
Skeletons roared up to the sky, randomly destroyed the surrounding area, and bombarded the power of the void storm.
Ye Yang went far away.
I saw zombies crawling out, carrying their own coffins, and even carrying a whole mountain and huge grave, moving on the ground.
Ye Yang also saw a giant coffin flying in the void.
However, all bypassed.
Many strong men who have recovered from their graves do not have much wisdom. In other words, it has not recovered. But to fight with them, it is very likely that they will wake up quickly and stare at Ye Yang. Ye Yang didn't do this kind of loss.
On the road, I also encountered huge graves flying in the void, some of them emitted void storms, and some did not emit void storms at all, just flying around randomly.
Ye Yang searched for Chaos Liquid and Chaos Qi, but the Chaos Qi was abundant, but thin. Under the blow of the void storm, there are a lot of negative will and violent type of law and power, and the chaos of the big business fragments. The quality is extremely low. Collecting all the way can only be said to be a pile of arms, and the collection speed is not fast.
Occasionally, I encountered a puff of Chaos Liquid, which was caught between the rocks. Occasionally, I encountered some chaotic crystal walls, but they were blown away by the void storm before they had time to collect too much, and they became crystal wall powder and scattered.
The earth and rocks here are very hard and contain a variety of energy, which can be refined into chaos. But the cost of refining is not small, the time required is not short, and the speed of refining is not fast. Ye Yang didn't want to waste time, so he still searched for chaos.
"It would be great if you encounter another Chaos Sea. What a pity..."
The chaotic energy he gathered along the way has been condensed into a small lake, hidden on the gray bone battleship, but he still has not encountered the second chaotic sea, and even the natural chaotic lake has not been found.
Occasionally I saw the chaotic liquid in the huge tomb that was cracked, but the amount was small, but it was mixed with the corpse water of the ancient strong, Ye Yang hesitated again and again, but still did not dare to absorb it randomly. This thing does not know what power is hidden, the ancient corpse water that can cause damage to both the master of the avenue and the master of the peak and chaos, it cannot be sucked indiscriminately.
Other than that, there is not much gain.
The Void Storm is very strong, and below the four-pole Celestial Venerable, it is impossible to survive in the void. Siji Tianzun can only last for a while. Ye Yang's Gray Bone Battleship was a bit unbearable. Activities here are okay, and if you want to break out fierce fighting here, it is dangerous.
Ye Yang strengthened the gray bone battleship time and time again, consuming the Chaos Liquid he had accumulated.
One day, Ye Yang saw a huge tomb emitting a void storm flying by, and there were other huge tombs nearby. But they were supposed to fly close face to face, but suddenly walked around.
After that, Ye Yang encountered similar situations several times.
After pondering for a while, Ye Yang understood a little: "This is normal, this is normal!
"The void storm is not over, there is no need for the masters of the avenue to fight now. The real opportunity hasn't appeared yet, what are they fighting for? What are they fighting for?
"The situation of the previous confrontation was not normal at all. It was just that they were all met by the deity. Now the masters of the great avenues will run around and fight as soon as they meet. In fact, it is not at all! They should be hiding now. your real body and won't easily shoot.
"If the chance is not shown, I won't do it. Even if you do it, you should let others do it first, and then try to catch the fisherman. These old guys, it's impossible not to understand such a simple strategy."
Therefore, after Ye Yang went to many places, he still didn't run into Dao Master or Chaos Master at the peak level, let alone see them fighting.
Two weeks later, Ye Yang had accumulated a large lake of Chaos Liquid, and he wanted to take it back and transfer it to his body first.
But on the way back, I saw a mountain range fleeing in the void, and a huge figure held the mountain range firmly in the void.
In the mountains, it seems that there are many heavenly beings and divine creatures under the heavenly being hiding, begging for mercy out loud in terror.
"What's the situation?"
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