Chapter 1104: Sitting on the flower of forgetting, Yeyang's treasure place

"So, from the outside, it seems that they didn't come in for a long time, but they have done a lot of things here?" Ye Yang asked.
"Yes." Yuding youth said: "Outside for a short time, the masters of the avenues here have either rushed through a lot of space cracks, or the flowers of sitting and forgetting that have come here, are projected to realize the outside go with."
Ye Yang looked at the masters of the avenue, and suddenly smiled: "They are like this, are they really safe? Shrouded in flowers of sitting and forgotten, can they really be sheltered from outside forces?"
Yuding youth said: "They don't completely trust this flower of forgetfulness, but once they are enveloped, they are not completely autonomous. Moreover, they have quickly set up an invisible formation around them, which is not easy for outsiders to see. To avoid being cracked by outsiders. In this way, it can be considered safe.
"As for whether the flowers of sitting and forgetting can protect their safety, you should know this."
Ye Yang couldn't help frowning: "The deity should be clear? Why do you say that...Oh, I understand!"
Ye Yang's eyes lit up.
"The deity can let the avatar enter here, and still be able to contact the body of the outside world, but can't it be done by other masters?" Ye Yang asked.
"Of course." The Yuding youth said.
"Why ask knowingly? Isn't it because you are both the master of the avenue and the master of the chaos, and the essence of life has actually surpassed the level of the master of the avenue, so that it will not be affected by this power? For example, there is a kind of deity called'killing mortal spirits' 'The magic arts, as long as it is not a creature with a divine nature, and the level of life does not exceed that of a god, no matter how powerful it is, it can be easily destroyed." Yuding youth said.
Ye Yang said: "It's the same here? The flowers of sitting and forgetting here can target the masters of the great avenues and the masters of chaos, but it is of no use to creatures with higher levels of life?"
Yuding youth did not answer.
Ye Yang said: "The deity couldn't feel it, how the deity's life level has become more advanced, and the strength and foundation are stronger, but it is really unclear whether the life level is really improved.
"However, the masters of the avenues and the masters of chaos are all stagnated here. They can't open their eyes to take a look at this place, nor can they shoot the incarnation of the deity, which shows that they are really affected by the flower of sitting and forgetting. Unless their new bodies outside come in again, it is still hard to say whether they can save these bodies.
"In contrast, the deity is just an incarnation here, and it is not affected. It is too strange. If you only use the incarnation, it will not be affected. It is impossible for these Dao Masters and Chaos Masters to release more incarnations here.
"So, I can only explain that it is really useless to sit and forget the flower.
"Then, the deity should be able to pass through the energy that the flower of sitting forgotten protects them and really hurt them!"
The Yuding youth did not answer, but the whole person turned into a statue, motionless.
Ye Yang was stunned.
After groaning for a while, he muttered: "Maybe...He is here, not necessarily the main body. Just now, it doesn't seem to be completely affected by the flower of sitting and forgetting. If this is the case, why didn't you leave?
"It's too weird and mysterious."
After thinking about it, Ye Yang thought about it and quickly set up a battle here to attract Ye Yangqi's puppet and incarnation.
The incarnations of Ye Yang gathered here.
With a thought, Ye Yang's many incarnations attacked one of the masters at the same time.
boom! ! !
An invisible barrier was broken.
Then layer after layer of formations and invisible power barriers were pierced, and the body of the master of the avenue was exploded in an instant.
The flower of sitting forgotten was violently turbulent, and the light that it illuminated was a little swaying.
Then Ye Yang found that it was not a flower of sitting and forgetting, but thousands of flowers of sitting and forgetting.
Twenty-nine thousand six hundred forgotten flowers constitute something similar to the formation of the great universe. This formation can not only condense the power of the flowers forgotten into one, but also release these forces. At the same time, the formation of these flowers can be arranged to produce phantoms. From a distance, it is as if only one flower is forgotten.
"Awesome!! If it weren't for it to be turbulent, it would be impossible to see its true colors!"
"This is not just a flower, but a large sea of ​​flowers, and it has magical powers.
"It's just, I don't know what the principle is? If you can figure it out, the deity can simulate the re-enactment of the flower of sitting and forgetting. Now only write down this formation, and try again when you have time.
"In addition, the flower of sitting and forgetting...maybe it can be taken down and used as the chaos treasure? As a weapon?"
While Ye Yang's thoughts flashed, the movement of controlling the avatar did not slow down or hesitate.
Still attacking frantically, as soon as the Great Dao Master regained his consciousness, he faced the siege of Ye Yang's incarnation. Respond quickly and fight back quickly.
However, these incarnations of Ye Yang accumulated the vast chaos outside and did not transfer to Ye Yang's body. Although there is no inner universe of Ye Yang, and no projection of the inner universe, he is too familiar with the various ways of the masters of the Dao.
Ye Yang could react quickly to what kind of power the other party was about to use. There are probably several ways to cooperate with the opponent's great power, etc., it is very clear. It is not difficult at all to deal with it.
After working hard in twos or twos, the big jeweler was bombarded by Ye Yang.
But, also at the end, when the other party's soul emerged, the other party completely broke free from the shackles of the flower of forgetfulness, and blew part of the soul. At this price, most of the surrounding avenues were temporarily affected by his control.
Then, the soul quickly fled away.
Ye Yang was slightly silent.
He was really taken aback just now, causing all the incarnations to stagnate for a moment.
Because, he saw the spirit of the master of the road.
The spirits governed by the avenues are different from the spirits of the gods and emperors, and of course they are also different from those governed by the laws.
Divine souls such as Tianzun are among the divine souls, and there are many avenues that can be seen. The two are merged, but part of the divine soul is transformed into a translucent gum, and some are avenues.
And the soul that dominates the avenue is composed of countless avenues, forming a perfect whole. Divine Soul looks like a universe. It's just that it's different from the universe of stars that mortals see, but it's the same as the avenue structure in the universe seen by the strong.
However, Ye Yang’s soul, chaos is colloidal, and many avenues in the middle are intertwined. The avenue is the main network of the soul, and the law is the division of the soul, and then all kinds of brilliance, converging Ye Yang’s spirit Will, similar to that star array.
Moreover, it seems to be integrated, and there are many differences from the gods and souls that dominate this avenue.
What's more, Ye Yang's entire brain can either be virtual or real, or it can become a situation similar to the universe model. Divine Soul is the array of the great universe, a spiritual universe. The brain is also the array of the big universe, and it is also a universe.
"The spirit of the avenue dominates, on the surface, it seems that Catania is similar, but in fact, there seems to be an essential difference? I haven't paid much attention before...or rather, I can't pay attention."
Ye Yang really didn't seriously explode the master of the avenue and study the other's spirit. Even if I occasionally see the soul of the master of the avenue, it is probably covered up and disguised.
"Interesting...As soon as you look at the soul, you can understand the strength of the other party's Dao, and know the strengths and weaknesses of the other party... Hehe, interesting. No wonder they have to cover up."
When Ye Yang's thoughts turned, strong turbulence suddenly occurred nearby.
It can be clearly sensed that a fierce and hateful gaze swept toward him viciously.
"Oh, all of them have woken up." Ye Yang said with a smile.
He saw that every master of the Great Dao had awakened and could use some power. They seem to be using their spiritual power to forcibly resist the suppression of the flower of forgetfulness.
However, the flower of sitting and forgetting is one of the great opportunities of this opportunity. Their source...Countless sacrificial chaos creatures, what chaos gods and demons, chaos gods, chaos gods, and what laws dominate the heavenly and Taoist saints, and even the powerhouses who dominate the avenues and the chaos dominate the peak levels. Sacrifice.
It is not uncommon to be sacrificed even if it is a Chaos Lord with a few cosmic powers.
In addition, the land of opportunity has absorbed the foundation accumulated by countless epochs in the ancient tomb ruins and gathered here. How amazing is the strength of the various opportunities formed?
It's hard to say how powerful the flowers of sitting and forgetting are. Whether the power is connected to the whole place of opportunity is not easy to say. ,
Although Dao Master is strong, it is not truly invincible. Although the combination of many masters of the great avenues is strong, it is nothing more than a big battle when compared with the huge array of flowers of 129,600 gathered by the essence of the land of chance.
"Haha, very good, very good!"
Ye Yang couldn't help smiling when he saw those masters of the avenue.
"What are you... laughing?" An old man with white beard and hair barely squeezed out a voice.
"Huh, Ye Yang's lackey!!" Another Dao Master said.
Ye Yang was quite speechless.
He is Ye Yang.
Of course, what these guys said was another Ye Yang. He understands this.
That other Ye Yang that merged with the Immortal Land was also Ye Yang's must-kill target. The opponent has an immortal fusion, and I don't know how strong the strength is. It is not clear what benefits will be gained after entering this place of opportunity. Ye Yang didn't really have much confidence in dealing with him before, just wanted to come in and see the situation first.
Now... Ye Yang's unprecedented opportunity is here.
The outer avatars continuously extract chaos, and then continuously differentiate more avatars, absorb the chaos, and bring them to the body. The body was already close to the entrance, and even directly extended a new channel to come in, like a straw, drawing chaos crazily.
The inner universe of the body expanded and its diameter increased by nearly 50%. This means that the volume has increased by a factor of 1.5, which means an increase in volume by 237%. This is equivalent to 37.5% of the original.
"It turned out to be more than two-space power, and now it's even more than four-space power!!"
Why not surpass Liuyu Power? Because the force that has just been absorbed, it still appears to be very virtual, and it appears larger without compression. In fact, the volume has doubled, more than three times the original, but the quality has only doubled.
But it's crazy enough. Under normal circumstances, it would take a few cosmic epochs, hundreds of billions of years or more, for a chaos dominator to increase so much power. Can kill the universe.
"The inner universe is constantly improving. It's just that the strength of the soul is not enough...Compared with the normal masters of the Dao and Chaos, it is much stronger. But compared with the previous me, the improvement is not enough. And here, it happens. There are many avenues dominating..."
Murderous intent appeared on Ye Yang's face.
"What do you want to do?" Asked by Dao Master.
"Before that Ye Yang controlled the indestructible place, he calculated me to wait, forcing me to wait to enter here..."
It was only halfway through the words of the other master of the avenue, and Ye Yang burst into laughter.
"I originally wanted to ask why you gathered so much here. It turned out to be the layout of the other Ye Yang. In that case, the deity understood and sent you one by one to the west! By the way, I will send your memory fragments. If you get it, you will definitely know everything you want to know, you don't need to ask any more, and you don't need to waste time."
"What did you say?" A famous master was extremely angry.
It's just that some can speak, and some can't even speak.
Ye Yang sneered, and many incarnations rushed forward, frantically attacking these masters of the avenue, and blasting them one by one. Focus on fire to attack one, kill one, and then move on to the other.
It's crazy.
Ye Yang had never killed the master of the avenue before, and today is considered to be a killing. Moreover, it is not just a matter of killing one or two, but killing one after another.
The avatars here, gathered together, vaguely formed a large array, crushing and grinding the spirits of these avenue masters. Some actually still have the core of consciousness trying to escape, the true spirit is invisible. They had avatars outside, and wanted to project their consciousness completely, but Ye Yang showed no mercy.
None of them let go.
However, what Ye Yang hesitated a little is that he only has an incarnation here, no soul, no core of consciousness, and no inner universe. It is quite difficult to absorb the spiritual power of these masters to strengthen his own soul.
"The avatar can absorb and transfer only part of it. The other part can be obtained directly when killed. If it is not absorbed, it would be a waste."
Ye Yang's thoughts turned sharply, and he smiled suddenly: "The main body of the deity already possesses more than four universes of power, even if it is not completely solidified, it will not take long. The current combat power is comparable to the chaos dominating the peaks above the six universes. , Ordinary avenue masters are directly crushed.
"When the body comes over, it kills quickly and swallows it quickly.
"Although it may be a bit dangerous, it is completely within the acceptable range.
"In addition, the deity can feel it, and time may be running out."
The other Ye Yang wanted to suppress these guys here. I don't know what it was for, but it must be of great use to him, and it would have a boost. Ye Yang is about to destroy the opponent's layout, it may weaken the opponent, and it will be of great benefit for Ye Yang to deal with another Ye Yang in the future.
Moreover, the opponent suppressed these avenue masters, and did not directly kill them, and did not place secret hands to control these avenue masters. It is very likely that the other party is also affected by these flowers of forgetfulness, and cannot be used unscrupulously here.
Today, the masters of the avenues here are less suppressed, and the other Ye Yang will definitely be able to gain greater freedom and exert greater power here. Coupled with the violent turmoil here, the other party may be aware of it, even if they don't come in person, an incarnation will come.
"Shoot! The main body of the deity goes in! But the main body and the incarnation are all disguised as other images, and all the avenues and chaos cover the disguise, so that the other party cannot see it for the time being.
"Strength also suppresses the appearance of being the master of ordinary avenues. When the body or incarnation of another Ye Yang approaches, the deity suddenly attacks and kills the opponent!"
Ye Yang's body penetrated into that space crack in an instant, UU reading www. is always ready to retreat and escape.
Then, Ye Yang frantically absorbed the Chaos Liquid in the Chaos Sea, and the powerful speed increased several times compared to before.
Not only did the speed remain unaffected, but it accelerated.
In an instant, I came to the place where the flower of sitting and forgetting was.
Ye Yang vaguely sensed a little suppression, but not strong. When the inner universe is projected out, all the suppression is resolved, and all strength can be used!
"It's great, since that's the case, the deity can be relieved to take action."
In the past, it was precautionary that those who were always ready had to retreat. Now, many incarnations are united, bombarding one of the masters of the Dao, and Ye Yang's body quickly releases his palm, one palm is comparable to the crushing of the universe one by one. Domination of Ming Dao exploded.
Mental power, memory fragments, and various spiritual-related powers were sucked in, extracted, and "purified", and merged into Ye Yang's soul.
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