Chapter 111: Golden Temple Seal

The sword energy is endless, and the destructive and destructive destroys the holy beam. Wang Sheng is slightly shocked. The power from the one star is extremely abundant, which makes him swell up. He does not hesitate to pinch the sword tactics, a sword of sword energy Appears quickly.
   The pillar of light was finally completely destroyed, and Wang Sheng also came to the sky with the sword Qi wrapped in it. In front of him was Qingmang's huge body. He immediately delivered the sword Qi sword.
  Everything happened in an instant. When Qingmang realized, the sword tip of the sword Qi had penetrated his chest and exploded in his chest.
   "This is the power of the source, killing the artifact!"
   The explosive explosion was accompanied by the destruction of the white world by the World Extinguishing Qi. Wang Sheng hurried out, not to escape, but the World Extinguishing Qi was invincible, and he could also feel the power of the world, and he was thrilled.
If the white light world disappears and the seawater world reappears, Wang Sheng escapes and looks back at the same time, and finds that a small white bead is suspended in the air, and there is a sudden explosion in the bead. The body was completely submerged.
   He realized that the white world just now was the white beads, and it was also the realm that Qing Mang said.
  The white beads cracked into dust, and the green man's breath disappeared, and Wang Sheng felt a little loose in his heart.
At this time, Yixingzhu still conveys power to him, but he can feel that the strength is gradually weakening. It seems that the sword of Jianqi has just consumed a lot, and the black star in Yixingzhu is dim and dull at the moment. To die completely.
  Wang Sheng quickly withdrew his consciousness. Immediately, the power was no longer transmitted. Although the black stars were dimly visible, they were still stable.
   Wang Sheng felt a little loose in his heart, and he vaguely realized that compared to the golden beads, the black star inside was the key point. If it was broken, this one star might be destroyed.
   Drums escaped thousands of meters, re-feeling the aura in the air, Wang Sheng looked back, the destruction of the Qingmang God Realm masked the power of the sword Qi, the sea water was only slightly microwaved.
   But he was shocked suddenly, what about the golden palace! The glorious palace that had stood like a dragon palace in the sea was gone, and there was nothing in the original place.
  Wang Sheng's heart was slightly deep, and at the same time he felt that his aura around him disappeared again.
   "Bold mortals, dare to destroy the realm of God!"
   Qingmang did not die! And the voice at the moment is no longer lazy, full of unmatched anger.
Wang Sheng raised his head, and a magnificent palace above him fell towards himself. The sea water was boiling, and was squeezed by the palace layers to the distance. A strong pressure was pressed down from above, and an invisible yoke was firmly bound. He felt that he could not move.
  He was terrified, this pressure was never normal, it seemed that the palace itself had it.
  Dare not to hesitate, Divine Consciousness once again penetrated into a star bead, contacting the already dark black star, he could feel the power passing again, pinching the sword tactics, countless shares of sword gas emerged from his side, wrapped him all over his body.
The pressure did not attenuate, but the invisible shackle seemed to be cut off by sword gas. Wang Sheng felt that his body could barely move. He tried his best to offset hundreds of meters to avoid the coverage of the palace, and at the same time he united his strength to condense the sword of sword gas. .
  Countless sword qi gathered together, the sword qi sword appeared illusively, but at this time, the power of Yixingzhu was decayed again, the back strength was weak, and the phantom sword qi sword slammed.
  The golden palace finally fell suddenly, as if the earth and the sea were evaporating, Wang Sheng was not directly hit, but the aftershock still swept his Yuanshen, the endless pain came, and the Yuanshen was like a wind blowing, far away.
   Another wave of aftermath struck, Wang Sheng gritted his teeth, and countless sword qi reappeared around him. He did not try the sword of sword qi. He just wrapped his body to resist the aftermath. At the same time, a huge law phase appeared behind him. With the power supplement, the law phase was solidified.
   The sea water was evaporated by the golden palace, and the sea level had dropped greatly. Wang Shengbaizhang directly exposed the sea, and his primordial spirit returned to the heart, staring at the golden palace in the sea.
  In his eyes, the Golden Palace has now become a huge imprint, heavy and quaint, with a special Tao Yun lingering around the body.
  The golden palace shook suddenly and disappeared.
  Wang Sheng raised his head if he knew it, and the golden palace appeared above his head, crashing down.
  The unmatched pressure bound the whole body again. Wang Sheng struck the body of the physical form to break away from the invisible shackles, and took one step to appear completely at sea level, and then went away without turning back.
   The power of the body of the law is extraordinary. Compared with the primal spirit, he can maintain the speed under the pressure of the head. During several steps, he has stepped away from the sea for thousands of kilometers.
   "Mortal, take the original God's Seal!" The loud voice thundered the sky, Wang Sheng raised his head sharply, and the magnificent palace still remained above his head.
  Wang Sheng's heart sank, and the palace seemed to have a lock function.
   Now the power of Yixingzhu is slowing down obviously. Apart from maintaining the Fa phase, he can only make a few groups of sword gas attacks at most, but this level of attack is useless. I am afraid that even the pressure brought by the palace cannot be broken through.
  Thinking in his heart, the footsteps kept on, and the Fa phase stepped out of the temple envelope again, but at this time, the golden palace released a layer of golden awn downwards, and the world was surrounded by golden light, and a golden world appeared.
   Wang Sheng was shocked, and his body felt the invisible shackles again, and this time no matter how he used the means, he could not break die! A mortal who defies God's grace! "
   The Golden Temple crashed down, just covering the sky above Wang Sheng's head, but Wang Sheng felt upset.
   The illusion of the body of the law is steep, the Yuanshen's body is also wailing, and it is seriously injured in an instant!
   "Drip, remind, the host Yuanshen begins to dissipate." The Yuanshen, who could have persisted for a hundred years, began to dissipate. If he does not restrain the rate of dissipation, even if he successfully escapes from the immediate crisis, he will not be able to persist in March.
The power transmitted by Yixingzhu has been intermittent, and Wang Sheng was sinking into the bottom of the valley. He had tried to dive into the two stars before, but he did not feel the slightest power. He doubted that the power of Yixingzhu could be used. It is most likely due to Xiaolu, but Xiaolu fell into a coma again after issuing a reminder before, and no matter how he called, he should not be silent.
   Click! The Fa phase is already illusory, and there are cracks at this moment. It is conceivable that if the Fa phase is cracked at this time, his primordial spirit will be directly under pressure.
  Finally, the Fa was unreal to the extreme, and suddenly collapsed, the golden seal directly bombarded Yuanshen!
   The world turned over, the road disappeared, Wang Sheng felt that the Heavenly Road he had set on was abrupt and illusory at the moment, and then he turned upside down, his figure fell into the bottomless abyss.
   The crisp sound awakened Wang Sheng. He raised his head in horror. The golden seal above his head did bombard Yuan Yuan, but was blocked by a light golden light.
  Xiao Jin body appears at a critical moment!
   Click Click Click!
   Wang Sheng found that the sound was not from Xiao Jinshen, but a star bead on the top of a small green tree, where black stars suddenly showed several cracks.
   Click! There was another crunch, the black stars shattered sharply, and an incomparable amount of power poured into the body of Yuanshen violently.
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