Chapter 1154: Too slow

"Don't ask the same fellow to be invited here, it's very happy, Wang Mou is not invited, a few of you should care." Wang Sheng's leisurely walk, like living in a comfortable place, chic and natural, without distractions, a few people here for a while Captured by the momentum, they were silent.
"A good unsolicited one, just saved me some time." A sense of consciousness suddenly broke out, the light was flowing, and it had turned into a black mountain brake under heavy pressure, directly hitting Wang Sheng's head, feeling a heavy pressure to collapse the void, Except for the rest, there are no rules to accommodate, only heavy, it seems that the purpose created with Shishan is to be a concept of heavy, it is to suppress the strong enemy!
The void at the foot of Wang Sheng suddenly fell, and the void trembles here, almost breaking up the space, and in terms of the strength of this space, how mighty it is!
Wang Sheng's eyes showed admiration and a little excitement. So many strong men, who are not weaker than his level, can only be seen here. Even in the universe, even if they have reached the road of the big domain, they can't compare to him. The strength of the ancient civilization is stronger on the other side, but there are too many limitations, and only the other side with an incomplete heart, Lihuan. Only here, so many strange incarnations of consciousness, plus the powerful and powerful seal, Let him feel the pressure, he was excited by me, different from the despair and hard resistance when facing the third step force, this is a battlefield where you can freely exert your own combat power, so even if you know that you are far away With great certainty, you can leave quietly, but he still chose to face it out bravely, except to learn more about the facts, in order to teach these powerful people!
Wang Sheng hummed, and his body suddenly rose. His body was not unchangeable, but the best form was when his real body was revealed. If he showed his true body without any effort, then even in this universe, he could have The body is not inferior, the situation at this time just adapted.
An incomparable giant appeared in this universe, but it did not give people weak and unreal branches, incomparable reality, it seemed that the giant who stood out really had the power of giants. This is natural and the reason why Wang Sheng chose to change. He Although the choice is not the way of the world of the big domain, don’t forget that at the beginning, he only condensed the prototype of the big domain in advance, but finally did not choose to open the amount. It was still in line with his own flesh and walked out of the path of becoming a god. His incarnation as a contains no special features in the world of the big territory, but only completely melts these special features into his own power. If his true body is expanded at any cost, then it is enough to change into a big universe without affecting the combat power. The size is, of course, not the real body, the resilience, etc. still have to be affected by some points.
The current situation is already a critical point. Wang Sheng now has an empty body in his body. He shows that apart from such a huge body, it does not affect the combat power, and naturally consumes a lot of energy. Except for this, his recovery power is greatly reduced compared to before. Of course, compared to himself, it is still a recovery speed that others can't believe, and it is also unique to Wangsheng Avenue.
Wang Sheng's face is as pale as gold, and there seem to be countless faint palaces appearing on his body. Numerous Daoist scripts are connected to form a complete palace phantom, which coincides with the palace on the top of the head as his body grows larger. The road is clearly shown at this moment, and it is also the first time Wang Sheng can fully urge it. When facing the third step, he can only rely on his own resilience and the physical strength of the body. Resist in front of the third step.
It is also the first time since he became enlightened that he has manifested his way of becoming a god, and it is his own way of becoming a god!
This scene was noticed by everyone present. Suddenly, although it was unclear why Wang Sheng showed it, they could see the mystery of Wang Sheng’s road, but for a moment, the threat of the other party had once again risen in their hearts and had to be cautious. At first, the thought of contempt dissipated. This is a strong man who can really compete with them. He is not qualified for contempt.
Seeing this change, the person who fell the mountain did not wait for the mountain to fall, and then the light turned into a huge palm, pressing the mountain, the mountain was like a city thousands of times, the decline rate increased sharply, almost just Instantly came to the top of Wang Sheng's head.
"Hao came at any cost!" The consciousness flashed all around the mind, and he did not follow along. Since Hao has already dispatched his real body and exerted his full strength, even if this strong man can resist, he can't persist for long. By the way, they have no need to shoot.
But Wang Sheng, who was still underestimated by them, shook his head, "Too slow!"
He stretched his body, and even when the mountain touched the top of his head, he shone out of the A hand was thrown into a fist, hitting directly on the side of the mountain, the mountain collapsed, then The palm of the hand was crooked, and then Wang Sheng had appeared again next to the raised hand, and his hand was not inferior to his body. He also pointed into a sword, and a black light flashed over his fingers. Stroke at the wrist, stab it!
A stream of bright red blood poured out, followed by a thin spray, and then a life-long roar of anger, that completely lifted off the hand, and fell half empty with the high mountain.
This scene happened momentarily, but Wang Sheng had walked to the side steadily, as if there was no movement at all. His eyes were slightly disappointed. Until this moment, he clearly realized himself and the ordinary strongman of this level. Different, not others, that is the difference in consciousness.
He has dealt with the third step. He can face the existence of the consciousness of the third step and the speed of reaction with the consciousness. Only then can he have the strength to barely support under the force of the third step. It took a long time for the consciousness of the step consciousness to react, and it was the difference in consciousness, not that the Taoist consciousness was poor, but that he was too strong.
He has always known this, but there is no real concept. When he encountered this sealed strong man, the consciousness of this strong man was similar to him, and he let him look at it higher. This seems to be the sealed strong man. There are several ways, but now, it seems that there are some doubts.
The power of these consciousnesses is indeed powerful, just like the high mountains before it, which is strength comparable to that of the other shore, and even beyond. It is Wang Sheng who meets the decisive strongest enemy, he is full of expectations, but seeing the opponent's shot speed, he Only a little disappointed, this kind of conscious response, even if there is a powerful force.
If faced with an empty and conscious existence, this power can have an effect, but he is a person who responds to the upper consciousness of the flesh and has no weaknesses. The advantage of facing these people is too great.
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