Chapter 1434: 9 Secret Realm

This is afraid that they are extremely rare wars in chaos. There are about ten strong players in the Daoyuan realm level. They are fighting with all strength, and the Taoist world is released unscrupulously, and it is in this world that the combat power can be released, and it cannot be in chaos. Realize it.
The world created by Cloud Neutron is a kind of treasure in itself, and it is the battlefield most suitable for Daoyuan Dao State.
Wang Sheng looked back, and if he was thinking about it, Dao Yuanjing and the world’s strongest people had to start their tentative test for the first time. The situation afterwards would follow the changes of this war. These are all actions that will change the world’s situation. The Daoyuan Realm must exist after this war and will be truly contained in the world.
Wang Sheng didn't stay too long and took a step forward. He didn't try to watch this war. The result of the war has no real meaning no matter who wins or loses. They are just testing each other's strength and attitude.
If we only talk about the victory or defeat of power, the existence and means of Daoyuan Realm are incomparable in this world. The survival of itself is a great advantage. The local strongman has too many limitations, but those ancient ones may be There will be some other means, maybe it can really compete with Daoyuan Realm to a certain extent, at least this battle will not be difficult to see.
There was a crack in the void ahead, and a figure stepped out of it, just like Wang Sheng, it was the existence of the palace.
"It seems nothing." Wang Sheng shook his head slightly.
"Not necessarily so." The avatar stretched out his palm and handed something in his hand to Wang Sheng. "The Great Zhou Dynasty is indeed extraordinary. Among them, there are more precious materials than Jicheng. These are precious enough, except These, there are some book materials."
Both the avatar and the deity share a common consciousness. In fact, all these messages can be exchanged for Wang Sheng, but he prefers this feeling.
Wang Sheng took a look, and there were indeed a lot of cherished materials. Compared with the materials that Ling Han’s ancestors passed on the long sword, it was also the material for making the third step of the treasure. Several of these materials were moved by Wang Sheng’s heart. A few pieces of material were related to a golden seal in their own world, which had already been promoted to the peak of the second step.
"Zhaotianyin has already given birth to spirituality, and it seems that these materials can make up for it."
Wang Sheng's eyes lit up, and the reason why the sky-turned seal was stuck at the peak of the second step was because its material was insufficient. Its origin was the myth and legend in the world created by Yun Zhongzi. Even if it is only the peak of the second step, it is not inferior to some ordinary treasures, but Wang Sheng's strength has been exceeded, so that the sky is superfluous.
In fact, if Yun Zhongzi’s myth and legend are not unintentional, but profound, then in the myth and legend, the myth and legend, Yun Shizi’s master Yuan Shi Tian Zun, the master of the myth and legend, refined the gift of Guangchengzi, the status is not that simple. The power is extraordinary too.
From the perspective of believing in the extraordinary myths and legends, the limit of the sky is destined to be so simple, but it has been trapped in the material and cannot go further.
Now echoing each other, Wang Sheng's heart is moving, maybe it is a coincidence, but it may also be that the cloud neutron created the world with a chance of tacit agreement.
The sky-turning seal has become powerful, and the sky-turning seal may have a connection with the world. No matter what kind of result, Wang Sheng hopes to see the news.
With regard to refining the Heaven and Earth Seal, with the experience of refining the Tianzhu and the Shenting space itself, Wang Sheng has more confidence in his heart.
"I will help you to refine it afterwards, but don't worry now." Wang Shengan appeased that the consciousness spread to the world of heaven and earth, and the spirit of the world of heaven and earth was not complete. In this way, the birth of spirituality is nothing. Once in this Hierarchy gave birth to spirituality, and even to the birth of an organ spirit. Once promoted to the third step, it will truly become an independent Taoist existence.
For example, the Qing Emperor of the Outer World has to measure the scale, its power is not weak, it is not worse than the Dao Realm, or it is a complete Dao Realm.
Wang Sheng now seems to see the opportunity for the existence of Tiantianyin to be such a presence. Although his refining methods are not excellent, there are Daowens to help him think that he will have a good result. Fantianyin will really have to be his helper and will not sit idle.
Distinguishing the materials, Wang Sheng picked up the books and materials on the side, and the things recorded on it were read by his conceptual consciousness, and most of them were not much different from the collection of Jicheng. He needed very few things to exist. The mainland has even more rare records, and it is not as good as Jicheng. The existence of the fifth generation ancestors is also rare. Perhaps in the era of the time, the fifth generation ancestors also overshadowed the contemporary existence in these marginal Wang Sheng found some information about the entrance to the Nine Nethers recorded by the Great Zhou Dynasty, that is, the ditch. There is only one entrance to the Nine Nethers in the Zhou Dynasty, that is, it exists outside Jicheng, but it is related to the Nine Nethers. There is another existence, which was concealed by the generations of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It is a space similar to the Nine Peaces. It was managed by the Great Zhou Dynasty as a unique secret.
In the mysterious realm, you can find the strange materials of Jiuyou, because both ends of this space are connected to the area where the Great Zhou Dynasty is located, and there is the real Jiuyou, because the entrance is very small, which can appear from the Jiuyou The creatures are limited, and the creatures that appear are not powerful, or there are no creatures, but the fierce beasts that already exist in this space are contaminated with the breath from the Nine Nethers and have changed.
The Great Zhou Dynasty killed the fierce beasts, seized the materials and treasures that were dropped from the fierce beasts, and really turned this secret realm into practice. The Great Zhou Dynasty's heritage accumulated from generation to generation was also the confidence of its surrounding reign.
The anxiety of avatar collection has not been investigated in this mysterious realm. Wang Sheng thought about it. This entrance to Jiu Youde is very rare, or the space connecting this world and Jiuyou World is very rare. It is a connectable one. Similar to the two worlds in the three worlds, they have special spaces.
Wang Sheng is curious about the space itself.
There is no other gain, Wang Sheng simply turned to the Da Zhou Dynasty's secret realm, with a small green magical help, Wang Sheng quickly shuttled to the Da Zhou Dynasty, and did not take care of those who were busy with temptation and power struggle. Aristocrat and messenger of various countries, Wang Sheng entered the palace directly.
The gate of the palace’s secret realm exists in the palace, and Wang Sheng disappears into the palace. He appears in a dark world, but compared to the nine-nine world, not nothing can be seen, this is a real space world .
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