Chapter 1461: Planning and dawn

Wang Sheng was expressionless. Since Master Da Ri didn’t find his Daoist existence before, now he can’t find it naturally. He can know what Master Da Ri discovered what was on him. That’s conceptual consciousness or his unique The flesh, but these two, are manifestations of his way, and he alone is not afraid of this exposure.
"Although I have a little interest in you, let's end the farce sooner."
Dari Sun shook his head gently without any movement, and the world around him shrank. That was his Dao world shrinking. The pressure he had felt before appeared again on his body. It was unprecedentedly powerful, like a mortal carrying a mountain in an instant. , That huge pressure can be said to overwhelm a person, and even eliminate its existence.
In Wang Sheng's mind, there is only warfare! Still not using the power to change the concept, the power that can be called the realm, then he has a chance, this is not true despair, this is the beginning of everything.
Layers of black emerged outside Wang Sheng’s body. This is his true source of strength, and it can be born only when there is a crack in the core of the strength. This level of power combines with his conceptual consciousness. This is his real combat strength at the moment.
Facing this overwhelming pressure, Wang Sheng stepped forward and approached the Master of the Sun.
The endless black energy is constantly disintegrating under pressure. Wang Sheng clenched the Tianzhu in one hand, and the golden light flowed on it. In one hand, he gradually condensed an absolute space that he had never seen before. The space is also fused in this space, that is the divine space, where the endless energy is instantly boiled.
In the mouth of Wang Sheng was a roar like a fierce beast. His body was completely shrouded in black smoke at the next moment. Under the smoke, his body gradually collapsed. The pressure around him was not false. His body could not exist for too long. In time, only a cloud of black smoke left with Tianzhu and a space moving forward.
On the big day, the man looked at Wang Sheng expressionlessly, and finally got the action again. He still just lifted a finger gently, but unlike the previous one, the red light covering the finger was filled on the finger at the moment, as if A real fire covered it.
At the moment of lifting, the space first comes into contact with the fingers of this true fire coverage.
"Explode!" Wang Sheng's consciousness came out in the smoke. Absolute space magic combined with the boiling space created by the Shenting space suddenly exploded, and endless energy was released. Among them was the energy concentration that Wang Sheng could not completely absorb even if it was absorbed. At this time, combined with the magical power of space, it exploded above a very small space.
Then there was the real fire on the fingers of the man of the Great Sun, which stained the entire space with a fiery red color. Between Wang Sheng and the man of the Great Sun, a sea of ​​endless fire appeared, smashing everything , The power contained in it is the power of extinction.
There was a soft sound again, but a Tianzhu suddenly grew up and knocked the sky fiercely, burned by the sea of ​​fire, and then struck by a giant stick, the sky suddenly shattered like a mirror, and a black smoke disappeared through the void.
In an instant, the pressure on the surroundings increased again, and the surrounding fire guests disappeared, and the sun drew back his fingers. There was a missing part on it, like it was forcibly destroyed by the fire or the previous explosion, regardless of his surroundings. The environment, just looking at his fingers, does not seem to believe that he will be injured.
"Interesting!" The man's fingers recovered instantly, and he looked blankly into the distance. There was Wang Sheng's direction of escape, but there were hundreds or even thousands of black smoke in front of him in the void. Shuttle, flew in all directions.
Every black smoke looks real and contains powerful power. It seems that all of them are the existence of Wang Sheng, and the fact is the same. These black smoke are not simple avatars, and each is where Wang Sheng’s body is. It is part of his source of strength, no matter which one can escape, it is considered successful, and even if any one is caught, he cannot be caught.
Dali obviously saw through this, but he couldn't move as Wang Sheng thought, but just gently raised his palm and gently held it toward the front.
Suddenly all the black smoke in front of the fugitive void vanished, and all the black smoke disappeared in front of it. In a flash, Wang Sheng's breath disappeared, and it seemed to be completely lost.
Everything calmed down, but the eyes of the Sun Master looked in the other direction. There was the top of the mountain and the direction that Wang Sheng had stepped before. There was a figure gradually born from scratch, and a giant stick from Out of the barrel in his palm, the unprecedented golden light generously rushed towards the people of the sun.
When the Master noticed This Tianzhu had already appeared on his side and was about to bombard him completely, but even in this short moment, the Master opened his mouth gently Opening and closing, I do not know what words were said, everything stopped.
Wang Sheng’s Tianzhu and Wang Sheng’s existence all stagnate, and he cannot escape.
Dari Sun turned his head away from Wang Sheng, looking at the void in front of him, "What are you expecting, are you expecting the deity to dare not let go of its full strength, or blocking the strange world tree and your avatar from leaving."
"But let's just count what you did right. In the face of the deity, blindly fleeing is just in vain." The man in the big day said a few more words.
"Let this deity use body-setting technique, you are enough to comfort yourself, this is a magical power that belongs to the realm."
Wang Sheng's face was struggling, and a consciousness came out under his struggle, letting the people of the sun look sideways, "But, no, conceptual magical power!"
Yes, even if it seems unreasonable now, just like a mortal faced with the power of the immortal, it is still not the full strength of the people on the sun, nor the strength that a should have, or what is called a god. strength.
This so-called immobilization technique may be involved in the concept, but it is always a supernatural power, and it has not changed the concept.
"Huh?" The man of Da Ri suddenly frowned, this was his first change of face, because he saw that Wang Sheng, who was anchored by him, had begun to move slowly, his palms were moving forward, with a smile on his face, look It seems to be a mockery, or the joy of war.
"Also, thank you, Master." The voice became more and more fluent, "Let Wang Mou have a better understanding of a thing. Sure enough, fighting is the best way to progress."
From stiffness to complete recovery, everything is also instantaneous, and the man in the sun feels that some unique changes have taken place in Wang Sheng's body. Just as now, his momentum has stabilized.
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