Chapter 1663: connection

How can such treasures be used in such an unlimited way, and the number is still so large, it can only sigh once again that the magic of fortune, and fly back to the dominant space on its own, never mention it.
Here the golden light flew back into Wang Sheng's body. He opened his eyes, and there was also relaxation in his eyes. The unintentional World Extinguishing Honeycomb was solved in this way. The invasion was unexpectedly easy and simple, and it did not attract other people. Changes have to say that all of this is moving in the best direction.
But in fact, this is a matter of fact. With Wang Sheng’s current strength, it should have been easy to resolve such crises, but the hidden things in this crisis made him dare not to slack off, but since that thing has not been in the world for so many years Wake up, and now I won't wake up so coincidentally.
Wang Sheng frowned, though so, but somehow, there was always a haze hidden in his heart, and it seemed that something bad would happen eventually.
If you think about it carefully, maybe the projection of the cyan heart exists in this world. It is always a time bomb, and it must be solved completely.
Wang Sheng shook his head and focused his eyes on these two realms of chaos. Through the understanding of the two realms during this period of time, he could already judge that this is indeed a complete realm separated into two halves, if Those masters said well, this must be the domain where the Dao Zun was born, and the road traces left by the Dao Zun broke out before. If you look at it from this angle, Wang Sheng’s realm There should also be traces of the Dao Zun.
I didn’t pay attention to this in the past, or I couldn’t find the lack of strength in the past, but now Wang Sheng doesn’t need to observe carefully, it can be seen that some inconsistencies in this land are like some black on a white paper Click, there is no trace to touch, but it is real.
In other words, Wang Sheng’s avenue does not need a boundary as a basis, otherwise he wants to go further, and the Dao Zun’s road will become an obstacle. At that time, it is unpredictable who will succeed.
Wang Sheng's eyes were cold, and he could not tolerate the existence of his own boundary.
Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. He stayed here for so long. Apart from studying these two chaotic realms, he also made the worst plan to use this wilderness realm as a bait to attract annihilated beehives, but now the annihilated beehives Has been successfully resolved, he has another idea of ​​this floodland.
Wang Sheng reached out his finger and gently pointed towards his own realm. In his realm, it even flickered ten stars, even a line, that is the big world in the chaotic realm, but the cloud The ten great worlds created by Neutron in the past were aimed at a complete recovery of the mythological world.
But in order to restore the mythical world, the first thing to do is to find a chaotic realm that carries the mythological world road, and Yun Neutron knows a lot. His idea is to fuse these two chaotic realms together and be born The once complete chaotic realm has really brought the avenue of the mythological world back to life.
The ten worlds are to connect the material world, the last remnant of this once mythological world, to arouse the origin of the mythical world, and eventually become an opportunity to link the flood and wasteland realm, letting the two unite.
These are things that Wang Sheng can see clearly now, and there are many details that the cloud neutron has not yet had time to come to the facts, of course Wang Sheng also does not know the truth, but this does not prevent him from accomplishing these things as well, because his strength lies in Here.
Even without the assistance of these ten worlds, he can also pick out the same points of the two chaotic realms, and then forcefully merge them.
What's more, Wang Yun's success rate will only be higher if there is a cloud neutron plan left.
Wang Sheng closed his eyes and pondered. It wasn't until the complete plan was pondered several times in his heart that Wang Sheng began to really start.
The light of the ten worlds is completely connected to everything, and also to the material world, forming a very obvious light. Wang Sheng stretched out his fingers as if grabbing this light, and then pulled him toward the front, seemingly close, In fact, it is still hauled across countless distances.
Seemingly quietly, Wang Sheng was also hand in hand, but suddenly the entire chaotic realm suddenly began to shake violently. It seemed that the ten great worlds involved affected the entire chaotic realm. Seeing this, Wang Sheng had to admire Cloud neutron's whimsy, these ten big worlds are gradually drawing the lifeblood of the chaotic realm. If the cloud neutron proves its own path, the Tao heart is perfect, but you can try to become chaos directly Domination of the realm.
But after all, he didn't take that step and chose a completely different path. He didn't know whether it was really unwitting, or incompetent, or knew what was hidden in this chaotic realm.
From the fact that he knows that the two chaotic realms are separated, Wang Sheng can probably judge that most of them are the last possibility.
Wang Sheng's eyes flickered. If he knew this, he still wanted to fully integrate the two chaotic realms without worrying about what might happen, what is Yun Neutron's real plan, or what might happen. It is exactly what I want to achieve that is good for the mythical world.
If in the past, after knowing this, Wang Sheng will never let the chaotic realm merge. After all, he does not have the power to control everything, but now, it is irrelevant to carry out the same fusion, except in order to complete the chaotic realm, It is also Wang Sheng in order to eliminate all dangers.
All this is because Wang Sheng already has enough strength to match.
After all, the line in his hand was still in direct contact with the flood and wasteland. The movement of the flood and wasteland was in the expectation of Wang Sheng, and he also began to shake strongly. The line of the world directly entered the depth of the flood and wasteland. Entered the core of the flood and wasteland.
There was a strong shock in the boundary of the flood and wasteland. The line mountain seemed to have light, passing something over, but in an instant, the two boundaries even started a common vibration of tacit understanding because of this line. The earth began to radiate light, and there seemed to be something flashing, and then the two had to be connected to each other.
Wang Sheng let go, and his eyes flashed, watching the changes in the two worlds quietly.
The changes in these two worlds are naturally not silent, and they have caused strong changes even in the source space. They belong to Wang Sheng’s realm, and the stars are extremely shining, which is almost the same as the light of stars in the entire source space. All are suppressed.
The masters in the source space are all seemingly, but they do not know what happened, they can only be surprised.
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