Chapter 17: Regression and backtracking

   "Drip, when the time is up, the host begins to return."
   Wang Sheng's face changed greatly, and he remembered the previous system prompt.
The sound of the system fell, and his figure immediately became an illusory image to drift with the wind. Wang Sheng was anxious. He had not explained it to Master and his brother. He hurriedly said to Guanyin: "Bodhisattva, please also give me a letter to my teacher Explain my identity."
  Think about it, only Guanyin Bodhisattva who joined the world of the Lord God can understand his situation, which is why he can't take care of his identity with Guanyin.
   Avalokitesvara was stunned. After seeing Wang Sheng's situation, she nodded, "Mr. Departed, the poor monk knew."
Zhen Yuanzi caught Wang Sheng’s anomaly for the first time, his eyes were fixed, and it was such a traceless space supernatural power. He looked at Wang Shengdao: "Why did the Taoist friends leave so eagerly, and participated in the poverty road? The ginseng fruit meeting is not too late."
Wang Sheng smiled bitterly and could not help but said to Zhenyuanzi: "Da Xian sees strange, I am really in a hurry and I can't stay longer. In the future, I will have a chance to meet Da Xian again." He also seized the time to look at Tang monks and disciples: "You take care, See you again tomorrow."
  He waved his hand vigorously, and his figure disappeared instantly.
   Zhen Yuanzi's eyes flashed in different colors, the space magical power of this strange Taoist was really great, he still could not find the slightest trace.
   "Director left like this?" Zhu Bajie was a little puzzled.
   The Tang monk shook his head and folded his hands together to perform a Buddhist ritual in the direction of Wang Sheng disappearing. The sand monk also bowed to salute.
   Wang Sheng only felt that his eyes were turned upside down, his vision was dim, and when he opened his eyes blankly, he found himself in a gray space.
   "Where is this." Wang Sheng was at a loss, he didn't return to the convenience store as soon as possible.
   "Drip, the first rescue mission is completed, follow-up review."
   The sound of the system sounded, and then a picture suddenly appeared in the gray space in front of him. The weather was clear and the water was green, and at the foot of the mountain, Tang monk, apprentice, and white dragon horse were resting by the stream.
  Wang Sheng was surprised, isn't this Tang monk and disciples, is it the previous video?
   At this time, the scene in the picture changed again, the sky was full of auspicious clouds, the Guanyin hand held the jade bottle, and the foot of the lotus platform suddenly appeared in front of the Tang monk. The Tang monk quickly saluted the Buddha.
  Guanyin smiled and said, "You can remember what Zhenyuan Daxian said to you, how can you stay safe without the monkey head."
   Pig Bajie Han Han said: "The Bodhisattva should not underestimate my old pig and Brother Shi, and will ensure Master's safety."
   Guanyin smiled and scolded, "What do you nerd know." Then she looked at Tang Seng again, "Can you change your mind?"
   Tang Seng just kept silent.
   Guanyin stared at his eyes, "You are afraid that the monkey head going westwards as a Buddha will damage his practice, but you know that this is his natural destiny and he can't escape."
   Tang Seng remained silent.
   Guanyin shook her head, the lotus under her feet turned slightly, and her figure disappeared across the sky in an instant.
  The stunned Wang Sheng looked at in front of the screen. Is this what happened at the moment of Journey to the West? But after only a few seconds, did the Tang monk and apprentice leave Wuzhuang to watch?
   At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the picture. He was wearing a gold hoop, holding a golden stick in his hand, and his golden eyes were shining brightly. It was Sun Wukong, the great sage, and he had been replaced by a common cloth at the moment.
   "Brother Master (Monkey Brother)!" shouted in surprise at Zhu Bajie and the sand monk.
   The Tang monk turned to look at Sun Wukong, but he saw that Da Shengye was staring at him indifferently.
   The Tang monk folded his hands together and whispered softly, "You monkey head really don't know what to do, you must regret the way you chose."
  The great holy man disdainfully sneered, "Since my grandson promised to send you to Lingshan, he will never give up halfway."
   The picture disappeared here, Wang Sheng looked stunned. Now he has determined that this is indeed what happened after he left the world. The timeline on both sides seems a little different.
   Wang Sheng touched his head, it really looks like watching a TV series.
   At this time, the picture in front of him was reproduced, but he was no longer a monk and disciple of Tang Dynasty. Wang Sheng saw a familiar hall and two familiar figures in the hall.
   Hall is the Great Hall of Heroes, and the figure is Brother Wang Sheng's Hongren and his master Daoxin. He instantly glared and looked at the picture with all his attention.
  In the Hall of Great Heroes, Hongren peeped at Master who was meditating seriously. Finally, he couldn't help but ask: "Master, did Master Brother really reincarnate as Buddha said."
Daoxin kept his eyes closed, and after a while he slowly said, "You are still uncertain about Zen, your uncle good deeds said that day. You can still remember, the world has no law, and then knows the illegal law; It's still not over, so why not."
  Hongren shook his head, "Master, I still like Brother Bodhi no tree."
  Daoxin opened his eyes and looked at him, and suddenly smiled, "That naturally follows your heart."
  Hongren touched his head, "Master, you still haven't told my brother."
  Daoxin closed his eyes, "As long as he is my Zen disciple, what does his previous life status do with me, and wait for him to complete his practice with the Bodhisattva, you can ask him personally."
  Hongren smiled and said, "That's good."
   The picture disappeared, and Wang Sheng was stunned. He knew that Brother kept asking Master about it, and he wasn’t really curious about the Bodhisattva’s previous identity for him. He just wanted to determine whether he would return to Zen, and whether Master would still recognize his Zen discipleship.
   The results clearly show that Tao’s faith does not change, no matter how Wang Sheng is, he recognizes him as a Zen disciple.
  He was warm in his heart, worshipped a master, recognized a brother, and may have to admit his life.
At this time, the picture appeared again, a magnificent suspended mountain, UU reading books A winding path surrounds the mountain, its pavilions, red flowers and green grass, and a waterfall rushed down from the top to the foot of the mountain .
   is Wanshou Mountain, and when the picture is zoomed in, Wang Sheng also saw the Wuzhuang Temple, the ginseng fruit tree in the view, and the Zhenyuanzi standing in front of the ginseng fruit tree.
Zhen Yuanzi was tall, and his figure in a Taoist suit was ethereal. He was fascinated at this moment, but at the moment when Wang Sheng looked at him, Zhen Yuanzi seemed to feel abruptly turning his head to look at the sky. Here, Wang Sheng jumped in his heart and quickly looked away.
   Zhen Yuanzi showed doubts, he quickly pinched his calculations, and after a while he shook his head, which should be an illusion.
   The picture disappeared, Wang Sheng throbbed in his heart, Zhen Yuanzi really deserved to be the ancestor of the earth immortal, even felt the system peep.
   At this time, the system sounded.
   "Drip, the story of the Journey to the West is restored, the host mission is completed, and the return begins."
  The words fell, and Wang Sheng saw another flower in front of him. After opening his eyes, he saw a narrow and dark space, and messy snacks everywhere. It was his small convenience store.
   "Little Master is back." Wang Sheng was pleasantly surprised. He was a little unbelievable. Since crossing the world to the West, he really didn't expect much from him.
   Convenience store was still messed up by Tang monks and apprentices. Wang Sheng looked at the wall clock on the wall, showing the date.
   "August 6th? Only three days have passed here." The time of the journey to the world is different from that of the earth.
   But just come back!
  Wang Sheng was very happy. Although leaving the shop was only a few days, but his mood changed during the period like a roller coaster.
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