Chapter 1701: Scramble

However, the giant giant who rescued Archbishop Ivan did not reply, but just glanced at the man, turned around and ran wildly, radiating an endless light on his body, pulling the chain of laws and then flying away in the distance.
The speed suddenly passed through the void.
"Want to escape!" Then the figure snorted coldly, the starlight on his body was strong, and Dou Zuanxing shifted up.
And at the moment of its departure, there are also many followings.
The glorious godly movement seems to be silent, but in fact, too many people have paid attention to it, and it has caught up with the class.
In this void there is a battle for contention.
The starlight in the star sky is the most intense, and has left the main star. Some of the so-called restraints have disappeared, and the origin is the strong.
The secrets of Wang Sheng's body have been spread, and even if it were not so, so many forces stared at him, and some forces that did not want to intervene had to intervene.
Therefore, the movement in the starry sky at this time is enough to be called huge, and a ray of light chases in the starry sky.
The glorious was so calm, he did not expect that such secret movements actually caused so many leaks, and how did those people know the value of Wang Sheng, if he was not the archbishop Ivan told him, he did not even plan to shoot .
A ray of light evaporates in his hands, forming layers of protective shields and scattered attacks behind him, blocking those who are behind and chasing behind.
But he knew that he couldn't resist so many powerful people on his own.
"Hopefully your value is enough." He looked deeply at the chain of order in front of his eyes.
Then he reached out and pointed out, and suddenly a black hole appeared in the sky, where there was the Glorious Cathedral.
"Inform the elders to ask for assistance."
The huge idol in the church began to radiate light, and then the figure rose from the sarcophagus above the huge stone statue.
Then it appeared in the void directly from the black hole of the church.
A total of three figures, their eyes are indifferent, only to see this elder before their eyes change.
"Wake us from a deep sleep, you have to pay."
Xu Yuan nodded somberly, "Help me to complete this task, and will naturally reward you and stop those people."
These three figures looked into the distance, and their pupils contracted immediately, "With such a big movement, do you want us to die?"
Xu Yuan flew out into the distance, and his voice came from afar, "Relax, these people are just avatar projections, just like you."
"And I only need a little time, enough for me to return to the church."
As long as he returns to the church, no one can trace him, nor dare to trace him.
The three figures ignored a smile, and the endless energy of the body exploded directly, and scattered toward the surroundings, forming a powerful meteorite, with a huge Mars, igniting the rules of the world and forming a blast here. .
The dozens of powerful people coming directly smashed in such a flame, but most of them still left a little light and flew out of the flame, gathered the starlight, and formed a figure again.
Among the remaining people, one of them suddenly shouted, "Help me, I will lead the sky!"
It seems that the so-called skylight is very powerful, so these few people ignore it and directly surging powerful starlight toward this person.
The figure was condensed in his hands in a mighty way, and he started ranting, "The endless abyss, the sky is leading!"
The sound came from far away, and it seemed that there was a vast endless abyss between heaven and earth. Among the abyss was a very dark, but a ray of light emerged from the darkness at this time.
Xu Yuan looked up at the abyss of the sky, his face gloomy, and his hand turned over, revealing a crystal ball, as if it had a mechanical structure, and then spewed directly towards the crack of the abyss.
The ball spread in the air, and then began to change, becoming an unprecedented huge structure, just like a mechanical fortress, shot from the mechanical fortress to the ray of light in the abyss.
But the space between the two is far away, and the light from the abyss has shattered that divine light. Although there is a lot of momentum, it is still vast and it is shooting towards the structure in the void.
It was only a moment when the two contacted, and this structure had been completely smashed, and continued to bombard the chain of rules that Wang Sheng had transformed, exploding in front, directly forming a powerful obstacle avoidance.
The dome transformed by Wang Sheng's chain of rules stopped in the air, shrouded in the divine light that was emitted from the abyss.
After a world-to-world conversion, the chain of rules was directly led from the place by the divine light and disappeared there.
In front of the figures behind that, a hole suddenly appeared, and the chain of rules fell from it.
Closing his eyes and casting his eyes opened his eyes, and stretched out his palm to immediately link the rule, and his face flashed with joy.
It’s just that he couldn’t see the several figures beside him, glanced at each other, and stretched out his palm to wrap him There was a huge explosion, this figure exploded directly in the air and disappeared. The abyss also disappeared.
In the distance, Yuan Yuan's face was gloomy. He reached out and shook a ray of light, and the distant shot disappeared. He went directly through the void and came to a few people. He moved the law in his hand and directly led the chain of order in the distance.
Wang Sheng exists in the chain of order and is seduce to fly towards the rear. Those figures suddenly release a force field to fix the chain of order.
"Emperor, your glorious gods seem to be enemies with me."
Xu Yuan sneered, "Isn't it clear what you are doing? For the sake of a cultivator who is a co-star, he did not hesitate to pay such a big price. It wasn't because he was against my Glorious Gods and why."
"Oh, then why did your glorious deity teach you to take this person so excitedly, and also attracted you to do it yourself."
Xu Yuan replied with a blank expression, "This person killed me the of brilliance, imprisoned the goddess of brilliance, and arranged tasks in accordance with the law. I was just performing the task."
"Is that true?" A strong native narrowed his eyes.
And at this moment, a sudden shock came from the sky, and the starry sky suddenly became bright, because countless divine lights suddenly illuminated the starry sky.
"This is the mission performed by my Glorious God Church. Please irrelevant people leave immediately, otherwise it will provoke God's punishment and face the anger of the Lord God."
Xu Yuan's face calmed down, "Leave, you can't be the opponent of my brilliant god."
These few strong-rooted powerhouses neglected one glance, and were really reluctant. It was beyond their expectations at this stage, and no one could actually think of it when an unknown secret ignited this stage.
"My of death wants to know what mission you are performing."
A figure came running from a distance.
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