Chapter 2188: Higher end

  Instinctively think that these light points are very important, so they must be thoroughly understood, and no plain and wasteful situation is allowed.
  The avoidance of these light spots is not a problem. Wang Sheng can easily catch it, but he is struck by snakes and he does not move immediately.
  It is a careful observation. It is not irregular for the light spot to survive here. This kind of law is still very early. Wang Sheng soon found a little law.
   He pondered slightly, and then his will began to imitate the fluctuation of the light spot. At the beginning, there was no movement, but there was no moment, and these light spots began to be restless.
   The spot closest to Wang Sheng was directly attracted.
  Wang Sheng looked at the light spot drifting slowly, very patient.
  Although it is only inside the light, it is not large, but it takes at least half a month to float this spot.
  Wang Sheng just waited patiently, and finally, the half-moon time finally passed, and Wang Sheng's consciousness touched the first light spot.
   His will seems to have touched a piece of ice, so that his present will appear cold ice.
   At the same time, the engulfing feeling became stronger again.
   seems to be eager to talk about this thing to devour.
   Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, without refusing, so that consciousness began to swallow.
   Without any resistance, the light spot was directly absorbed by Wang Sheng's consciousness and became a part of his consciousness.
  The whole body is cold, this is just an illusion, because the consciousness is cold, it causes the whole body to be cold.
   But these are just minor details.
  In the moment of devouring refining, Wang Sheng seemed to see an inexplicable void, only to know that it was very high and the latitude level was high. There is a small road there, although winding, but very strong.
   Especially this path seems to go straight into the sky, to penetrate the end of the sky.
   But in Wang Sheng's view, there is still a short distance before he can break through this layer of latitude void.
  Wang Sheng finally vaguely knew the changes brought by that light spot. He really added bricks and tiles to this path, making the path stronger and more powerful, which can successfully break through this layer of latitude.
   And this path is the manifestation of his only avenue.
  After knowing this, a figure suddenly appeared on the path, right in the middle of the road.
   represents Wang Sheng's position at this time.
   Wang Sheng's consciousness has always been wonderful, this is because the only advantage of the road.
The reason why it can be called unique is because it can be determined that no one has occupied this road in the past and only belongs to Wang Sheng, and after Wang Sheng steps on, unless he abandons himself or falls, he will be occupied by others again. Of course, it takes chance to be able to occupy.
  Wang Sheng does not have any accidents, this road belongs to him, a recognized, eternal.
   Determined that the past is very simple, he can embark on this road, enough to prove that no one has embarked on this road in the past.
   As for the future, it is not difficult, because Wang Sheng's consciousness road has already reached the end point at the moment of achievement.
   In other words, if there is an end to the path of monasticism, Wang Sheng has reached the end from the beginning.
   Because of this, his consciousness has never been a breakthrough. He just used the realm of supernatural powers he already had.
  Every time progress is actually only to let Daoxin and the flesh keep up with the progress of consciousness, so that the strength of that stage can be unlocked accordingly.
   Of course, you also need to be familiar with the power that consciousness can play in a certain realm.
   Generally speaking, it is a process of unlocking by stages.
   However, it wasn't until this time that the light spot was absorbed that Wang Sheng knew that his road had not really come to an end, there was an end in front, and he could move on.
   And light spot is such a function.
   Wang Sheng suddenly realized that there was rejoicing in Mingwu Avenue in his heart. This is a real rejoicing. For a monk, there is no other rejoicing.
  The effect of these light spots is much greater than Wang Sheng's imagination.
  Wang Sheng's eyes on them are all treasures.
  Wang Sheng's consciousness fluctuated continuously, and then attracted colorful spots in the distance and even deeper, flying towards her.
   is much slower than before. Wang Sheng thought about it because he had lost his normal heart, so the fluctuations became no longer pure.
   He has felt something, these light spots definitely have some spirituality, so they will avoid all things that are bad for them.
   If Wang Sheng tries to catch, or gobble up, they will lead them to flee everywhere. Only by using this most seemingly stupid method can these light spots be successfully swallowed up.
  Wang Sheng's consciousness fluctuates continuously. When he realizes that his heart also needs to be adjusted, he calms his heart and does not think about everything in front of him.
   This is not difficult for Wang Sheng to achieve, especially after he manifests his own path externally, and it is easier to calm down when he visualizes this path.
So Wang Sheng is now truly calm, he looks at the sky above his head, his road has touched the top, it is really coming to the end, but now he feels, after this layer of sky, still There is another destination.
  Wang Sheng worked hard to imagine what the end point would have, but exhausted thinking, he couldn't think of it at all, because he had exceeded his limit of thinking.
  And in such thoughts, the fluctuation of his will is unprecedentedly also attracted the attention of those colored light spots as never before.
  Under his fluctuations, those lights came closer a little bit, from the slowness at the beginning, to the later eagerness, scrambling.
   It seems that Wang Sheng is the home they need and the place to stay.
   In the space formed by this layer of light, there was a wave of waves, surging.
   directly led the entire light spot to suddenly fly into Wang Sheng's will.
   The final result was that a ray of light flashed through, and Wang Sheng's will shook violently.
   His will slowly regained at this time, thinking of what he was doing.
   After a little stunned God, there was a burst of joy, because he was almost visible to the naked eye, and his path began to evolve.
   toward the sky above.
   toward another destination.
  With endless help, Wang Sheng finally felt that his path had broken through a layer of obstacles and successfully entered another world.
   But suddenly he felt awkward for a while, because he found out that he had not yet completely broken through this barrier, only half of it was broken, and there was the last trace of obstacles blocking it.
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