Chapter 2431: Giant Yomagawa

   The blue sword did not pierce anymore, because it was directly blocked by a concept, and there was no possibility of sudden advance.
   This concept is not unfamiliar with Wang Sheng. It is the concept that the giant has shown before. The operator is really using this giant to deal with him.
   Wang Sheng's mouth turned up, and finally the giant still responded.
But the next time he raised his eyebrows again, he was even a little surprised in his heart, because when he saw this giant trying to run his own concept, another force spread directly from the core of the giant, and then sealed the integrated giant, Directly let the giant have no action.
  The giant turned into a sculpture again.
   Wang Sheng's heart seemed to have a flash of thunder, and the giant was sealed here. No wonder he hadn't moved, he didn't want to move, but he couldn't move at all.
   But thinking about the previous move of the God Operator, the giant seemed to have successfully acted for some time, even if it was not because he finally cut off the compass, I am afraid that the giant can continue to move.
  Why now the giant has no movement at all with just one touch.
   He narrowed his eyes and thought of a possibility that it might be that the God Operator provided the giant with something that would be beneficial to the giant's recovery action, and even break free of the seal.
  Perhaps I felt that the giant's power was very rigid before fighting with this giant. It was also because of the seal that the giant could not use real power.
   So guessed that Fat Wang Sheng had a big change in the image of the giant. The giant was not a role guarding the world, but more like a character who is sealed here and passively guarding the world, rather than taking the initiative.
   So who is this seal person, what kind of grievance does it have with the giant, and how does it relate to the latitude world?
  Of course, it is also possible that the giant himself sealed himself here, and everything is possible without confirming the news.
   But this possibility is still a little small after all, Wang Sheng is more inclined to others seal the giant here.
  Wang Sheng shook his head. Although he tried to find out something, he always felt more secret and led to more things. This kind of feeling is not bad. Wang Sheng will one day break all the secrets.
He didn’t try the giant anymore, but he was just gratified by the action just now, which made the giant change and directly changed the latitude world. After all, this giant is standing beside the latitude world. If it changes, it will definitely affect the latitude world. , So in order to make latitude a quiet time, Wang Sheng would not have a gift to test, and he had no better way to test.
  Only after waiting, after all, this giant is here and does not have to leave.
  Thinking about this, Wang Sheng was a bit sad to let the real spirit of the operator disappear. If the real spirit of the operator is still there, he may still be able to make inquiries, maybe there is an unexpected gain.
  Now let it go.
  Wang Sheng withdrew the concept, and the faint concept shrouded in the giant finally disappeared.
   But when he left to enter the world of latitude, Wang Sheng felt that he did not know if he had a wrong eye, no emotion, and full of indifference.
  Wang Sheng turned around and still didn't find any movement, but he didn't think it was an illusion.
   just had a pair of eyes looking at him, the owner is more likely to be directly this giant, this feeling is unprecedented.
Whether it was because of his own temptation that the giant noticed it, or because of the call of the operator, which made the giant have a more obvious change than before. Wang Sheng was also not sure about this kind of thing, but he felt that in the end, he might know the giant The timing of the thought was much earlier than he thought.
  Wang Sheng has no future troubles, and this result is what he expected. Solving the problems one by one, and finally successfully analyzing the whole world, this is Wang Sheng's special practice.
  Wang Sheng directly returned to the latitude world, and returned to the altar world where he first appeared, appearing in the tenth floor space.
After entering this world, Wang Sheng’s consciousness is also appropriate. In addition to the concept, I want to test whether this world is really so simple, and there is nothing beyond the specifications, but the result is obviously very simple. For the time being, this world is really not. Any excess power, perhaps Wang Sheng did not detect clearly.
   From now on, Wang Sheng’s avatar will have to sit in this world. He will give priority to the mother river and the problem of the abyss, as well as figure out the origin of the abyss.
   But the top priority is to determine the status of the mother river.
  It was discovered that the mother river was a strong man in the altar world where he was, but it was still far away from the lord of latitude, just a creator, not to mention the emperor.
  He originally let the creator continue to guard here, paying attention to the mother river's movement, but he himself entered the immortal ancient world where the manufacturable jade dish is located. As a result, the manuscript jade dish has not yet concluded, so he met another mother river.
If there is no accident, it should be that Wang Sheng and the mother river come into contact first in the city, so Wang Sheng will come to the world decisively and try to contact the mother river here to see what state the mother river is in, right? The same time and space.
  If there is a conclusion, it is very effective for him to understand the integration of the city.
Wang Sheng's body flashed again, and appeared here in the hole that was very close to the There is the place where the mother river wants to break through, just separated from this world by a thin film, thinking of Wang Sheng At first, I wanted to confront this kind of existence, but I was a little bit ignorant of the heights and heights. A concept exists. Even if my own avenue at that time followed, it would not be provoking.
   The best result is to return to the true spirit and wait for the resurrection.
  Now the situation is naturally different, so Wang Sheng intends to really touch the mother river.
   If the mother river is really in the same time and space, then there are two possibilities. First, there is no mother river will at all, only the body of the mother river. The real mother river will be in the city.
   If this is possible, the mother river of the latitude world is not threatened, and everything can be solved in the city.
   The second possibility is that the mother river has avatars, like avatars like yourself, then naturally there can be two places at the same time.
   But Wang Sheng’s doppelganger is not that simple. In addition to his special consciousness and road, he also needs the cooperation of the three, and none of them will become enlightened. It is impossible to refine such a doppelganger.
   But it does not rule out that Muhe has a unique way.
   This kind of result is tricky, because the strength of the mother river may need to be re-estimated.
   And if it is not the same time and space, then there is nothing to say.
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