Chapter 2466: Snare

  If the consciousness within the golden needle can be dispelled through the suppression of the Dadao, a lot of time will be saved.
  Also find out how to use Dadao to kill the opponent's true spirit under normal circumstances.
  The world of Dadao is shrouded, and Wang Sheng begins to suppress the true spirit in the golden needle while recovering himself.
   He can now be sure that the Lord of the Golden Needles must be exerting his full strength somewhere to try to provoke the Golden Needle, making it impossible for him to collect it smoothly. Even in this process, he may call for a powerful helper to take the Golden Needle.
   But Dadao World is in hand, Wang Sheng does not have any scruples, maybe there may be some unexpected gains.
   His avenue can smoothly and easily suppress the traces left in the golden needle, so he may never have considered the failure of removing the golden needle, but the methods need to be carefully judged.
   He recalled the fluctuations of the heaven and earth when the first concept peaked before the fall, and did not notice that this heaven and earth had such a function.
   But now I can recall that kind of fluctuation, just like the calm sea suddenly raised a wave, submerging the sea and trying to escape the waves.
  Wang Sheng's Dadao World, the power of Dadao exudes almost the same fluctuations. When the golden needle is flooded, you can feel the consciousness above the golden needle shrinking strongly, which is an instinctive feeling of threat.
Wang Sheng stopped volatility. If he thought about it and continued this volatility, he was confident that he could speed up the removal of the golden needle, but this result was still not satisfactory to him. What he wanted was to clear it in an instant. With this kind of clearing-out effort, the other party had already run away.
What else he ignored, Wang Sheng looked up, and then the latitude magical power was launched, and the consciousness appeared on the road world as if it appeared in the highest place instantaneously. The whole world had to suppress the power suddenly, because her road world has been completely released Come on.
Wang Shengqiang endured this feeling and wanted to see the difference in the world as a whole, but he couldn't see all, but only saw a part, that is, the part with him as the core, and the rest of the part could not be shrouded because of the force of suppression , And then forcibly released, too expensive to bear.
   In this part that he can shroud, he seems to see a dense network filled with countless nodes, and the sun and the moon are also one of the nodes that are still important.
In Wang Sheng's consciousness, there was such a picture that a great power fell. When the concept left behind was about to disappear, suddenly a large net fell over his head, covering it, and the nodes transmitted power vibrations, forming a wave of fluctuation, just like The big waves smashed the waves.
   Eventually, the spray was once again integrated into the big net, not only did not escape, but also became part of the big net.
Wang Sheng groaned, his perspective separated from the sky, his eyes flickered, the exploration process was unexpectedly simple, and after seeing this scene, he learned the real method of killing, and his heart suddenly rose An idea, facing the sky above.
   After a long look, Wang Sheng's mood was so complicated that he withdrew his eyes and closed his eyes to start mobilizing the power of his own avenue.
   It is very simple to construct a snare net. Wang Sheng's consciousness moved. In a moment, a snare net has been formed, but the snare net is very unstable. When he intends to transmit power and form ripples, the snare net suddenly integrates and collapses.
   It seems that the importance of nodes is very high.
   There are no good references for the nodes of the secret mothers in this world, because it is formed by the power of ordinary avenues, and Wang Shengzhao can also be created by drawing cats and tigers. The important ones are the nodes like the sun and the moon.
   They are the main characters that transmit the power of vibration.
   "The power of concept!"
By now, Wang Sheng has understood that the test of the concept of the sun and the moon he encountered when he entered this starting divine city is exactly the same as the countless days and moons in this heaven and earth. They are all conceptualized, and the master should be the starting divine city. Yuanshi God Lord.
   This point is still clear that the existence of the golden needle can force the concept of Sun and Moon to attack Fat Wangsheng.
   He judged from the beginning that the concept of Yuanshi Divine Lord might be born in this way, or later split, which is incomplete.
  Like him, no one can achieve the concept of the unity of the three, which means that all three must be trained to the concept, which is very in line with it, and must have a sufficient sense of creation.
   It is impossible to achieve such accomplishment in the conceptual realm, because the premise is that there is a road above the realm, which is Wang Sheng’s unique road, and no one can imitate it.
   Other existence must be to abandon one or both of the three to achieve the conceptual realm.
  Most of the existence is to abandon the flesh and consciousness, and only the true spirit and Taoist mind accomplish the concept.
   This conceptual individual is complete, but compared with Wang Sheng's three-in-one unity, it is naturally incomplete.
But now, maybe he can witness the existence of a complete concept of the two, that is, the concept of the sun and the moon today. I don’t know which part the two represent, but it is obviously a concept of the same source and a completely different concept~www.mtlnovel. com~ These two concepts may be acquired, or they may not have been synthesized at all.
Once the real concept is formed, there is no room for regret, and only incomplete concepts can be decomposed, because they are incomplete, no matter how many concepts are fused together, it is impossible to strengthen the power, let alone one plus one is greater than two , Even if one plus one equals two, it won't work, and it will even add trouble.
  Wang Sheng didn't know why the Yuanshi Divine Lord formed these two concepts. Perhaps he also wanted to achieve a higher achievement through unity, but this was impossible. Obviously he failed, so it became a problem.
   Wang Sheng speculated that it may be precisely because of this, whether it is the outside world or fighting here, two concepts appear, making Yuanshi Divine Lord seem to be a special existence.
  The sun and moon nodes are the embodiment of its concept. They are differentiated and support each other, and they cannot exert their combined strength, but their respective roles take turns, which is still unexpected.
  Wang Sheng wanted to imitate his sun and moon node is impossible, he can not distinguish the complete concept.
   He did not have enough conceptual power to differentiate so many nodes, but he had a unique supernatural power, that is the blue sword.
  The three-in-one creation can divide thousands and form countless avatars, and its power and body are generally the same.
   And if this cyan sword only differentiates a small number of nodes, he can also bear it, unless it is necessary to release the invisible sword.
   Until his concept can be really enough to release countless nodes on his own, that is, when the blue sword is withdrawn.
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