Chapter 2529: go away

The structure of hundreds of layers, the superimposed strength of layers is endless, endless, the effect is the germplasm change.
In theory, as long as imitating this structure can successfully possess the power of Wang Sheng, but this is impossible, because only his road can bear, this structure corresponds to his avenue state, the two combine with each other, Is the real reason.
And things like roads can only be taken by Wang Sheng, and they cannot be imitated by others.
And if the micro-layer structure is engraved by ordinary people, it can only engrave a few layers. In other words, the physical body cannot bear more, and the physical body collapses, because the main road is interconnected and the main road collapses.
Various specialities created Wang Sheng.
At this moment, he has a special kind of enlightenment. Although he has always enjoyed the welfare of the physical body's autonomous recovery, he does not know what is special about the physical body, but he does not know why.
It's only now that I'm finally a bit enlightened. It turned out that it was so simple and so natural. There wasn't too much mystery. It was layered on top of each other and it was very powerful.
Really powerful.
I have an unprecedented understanding of my body, and after seeing the lines of lines after hundreds of layers of micro-layer structures, continue to crochet and condense the lines of lines to form a unique structure. Each structure They are all slightly different. Even Wang Sheng cannot control it, or he is unwilling to control it, and letting the flesh develop freely is the most suitable path for him.
The first layer of structure was completed quickly. He obviously felt that his physical strength had increased a lot, and then there were more subtle structures connected with the core.
This layer of structure is closely connected with the previous structure, and no difference can be seen.
Then comes the second layer and the third layer. With the emergence of a layered structure, it is directly connected with the previous structure, and the power is transformed layer by layer, and his core is connected to all the structures. These forces are flooded. Holding Wang Sheng all over his body gave him a feeling of false power and could do everything.
After the nine-layer structure, Wang Sheng's eyes moved slightly, and the structure of the structure seemed to be somewhat reduced.
However, the speed is still very fast, and even the subsequent structure has no obvious end and beginning. There are almost several layers of structures at the same time, and in an instant it has become an 18-layer structure.
At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of light all over the body, as if it had completed a transformation from beginning to end.
At this moment, everything has to be connected, and the power in the core has even been fully promoted. At this moment, Wang Sheng has truly transformed. A special power is being born, not completely a concept, and the special power is condensed in Together, it produces unique power.
But at this time, the subtle structure is still evolving. Wang Sheng has a kind of enlightenment. This time the structure burst should actually end on the eighteenth floor, but this time because he observed the structure and gave the structure new strength, so the structure There is still potential to continue to replenish condensation.
Therefore, this time the structure condensation is still possible to continue.
The power in the body is evolving, and the structure is slowing down, but it is not slow, but in a flash, the second eighteen-layer structure is condensed.
The power is still flowing continuously, which is more than ten times the strength of the previous eighteen-layer structure.
Layer by layer evolution, and then continue to observe, the layer by layer structure emerged, when the structure speed finally reduced sharply again, the structure has evolved to the 68th layer.
He had a hunch that this metamorphosis should be nearing its end.
Layer by layer, it took much time to consume compared to before, and finally the last four layers appeared slowly, and the structure finally stabilized. A ray of light similar to the eighteenth layer was born and flowed throughout the body.
There are seventy-two floors in total. This is the increase in the number of metamorphosis. The hundreds of layers before it is already a terrifying number. The increased power is even stronger than ever.
Every position of the body is transforming rapidly, accepting the powerful strength and reborn.
Wang Sheng turned his attention to the core position, where the focus was.
The conceptual power after the transformation of the concept body condenses with a special kind of power, and becomes a new unique core power, which is also the power to replace the whole body after him.
Have all the qualities of the concept, but there are some very different things, but since it can be born, it is enough to show that it has greater potential.
In the Avenue World, Wang Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head helplessly.
His body has begun to crack apart, and this promotion has long been expected to be very violent, but he did not expect it to be so violent.
With his current body strength, he can't resist at all, and he will be collapsed layer by layer.
His body today is not a real body. The real body is much larger, that is, the level of the infinite real body. If it is completely released, Dadao World is not unacceptable, but it is destined to cause dramatic impact.
So Wang Sheng must change place.
He disappeared directly into the world, appeared in the world outside the sky and countless mirror fragments, and pondered slightly. His choices are not many. If he is promoted in the starting God City, he is destined to have a strong conflict with the starting God City, even if it is No one can hide it.
But he wondered whether he could come back again after leaving this starting city of God. After all, it is very special here. Even if Wang Sheng has broken through the realm, he cannot control the time to this extent temporarily.
In theory, everyone is afraid that there is only one chance to come here, so once they leave Wang Sheng may not be so smooth if he wants to come back.
He was a little confident and connected with his magical powers, maybe he could try to return again.
In his thinking, the avatar cannot appear at all during the promotion process. Of course, the avatar will still appear, and the three places cannot be increased or will not be reduced, so it is impossible for the avatar to appear here instead of being a coordinate.
After a moment, the strength in his body could no longer be covered up. Wang Sheng had no choice but to make a decision and had to leave here. Although it may not be possible to return, he missed the battlefield of the Lord of the City, but this was also an option.
Wang Sheng's body flickered slightly, and he had already left the world. He, who had the magical power of shuttle, was still very simple to leave this world.
Reappearing in the already empty nothingness, looking back, a big sun hangs high, this is the coordinate he entered into the starting city, here in a special environment.
Time is the only one. Sure enough, after he turned around again, the big day had disappeared.
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