Chapter 2540: Hidden trouble

Futu thought a little, as if thinking about how to speak, before saying, "To make this clear, we must first know what the source species is."
He glanced at Wang Sheng, "The source seed is not an unowned thing, but was created by the Taoist master. At first, he didn't even know why it could be created. It was not until the poor Dao realized some Taoist roads that he understood the source seed. In fact, it was born in Daoyu."
"Naturally born, just like the lakes, mountains and rivers in the world, the source species is also such a thing in the Dao realm, but the preciousness must not be comparable."
"Dao You already have the Dao domain, so they will certainly have the source species. The source species is also extremely precious to the Daoist, and it is the only treasure that can recover all Dao injuries."
"And the concept of promotion to the real state of the real world requires the source of seeds. In this case, there must be something to ask for. This precious thing will not be everywhere, even the Master will not be willing to give up."
"It's even more impossible to make dedication for free and you can't afford to lose it, so the source species must have some shortcomings."
Futu shook his head, "but the defect will not be that great."
Through the slow narration of Futu, Wang Sheng finally understood some things.
The source species is an extremely precious resource born from the Taoist Daoyu. Its purpose is not only to make the concept exist to break through the real body, but also to allow the characters including the Daoist to make up for some very serious injuries. .
Especially for the source species, Wang Sheng himself judged that the main births of the Tao were not so easy and required energy consumption.
So it must be very precious. Even if it is qualified to promote the existence of the concept real body, it is not so easy to obtain a source species, because even if they are promoted to the concept real body, they will not be very useful for the realm of Taoism.
That kind of transformation between the realm levels is enough for a Daoist to easily crush any non-Daoist existence, because the world realm is something that cannot be ignored anyway, and it will completely suppress the people who do not have the world realm.
Since there is no benefit, then the concept of why the master gave the source species to break through the realm exists, especially when this thing is still very precious.
According to Wang Sheng's judgment, in many worlds, although the source species is rare, it is not so rare. Basically, anyone who wants to break through can find a little bit.
There must be a reason, perhaps this reason is the key.
Budu didn't sell the key, and he didn't have much time after all.
"After all, the source species was born in the Dao domain at the level of the Daoist master. Dao domain is a big prop of the Daoist master. It can be said to be the root of the true sense. The source species born from these creations can be said to be The Taoist world has its origins. Among these creations, there must be a Daoist Avenue."
Speaking of which, Wang Sheng has actually understood some things, but it is still unclear how to possess the source of the Dao Avenue is like the treasure that has been recognized by the Lord, how can it be used by others.
Futu went on to explain that these source seeds with the master will later be wiped away by the Taoist Master and become a source seed without the Avenue of Will, which is already very pure.
There is no future problem in using the source species in this way.
The only problem is that you have to choose before using this source.
The reason why the Taoist sent the source seed is because of this choice, that is, whether a future concept of true body will choose to attach to this Taoist.
The Taoist is not afraid of their breach of contract, because they have absolute strength, and after using the source seed, their Dao Xin also has flaws, and will not easily violate the promise.
Even if it is a Taoist, there are some things that cannot be taken into account, so someone under the staff is necessary, just like the Yuanshi City Lord has to start the God City. The reason for this structure is naturally to gather his subordinates.
So, in the final analysis, the only flaw of the source species is the need to worship the mountain?
Wang Sheng understood the meaning of Futu. This may have been guessed by him before, so he was not too surprised, but he was still a little speechless in his heart. It seems that the realm of Dao is really separated from the realm of the previous one. Worrying about anything, because no matter what you do, no matter what you do, it will not affect them, let alone threaten their interests.
Therefore, in the end, Wang Sheng only realized that the level of the Taoist Master was so strong.
At this moment, he also understood why Futu Hui was shocked that he had Dao territory so early. Having the Dao territory in the concept realm is enough to show that Wang Sheng's promotion concept is actually his own source species, not anyone else. In the original concept of promotion, the ideal state of imagination does not need to be constrained by others.
But this state is impossible to achieve in any case, because no one can own the realm in any realm.
Budu did not expect that such a presence would appear in front of him, breaking the deep-rooted idea of ​​how many years it was, and the fact that this was the cause of shock.
Even if the source species is not dangerous, but just relying on a Taoist master, it may be subject to the jurisdiction of the Taoist master to a certain extent, and Wang Sheng did not know, and Futu did not explicitly say that there has always been a Conspiracy theory.
After all, the source species is the original thing of a Taoist. Even if it erases the avenue, it is difficult to say whether it will leave an undiscovered backhand in the source seed, and this backhand really exists for the concept of using this source seed. It is very likely to be fatal.
So the defect of the source species can actually add one more thing, that is, the loss of freedom and life.
Also because of this defect ~ ~ For countless years, there have always been people who do not want to be promoted by this method, but want to pursue other paths.
The only way to solve it perfectly, that is, to give birth to Dao prematurely, is simply impossible, so they can only think of other ways.
It is conceivable that under such circumstances, what a miracle of Wang Sheng's existence is. If those people are allowed to know, I am afraid that they will be completely crazy, and even the master will be curious.
Therefore, Futu is very careful now, and he knows Wang Sheng's secret. If Wang Sheng is a cautious person, or 99% of the people, he will basically not let himself be exposed to danger.
Regarding the source species, Wang Sheng was finally completely clear, and it was indeed flawed, and it was similar to his own imagination, except that it was the only way to be promoted. Without the source species, it was impossible to continue climbing the avenue.
Therefore, the defect will be deliberately ignored by many people, or helplessly choose to promote.
The Taoist naturally doesn't care about this, because they need their men, but they don't want them, so everything just happens.
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