Chapter 805: Pangu Tiandao

Despite the toughness and anomaly of the dirty world, under a series of shocks, there are countless top powers that can exert their power without covering up. All kinds of different phases are still blooming in space. This is a sign that space can't bear gradually. At this time, the different phases of silk represent the damage from jade to man. He finally took that step for him. If it was not out of such a strange state as the world, the other party has already been under the attack of so much power. Can not bear.
Fighting is the best way to improve the amount of money. Wang Sheng knows more about his flesh becoming a god. In an instant, he remembered the palace he had touched before, and it seemed that he saw that the sun-shooting power turned into his hand. Bow and arrow, he always thought it was the feeling brought by the different phases, but now he is not sure whether he will become the next realm of God, that is, asking price to materialize himself. In this way, does it mean that he has cultivated himself into a magic weapon? If you get it, it is really a rare treasure between heaven and earth. If you think like this, wouldn’t you want to be transformed into a huge palace in the end?
Wang Sheng thought like this, but because of his knowledge of becoming a god, he felt more and more that he turned into a palace. I don’t know it was a subtle part of the body, but the whole body. He was heavy in every move, but he took it lightly. Once released, it can suppress the space and destroy the world. This is one of the magical powers of his palace. Suppress!
The East Prince is a mountain exuding sharp edges, and the West Queen is a noble and repressive incarnation of the rule. As for Wang Sheng, he goes straight to break the devil in the world, more violent than Luo Zhen, and seeing him as if to see him In Pangu Reincarnation.
The chaotic flow of the chaotic world continues to spread, the will of the chaotic world becomes clearer, and the narrow range of the chaotic world is visible to the naked eye, but the will of the chaotic world, regardless of it, will only bear the shining of the jade plate, and it has been seen from the top to the top The next scan is almost complete.
Wang Sheng roared, opened a layer of chaotic airflow, and finally approached the space crack before it, and then he squeezed forward, the space crack will not rebound, and the crack that he entered into the silence is even greater. , And then Wang Sheng turned around and shouted at the crack in the space. Suddenly, all the cracks in the space were broken into pieces and rolled out. I saw a sword light and a flash of light directly entered the space, and then in the eyes of everyone The appearance of money shocked the soul.
I saw a giant swinging an axe in front of his eyes, splitting layers of bondage, and a stream of streamers spattered. When they came in, they saw a jade plate appear just under the giant axe, and then shattered into several petals. A few petals flew directly towards the Wang Seng, and blinked to merge with his body.
Back to the chaotic era?
With a move in Wang Sheng's heart, the figures of the East Queen and West Queen appeared beside them, but they stared straight at the huge figure, "Great God Pangu!"
Strictly speaking, they are the born creatures of Pangu who opened up the world, and they are inextricably linked to the Pangu world. In the west, Pangu can be said to be the creator and the father god, and naturally they have never seen the real Pangu, I have only seen the phantom of Pangu, because they are not the devil born from chaos.
Even though they have never seen it before, they seem to see the history before seeing this scene, as if they have really returned to the era of Pangu.
Suddenly Wang Sheng shook past God, and the jade disk that blended into his body didn't feel the slightest, as if it were illusory, and more importantly, he didn't feel the eyes in the ancient times. , But what kind of thing was born out of this phase?
The thing that can give birth to the figure of Pangu, Wang Sheng's heart moved, feeling that he seemed to have the focus.
At this time, in the inner world of the person, the immortal emperor transformed by the filthy breath that originally formed was violently violently violently stopped in this world, and suddenly stopped, and then the figure transformed by the emperor emperor actually turned up slightly in his eyes A golden light flashed.
"Is this the so-called opportunity, Yangliu Daojun, but this opportunity is really difficult to obtain." This is either the corresponding body or the body of the past and the future at this moment is occupied by the past fairy emperor, which is the previous fairy The backhand left by the emperor played a role.
"However, everything seems too simple. It's a very important thing for the teacher to capture the body transformed by the breath that even the master can't eliminate. Is it so simple to capture it." Immortal Emperor still exists here A little puzzled, after all, he was with him as a former teacher, so he had to be afraid.
Immortal Emperor felt that his state was incomparably good. This body transformed by the breath and dirty breath he did not seem to have endless potential. The strength that can be returned is still so, but he felt that this body was about to step out That step may be simple.
"An opportunity to hear the avenue, a good chance." Immortal Emperor restored his majesty, and then saw a river suddenly descended in this body world, colorless and crystal clear, and then suddenly shattered into little drops above the sky. The crystal drops of water seem to begin to merge with this world.
Immortal Emperor's eyes flickered slowly, and a space of Zixiao Palace appeared slowly behind him. Immortal Emperor's eyes flickered and entered into it. Since then, the world's dirty breath has completely disappeared, whether it is the calculation of the jade disk or not. Has met his expectations.
In front of Wang Sheng, every axe hacked by the Pangu giant is like the hacking of Pangu himself at that The chaotic world continues to dissipate. Completely the world.
Suddenly, the monk moved his heart, and seemed to feel a slow awakening of his will. In this world, vast and broad, it seemed to appear slowly from that new world, and it seemed that Pangu consciousness after the opening of the world was integrating the whole world.
The figure of the giant disappeared in the world, replaced by a vague and powerful consciousness, and not only emerged from this new world, but also beside Wang Sheng, in this dirty world.
"The Great God of Pangu!" The East Queen and Queen Mother spoke again, but the sound was very different, because they had to feel that the Yupan Great God was awakening beside him, not the previous feeling of passing through history, but the real awakening.
Wang Sheng felt a shock and finally knew what was wrong! The jade disk does not show history in front of the eyes, but then wakes up the Pangu consciousness that has disappeared since the sky opened in a mysterious way. This is a true third-step consciousness.
No, there is no complete awakening, Pangu's consciousness is not sober, and it is still in a vague state. This consciousness is equivalent to the heaven of the new world, and Yupan is calling out the heaven!
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