Chapter 880: Emerging breath

() At this moment, the white swordsman was not charging towards these emperors, but toward the avenue, toward the gate that seemed to exist, and the sword stood against the sky, demanding a sword to cut it off.
Under this sword, there is no sword and fierceness, no sharpness, no charm, only a simple swipe across, the potential is like a flood, like a mountain falling, like a tumult, it is almost to become Pangu, repeating the world.
The breath belonging to the white-clothed swordsman has disappeared and is fully integrated into the sword. Now it is impossible to say the life and death of the white-clothed swordsman. He is in a very wonderful state. If he breaks the door, he will live, if he does not open the door, Sword destruction is so simple, and it is also the last blow that an emperor devoted himself to. Under this blow, no one can be indifferent, no one can despise, so one after another only listen to the sound of rumbling everywhere.
The great human clan roared, his body rose, and his body seemed to be glowing everywhere, as if one magical realm after another, containing worlds, this is the emperor realm, only the flesh, but all-encompassing, he became A luminous body, even the boundless dark void, was illuminated, and there was a thunderous thunder under the void, as if something was about to appear.
Above the sky dome, the breath of Heavenly Emperor and Emperor moved together, and Wang Sheng was also surprised, looking in one direction, where he felt a familiar breath, ancient immortal penalty!
The big hand covered the sky, but it was suddenly a welcome. Another big hand covered the sky. The two hands emptied the void, the universe was born, and the world appeared and destroyed. A complete territory was sacrificed like this, like a real emperor, Beside that, the figure in the flame was separated from the flame for the first time, revealing an unremarkable human figure, only a little cinnabar was lit on the eyebrow. At this time, the cinnabar floated out independently, turning into a pearl, and then turning into a monstrous sky. The blood flow of the blood poured into the human form from the heart of the eyebrow, and suddenly the layers of red flame erupted, as if the industry fire, as if the memory of the last life came back, but it needed to be burned by the industry fire, and turned into a devil god, eyes Crazy gradually.
The four quasi-empires, the monstrous momentum is rolling, then the spectator spectators including Zu Feng looked amazed and retreated towards the rear. This is the most momentous moment in the life of an emperor, and it is also a flash in the pan. Such a peak will be suppressed in the universe, which will make them unable to recover and lose their last vitality. If this battle is unsuccessful, it will become a benevolence!
The momentum of the four prospective emperors erupted, and they even broke out of the ordinary power that is not inferior to the emperor, especially the field in the hands of the cover of the sky. It is almost like a complete emperor's field, and the other few are even more so. In a way, they have already proved the emperor!
Wang Sheng sighed again, what happened to the universe, why there is this kind of suppression, why is it also a large-area world, but the universe has such a suppression, even if it has long been out of the unique realm of the emperor, but it is also lost Many, countless generations with imperial capitals cannot prove the emperor. If you change to the Pangu World or the ancient world, the rest dare not say that these four achievements of the true monarch are unquestionably stable, but now they are in such a situation. , It is really the morning news, the death of Xi is enough!
"Dear friends, please go on the road!" The four people, before or after, or thick or cold, said these words together, as if to pay tribute to them, and also have strong confidence in themselves, believing that they are the only ones Choice, they are truly stunning.
The sword light flooded the field of vision, and there was no sound to drop. The human ancestral luminous body raised his arms and roared wildly. The whole body was turned into a horrible hell.
What finally appeared in front of me was a scene of terrifying terror and shock. All the energy melted and there was only one big shock that was about to erupt, and it was completely comparable to opening up the world!
This potential was felt by Wang Sheng, and he raised his eyebrows slightly. Didn't these people plan to shoot? Except for them, only he could calm down all of this, and if he ignored it, the final result looked at nothing. The space is completely destroyed, spreading to the world, and the prosperous era of practice is completely annihilated. There is no need to go through the end of the process. Not only is the power of the fluctuations leading to this result, but also because the coincidence of countless holy places is close at this time, and the space is incomparable. The fragile situation can destroy the world without too much force, and usher in a new era again. That is no matter what plans the emperor and the emperor have, they are destined to end in failure.
Wang Sheng found that the breath of these three people is still very stable, and there is no sign of shooting. Wang Sheng can still feel that their sight is still on the breath of the ancient immortal punishment before the followers, but that breath is also a short-lived disappearance, Wang Sheng is just about Mo's affirmation of his guess. In this era, the ancient immortal punishment was truncated and taken as a picture. What does this prove? It proves that the great horror of the chaotic history in the imaginary stage was enough to affect this from ancient times. The ancient immortal punishment related to the promotion of the true monarch is projected from the world.
The ancient immortal penalty can definitely be related to the third step power, even the third step power was That is to say, that great terror is enough to affect a third step power creation, that This terrifying level of bin is enough to shock Wang Sheng. I am afraid that at the single level, it has really surpassed that step and has entered the concept of the third part.
"They are still waiting!" Wang Sheng knew that their purpose was the ancient immortal penalty, but the ancient immortal penalty was definitely not the ultimate goal. They could not just try to pass this ancient immortal penalty, but to find an ancient legend, It is the passage that appears with the ancient immortal penalty, and it only appears when the Kyushu world powerhouse crosses the robbery.
Wang Sheng secretly sighed that Heavenly Emperor did not exceed his expectations after all, but it was normal. If there were really another pair of pants, it would be impossible for future generations to wear them without anything, and they were only looking at them at this time. Some layout is enough to hold the sky. After all, the legends of Kyushu World in this era are so mysterious that even the emperor did not dare to offend, but this one of the emperors and emperors dare, enough to show their strong morality.
As the energy fluctuations below became more intense, Wang Sheng knew that the moment of the ending would come soon. Suddenly, with a bang, the first complete explosion of the endless karmic fire field below, without the master’s control, turned into a chaotic order. energy of.
Hell Demon God, fall!
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