Chapter 943: Flesh

But this is just enough for Wang Sheng, he just wants a reference, not a blunder.
Wang Sheng’s true spirit started a deep comprehension. The avenue is not written on paper and taught people how to do it, but it needs to be comprehended by itself. When it is realized, it is comprehended, and it cannot even be spoken. The power to block the forehead is simply indescribable and indescribable, that is, it is easy to enlighten the Tao but difficult to preach.
The reason why the ancestor Lao Tzu in the earth’s myths and legends is honored as the ancestor is not because of his cultivation, but the strength of his evangelism can even be understood by mortals, understood by everyone, and truly achieved evangelism. the reason.
And the avenue that Wang Sheng now comprehends cannot be explained by Dao Zu himself, so most of the content in this inheritance is just an introduction, and even nothing can’t get the essence of the navy, so ordinary people can only read heavenly books, Can't understand at all.
Wang Sheng can still understand some things, and got what he wanted, but the quantity and quality of this information are not as good as he expected. There is no doubt that there may be better inheritance in the hands of Daozu, but that Part of it should be the part that he can't talk about.
Wang Sheng recalled the fluctuation of the breath when he used the magic seal of the space seal. In fact, at the time of the exhibition, his own power has a tendency to combine, but the trend is not obvious, and there are some special resistances. I didn’t understand this before. What is the resistance of stocks? It is now known that the contradictions between various forces have come together, all of them are Wang Sheng’s own strengths. There is no difference in level, no distinction between primary and secondary. Inheritance gave Wang Sheng the greatest insight.
With the beginning, everything was easy to handle, and Wang Sheng began to think seriously about the same and contradictions among these forces.
It’s not that he separates strength from strength to strength, and strength really goes to what he thinks. Strength is something that really exists and is not changed by people’s minds. All he has to do is to use the characteristics of these forces, Amplify it at the same point, and then close together, and finally merge into one.
One is the power of his flesh to become a god, Pang is the most real, the other is the power of the real spirit, not good at exertion and better at inner strength, compared with the physical power, the real spiritual power is really the transformation of the essence of life, It is also the promotion of his level, and the last one, and the most mysterious and unpredictable power, is his power of Daoguo. For those who walk on the path of orthodox cultivation, the power of Daoguo is everything and is the core. However, for Wang Sheng, the power of Daoguo is just a way for him to exert his power. Even if there is no Daoguo power, he can use his physical strength to reach the peak.
Of course, the combination of Dao Guo and flesh can really point him to a path.
Each of these three forces is absolutely powerful and has a deep background. It is not difficult to fully integrate them, but the commonality of one of them is obvious.
The power of the flesh to become a comes from the flesh and acts on the flesh. The key to the flesh is the most important. The true spirit is also combined with the flesh because it is special when he was born. To some extent, the flesh is the real spirit, and the real spirit is The flesh becomes a god, and it also has the terrifying resilience of the flesh.
Dao Guo seems to be the least closely integrated with his physical body, but when you think about it carefully, the formation of Dao Guo was considered by him to be the result of the physical power of the gods. It was a black spot that he opened up when he sang the long river, And he will not forget that when the black dot was opened, in fact, the real body of the black dot was caused by the collapse of the innumerable palaces, that is, the particles of the flesh and the gods. In fact, it is another way of expressing the flesh and the gods or the body. .
That is to say, the three seem to be different. If the source of the theory actually has a owed connection with the physical body, this connection may not allow them to merge completely, but physical strength is enough to become an important opportunity for them to combine.
The true spirit only speculates that Wang Sheng cannot be used for practice. His physical body is still suppressed in the primitive wild world outside, guarding against the threat of infection. Wang Sheng will not let the true spirit easily enter the physical body. That strength can be taken advantage of.
Wang Sheng can only continue to think about it, and immortal immigrants continue to deduce and strive to perfect this speculative evolution. As time goes by, Wang Sheng's true spirit does not feel the power of time, but his physical body feels it.
The wildness from the outside is a kind of entangled vitality. This is the continuous development of this wild world. This world is not false, but the world that originally cut off the projection of time, and it also uses the belief of countless creatures. The force constructed a chain, which firmly suppressed Wang Sheng.
The real horror is not this nor is it the creatures that gradually evolved with this world Projection, in this world, they are constantly growing, the level is higher and higher, the power of faith provided is comparable to the power of faith of the entire world, this power is the most important force to suppress Wang Sheng, and also the king Sheng's flesh didn't care from the beginning to the slight difference in weight.
And what made Wang Sheng feel the most was not the suppression of any power, nor the combined force of this power, but the power of chaos felt in the center of this wild world, and the consciousness left in his naked eyes The force that sensed this chaos belongs to a chaotic dome embedded in the center of this world.
Chaos Dome! ?
What Wang Sheng thought of for the first time was the core of that big-world world, the universe's core world surrounding the ninety-nine Dao Avenue. Is there actually a giant egg here?
Wang Sheng's heart is deep, and what he represents is very deep.
But after all, the first idea that came to mind was that Kyushu still had more particularities and perhaps more secrets. It is impossible to fully explain the connection between the ancient world and the ancient world.
He didn’t think too much about the mysterious Wang Sheng in the wild world. He didn’t have the opportunity to verify it, but he was stunned by the original Tianzun’s ideas.
I’m afraid it’s really catching his attention, and it’s really vigorously developing the wild world. Even regardless of the gradual strengthening of some of the power in this world, its connection with external powers is also strengthening. There is a danger of exposing this world.
Wang Sheng’s true spirit was indifferent to it. The original calculation calculated that he had no power and ignorance, but the real situation was that Wang Sheng could leave at any time.
"Not the time!" Wang Shengzheng regained his perception.
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