Chapter 1006: attract

It was Xiao Ran's expectation that Mithril suffered a full-scale attack from amalgam, and even he would push Mithril to be attacked. This is also the opportunity he has been waiting for. He has been waiting for Mithril to be attacked. The day when the amalgam attacked and was destroyed, even if it would cause the Mithril to suffer too much sacrifice and loss, it didn't matter.
He never thought that he could receive complete Mithril, and Mithril would never fall into his hands at the most powerful time, so Mithril must suffer a devastating blow, whether it was countless deaths or injuries, It's okay for all the base teams to be destroyed, but as long as the Son of Danu still exists, and the Mithril Research Department and the important factory facilities that Xiao Ran needs are intact, he doesn't care about other things.
However, he was able to gather all the defeated Mithril soldiers under the name of Tessa after Mithril suffered a devastating blow, and appeared as a god-descended soldier in the mithril helpers who were in distress. The soldiers who rescued them in front of them will inevitably receive the sincere gratitude of these mercenaries, and eventually turn all these powers into their own things.
In the entire Mithril, even if the power that can survive after being destroyed, their intelligence system is actually not too important. The level of technology and craftsmanship that is ten years ahead of the world is what Xiao Ran needs. It is something that can really be transformed into a strength.
So when he heard that Mithril had been attacked, Xiao Ran was still quite happy, and for Mithril suffered such a disaster, Xiao Ran could only say two words and deserve it.
At the beginning, I clearly reminded them, and also put forward several opinions that can prevent Mithril from being destroyed, but it is a pity that the top management of Mithril did not take his words as the same thing. At that time, the cooperation was quite pleasant, but it was just cooperation, Xiao Ran naturally had no way to influence Mithril's decision.
After asking Al Elf to contact the Son of Danu to confirm the situation there, Xiao Ran also quickly confirmed his current coordinates, and soon called Lamba, the twin sisters, and the captains of the action team. All were called.
It has been several days since Xiao Ran and the others set off, so even if there is still some time before the real target on the back, it will not affect the actions of the helicopter transporting the cargo ship.
When everyone was standing around, Xiao Ran took a picture of the map located in the middle of everyone, and said: "Your next goal is here, a factory located in the Soviet Union. According to reliable information, this factory has the ability to manufacture third-generation AS. The capabilities of parts and components are actually controlled by amalgam."
"The normal defense force of the factory is about less than a mixed group, which is less powerful than the base we captured last time, but it should be noted that in the base we captured last time, many enemy ASs did not join the battle. So there should be more in AS." Time and Space Exchange
"But I just received a message that most of the amalgam forces are all concentrated and are launching an attack on the Mithril side. That is to say, the current defense force of the amalgam has been reduced to a minimum. The defense of this factory Power should be the same."
"So now is the best opportunity to attack this factory. The goal is to wipe out all the defense forces, take away the equipment we need as much as possible, and then blow up the factory completely. Calculated from the beginning of the battle, you have the most In fifteen minutes, if there is no possibility to obtain the equipment, then get the information, even if the information is not available, the factory will be evacuated directly, understand?"
"Okay." Xiao Ran checked the time and nodded: "This time I will act separately from you. The priority is to attract more attention to you and reduce the air threat to you. I will attack the nearby air base alone. , And then I will go to another place to perform another action."
"So the reason for this action..." Xiao Ran looked at the people present. Rangba was just a soldier. It was okay to ask him to lead a small team to do the set task. If he led so many people as the commander-in-chief, he still had a slight ability. Not in time.
The sisters of Yufang and Magnolia were too indifferent to serve as commanders, so Xiao Ran set his sights on the action players and said, "The fifth team captain is here."
The fifth team is the one that discovered the nuclear bomb during the last mission, and all the team leaders are carefully selected. The real fighters with rich experience have no problem in commanding combat, at least better than the Lamba. It's much more reliable.
"Yes." The captain of the fifth team nodded his head, the expression on his face did not change much.
"This attack will bring all the AS and all six transport helicopters into use. If the factory has suitable transport equipment, it can be snatched together with the transport equipment. If there is a large cargo plane, it can be directly sent back to China. Once you have the equipment you need, you can give up the M6 ​​and blow it up."
"Hurry up and prepare, and set off right away." Xiao Ran clapped his hands as he finished speaking, and told everyone to go down and make preparations quickly. Then he took out the communicator and saw one of the messages sent by Al Elf.
"The current coordinates of the Son of Danu are near the coastline of the East Pacific. It is rushing to the Mithril headquarters for support missions. After contacting the other party, I hope to get our help." Superstar Superstar
"Headquarters? Have you been guarded for a long time so you stayed near the headquarters?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows when he saw the message from Al Elf, and then replied with a message: "Promise her, but tell her that she can't Determine the exact time of arrival, and let Luo sort out a copy of the Mithril Research Department as soon as possible."
After the information was sent, Xiao Ran put the communicator away and put on the combat uniform and headed to Gnaku. The Gnaku was making preparations for the attack. A transport helicopter was sent to the elevator platform for transportation. Then the six ASs driven by Langba and others walked towards the elevator platform.
The Demon King machine driven by Langba, the Red Hell King worthy of Yulan, the blue-gray Hell King Yufang and the blue-gray Hell King piloted, and the two original M6s, and six transport helicopters each carried a fuselage after leaving the freighter. He flew towards the combat target that Xiao Ran assigned to them.
While Xiao Ran entered the cockpit of the deformed fighter plane and was sent out of Gnaku by the elevator platform, he also entered the coordinates of the Soviet air force base he needed to attack into the computer, maintaining the fortress form and slowly lifting into the air. Transformation ejected two bright rays of light and quickly moved away in a direction completely opposite to the Mithril headquarters.
It took just a few breaths of the time-deformed fighter to surpass the six transport helicopters that hadn't been long before departure, and then quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.
Even if it’s just a deformed fighter that can’t enter the, driven by two thermonuclear energy engines, it also explodes extremely terrifying speeds in the atmosphere. The deformed fighter itself is based on star wars. The body that appeared was probably flying faster than the rocket, and it flew straight to the mission target under the instructions of the body computer.
Without a word all the way, Xiao Ran operated the deformed fighter plane and rushed into the territory of the Soviet Union at an unrivaled speed, and did not want to hide the track and use the ultra-low-altitude flight to rampage inside, even passing over the city. , Is to use oneself to attract attention, so that the following action team can safely reach the mission goal.
In this way, the deformed fighter will of course be discovered inevitably. A fighter that is not part of the Soviet Union but flying in Soviet airspace will also receive the attention of the Soviet side, and then send fighters to chase, destroy or make a forced landing.
The flight direction of the deformed fighter is not at all concealed at all. As long as the path of the deformed fighter is simply speculated, the ultimate goal of the deformed fighter can be determined. So a fighter plane belonging to the Soviet Union began to take off and began to move towards the deformed fighter. Surrounded by the direction. (.)
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