Chapter 1016: misfortune

(Does some people think that Tessa is described as disgusting? Then change to a non-disgusting way. That chapter has been changed. The book review area is also drunk and read every day. Since it’s just not good, then participate in it. Chant, hey.)
"They're here." Tessa bit her lower lip and watched the reinforcements appearing on the screen, and gently squeezed her hands: "It must be safe and successful, everyone."
"Sit down." Hearing Tessa's whisper that seemed to be praying, Xiao Ran's feet gently stepped on, causing the feet of the deformed fighter ms form to emit bright flames, and his body leans forward slightly. He began to slide quickly on the ground, and threw straight through the thick black smoke towards the remaining enemies.
Several helicopters began to slowly fall in front of the warehouse under the protection of the two m9s and the crossbowmen. As soon as the crossbowmen fell on the ground, they put away their weapons, but instead opened their empty arms and raised them together. A faint light appeared in front of the strong crossbowmen, forming a barrier to protect the helicopter and warehouse behind him.
The other in the air also untied all the parachutes behind them and landed on the ground one by one, making continuous banging sounds. After landing, they lined up a relatively neat attack formation and started to launch towards the enemies in all directions. After attacking, the enemy who had the advantage in number for a while suffered heavy losses in the shortest time.
This is also because the deformation fighter attracted too much attention from the enemy at the beginning, so almost all the hostile targets were facing the direction of the deformation fighter, and the Mithril as team attacked from mid-air until it fell to the ground. They are almost in a position where the hostile target can't defend, and this has led to Mithril's as soon as they came out to create a lot of results.
After the two that fell in front of the warehouse began to take the initiative to attack, they saw that the warehouse was also under the control of strong crossbowmen. One of the raised its weapon and began to run towards the deformed fighter, while the other Tai Ze squatted down and raised a long sniper rifle, and started sniping one by one at the enemies in the base.
Originally, there were only more than 30 in the Mithril base, and most of them were the Marines. When Xiao Ran drove in the deformed fighter plane and started fighting, only at most half of the joined the battle. , The remaining half basically all became unmanned unmanned targets, almost all of them were swept into pieces by the laser green of the deformed fighter.
In addition to the fire suppression and accurate firing of the deformed fighter, several capable of combat were also killed. In fact, the number of that can reach the Mithril attack at this time is not a few at all, and the number that has the real advantage is still three. The army of hundreds of people can't deal with the large number of today, and there is no other way to deal with the current situation except for retreating and hiding.
It can be said that the team on the Mithril side has an absolute advantage at this time, but the remaining six or seven on the amalgam side are all units that can be driven by the λ-driver because of the power of the λ-driver. Only then will these be suppressed by the firepower of the transforming fighters, and the Mithril troops' air strikes will survive unharmed.
Facing the transforming fighters, these λ-driver bodies do not have much confidence, but facing the ordinary m9s of Mithril, these bodies can be said to be killing gods. Each moment has the appearance of the king. He rushed towards the that landed on the Mithril troops. The heroine of Chuanshu is reborn in the last days
Can’t get rid of the deformed fighters, can’t they still get rid of these m9s? Even if they choose not to kill these m9s but choose to hijack these units, they can still escape under such an environment, and each unit will emerge. With the same light as the crossbowmen in front of him, he flexibly jumped in the ruined ruin base, evaded or slammed the bullets fired by Mithril as, and rushed towards those unusually.
And these ass’ every move and every move never escaped Xiao Ran’s eyes. After seeing these ass’ actions, he sneered and raised his left hand and pushed forward. The deformed fighter instantly turned into a fortress form, and the two thrusters suddenly burst. In such a narrow and chaotic field, he directly made a full-speed push.
Of course, Xiao Ran knew that Mithril’s m9 could not be the opponent of these λ-driver bodies. Once the two sides met, perhaps only a wrong Mithril m9 would be cut in half. So in order to avoid such a situation, Xiao Ran also Take it seriously.
With a mask on, the golden light bursting out of his eyes was completely covered, and everything in the entire battlefield was slowed down several times in Xiao Ran’s eyes. He could clearly see the actions of the ass. For any action, the next foothold of those as can be identified by the angle and path of the as jumped.
The two beam guns on the flying wing began to adjust, slowly lit up in Xiao Ran’s perception, and then fired out two beams like squeezed out, seizing the most appropriate time and the most appropriate position to fly out. , And then the two were as if they had hit two beams of light, and they had been directly penetrated by the two beams coming from behind as soon as they stepped on the ground.
Countless electric currents flickered and spewed out a spreading flame, and then fell to the ground in black smoke, and finally exploded two fireballs completely exploded into pieces.
Even if these airframes have lambda-drivers, the pilots driving these airframes cannot really use the power of the lambda-driver. For Xiao Ran, except for some effort, it is basically the same as dealing with ordinary as. Also at the level of miscellaneous soldiers that can be harvested at will.
How fast these jump, it is impossible for the deformed fighters to fly faster. When the two fuselages exploded, the deformed fighters had already flown through the layers of obstacles and caught up with the remaining king type fuselages. Also throw the m9 that followed behind further.
Xiao Ran, who had turned on the state of the changer, became more elusive to control the action of the deformed fighter. He wiped out the remaining as with an incomparable speed, and several scenes of red light bursting from the fuselage of the deformed fighter appeared. Every action of the deformed fighter has a red afterimage, just like a series of red fighters active in the battlefield to eliminate the remaining targets.
And just behind, a huge shadow suddenly rushed towards the m9 that was behind the transformation warfare fuselage, and another heavy roar that resounded throughout the base also appeared from the side, followed by the ground and steel. The dull sound of the collision, bang bang, bang bang, continuous loud footsteps, and even the violent sound of collapse and impact.
The moment he heard this voice, Xiao Ran reflected this familiar frequency and voice, and hurriedly shouted to the communication channel: "Hurry up!"
Xiao Ran’s reaction can be said to be extremely fast, and the Mithril mercenaries who have been fighting for a long time are not slow to respond. An made a leap or jump, and one has as height, but it is higher than as. The chubby thing that was widened several times broke open and the smoke rushed out.
Ramming along a straight line all the way, hitting a m9 that was too late to evade, and immediately disguised the lower body of the m9, and then flew away and fell heavily on the ground. There was no movement, and the two sharp corners changed from the other. An M9 slashed across the body, leaving a huge gap across the entire M9.
And because of the appearance of the rounded figure, those m9s that were originally arranged in battle have become scattered and scattered everywhere like a bowling ball.
The two m9s lost their combat ability after the appearance of this rounded machine, and the pilot's situation was unknown and could not be contacted.
Behind the transforming fighter, the figure much taller than the As also punched the As which was driven by Melissa Mao behind him, the big fist under Cruz’s sniper Being bounced at a certain angle also created an excellent opportunity for Melissa.
The figure of m9 was slightly to one side under the control of Melissa Mao, and she had only time to cross her arms in front of her. The next second a loud noise was picked up in the cockpit of m9, even though that one The huge iron fist just brushed over Melissa Mao's body, but it also brought out countless sparks on the body, and both arms and the head were completely scrapped.
And the huge iron fist fell on the ground and there was a burst of noise, splashing out countless rubble, breaking the leg of m9, and being pushed away by a visible shock wave, the undefended cockpit also Because of this shock wave, it became more than half flat.
Seeing this scene, Sagara Sosuke's eyes stared instantly, his right hand caught the dagger under the head tribe, a golden light gathered and rushed directly to the tall and Cruz The m9 he was driving also threw out, grabbed the wreckage of Melissa's body and began to explode. A sniper rifle was raised with one hand and started to shoot at the huge body without even aiming.
But whether it was facing Sagara Sosuke’s attack, or facing Cruz’s burst shot, the unit that was twice as big as the used incomparable agility to quickly dodge and dodge, and finally landed there. The table had stopped beside the chubby body.
At this time, everyone also saw the appearance of the two units.
"The face... is another bull-head-shaped face. Is this face one of the low-level units sold by the Super Zone system?" Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the other machine, one more than as It was twice as tall. At this time, he was making a body with a fist in front of him, with his body slightly pressed down, and Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment when he saw this body.
"Gundam? It turned out to be Gundam?"
Although the shape of this machine is a bit strange, the head is not so good-looking, just like wearing a soldier's helmet, the armor looks very thick, the thighs and arms are a bit thick and round, but the v-shaped antenna in front of the head shows that This machine is a Gundam. (.)
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