Chapter 1025: come down

The light from the nuclear bomb explosion and the high heat only took a short time to swallow the deformed fighter, making the entire world that Xiao Ran saw in his eyes turned white, and the dazzling light made Xiao Ran unable to help but close his eyes until The light-sensitive system on the screen and the helmet reflected, layer by layer blocking the dazzling light, Xiao Ran slowly opened his eyes.
At this time, all kinds of alarms sounded in the ears, a reminder composed entirely of beeps of varying lengths, and a flashing red light reminding Xiao Ran of the bad situation of the deformed fighter plane at this time.
The energy consumption is accelerated, the engine is overheated and damaged, the temperature of the whole machine rises, the body is strongly impacted, and the ps armor capacity reaches its limit...
All the hints reminded Xiao Ran that the deformation fighter was in an extremely dangerous situation. Such a bad situation could be said to be one of the few situations that Xiao Ran encountered the most dangerous.
Faced with such a situation, Xiao Ran's face did not change a bit. He maintained the indifference and rationality in the state of a changer. He did not check why the alarm was sounded, but just maintained the fastest speed of the transformation fighter. Continue to fall downward.
But only a few seconds later, Xiao Ran also stretched out his hand and flicked on the control panel, ticking several options. Following the movements of Xiao Ran's fingers, the parts made up of the heavy armored backpacks began to fall off from the fuselage of the deformed warfare one by one. The first place to fall off was the four missile pods on the legs, followed by the front and back sides of the fuselage. Of heavy armor.
Pieces of pieces fell apart and were thrown behind by the deformed fighter, and then bursts of explosions appeared, exploding several large and small fireballs, and were swallowed by high heat and white light again, above the deformed fighter. Only two additional propellers on the wings are left.
After abandoning the backpack, the alarm sound in the cabin seemed to be weaker, and the speed of the deformed fighter seemed to increase a bit. The acceleration of the straight-line drop, including the force of the deformed fighter itself, really turned the deformed fighter into A beam of light rushed out of the nuclear explosion in a short time.
But the next situation Xiao Ran needs to face is the high heat generated by the friction between the deformed fighter and the atmosphere at high speed, which directly causes the outer layer of the entire body to turn red and burn flames.
One hand controlled the deformed fighter and began to slowly turn its direction, while the other hand quickly tapped on the control panel, checking the most detailed real-time feedback of the body one by one. The feedback message that turned red also gave a hint of embarrassment to Xiao Ran's indifferent expression.
However, after seeing that the deformed structure was still intact, the embarrassment on Xiao Ran's face also disappeared a lot, and he restarted to determine his current accurate position, confirm the angle at which the deformed fighter entered the atmosphere, etc., and began to find the most suitable fall location for himself. .
"Report...All signals disappeared and a nuclear explosion reaction was detected."
The bridge personnel were reporting the current situation to Tessa in a low voice, while Tessa looked at the picture of the disappearance of the light on the screen with a dull face, as if he did not hear what the bridge personnel said.
When Richard saw Tessa's expression, he also slightly pulled down the brim of his hat and reminded him in a low voice, "Captain, please give orders."
"Huh?" Tessa turned her head and glanced at Richard with a dumb look, and after wiping her tears with her hand, she sat down as if her whole body's strength had been emptied, and squeezed her fist and ordered: "Try to find out the signal of the deformed fighter, analyze the actions of the deformed fighter at the last time, the angle of the shot, and notify them of this matter to Mr. Luo."
Every few minutes, Luo and Al Elf walked into the bridge in a hurry. They felt the low atmosphere in the bridge and they looked at each other and nodded. Wolf went directly to one of the work platforms that circled the bridge, and asked the original staff to let him sit on it.
And Luo stood by Tessa's side and watched the replay of the logo map ten seconds before the nuclear bomb exploded on the big screen in front. After reading it in detail twice, Luo also exhaled a long breath: "Also Well, the distance is not too close, just within the maximum range of firepower coverage, I know that guy will definitely not mess around."
After saying this, Rob turned his head to look at Al Elf, and said: "Al Elf, can you determine his current position?"
"No, the interference is too serious to search for his current signal." Al Elf shook his head, but said: "It is certain that the deformed fighter made a steering action at the first moment of the nuclear explosion. I need a few minutes to identify the specific area where I might land."
Tessa heard the conversation between the two and raised her head abruptly. With surprise, eagerness, and anticipation, she looked at Luo with her tangled eyes. She covered her mouth with her slightly trembling hand, and asked incredible: "You mean, he is still safe? Is that a nuclear bomb?"
The fact that Xiao Ran is still alive, Luo and Al Elf, who are followers, are of course the clearest, but if Xiao Ran died, they would have received Prometheus’ prompts in the first place. But now they obviously have not received such a prompt, and they still maintain Xiao Ran's identity as a participant, which clearly shows Xiao Ran's current situation.
But Luo and Al Elf had no way to tell Tessa. Looking at Tessa's appearance, Luo smiled and scratched his hair, nodded and said, "Don't worry, that guy can't hang up so easily. I’m talking about the body I made specifically for him. As long as it’s not destroyed by a nuclear explosion in the first time, there will be no way to shoot down that body if it is interfered by the shock wave or electromagnetic shock.

"As long as that machine can operate, he can definitely find a place to land safely based on his ability. Now we only need to determine his approximate area and rush over, and wait for him to contact us to pick him up."
Luo also smiled at Tessa after saying this. In fact, even if the body was actually destroyed by a nuclear bomb, Xiao Ran would certainly not have any problems, because Xiao Ran would be safe the moment the body was destroyed. Directly teleported back to their stronghold in Japan, and the escape device purchased by 100,000 combat points was used as insurance, which was enough to save Xiao Ran's life in any situation while driving the body to fight.
The escape device is something that has been purchased a long time ago. Every time they enter a different mission world, they will bind it in a suitable place. As long as the escape device is not used, it can be bound multiple times until it is successfully used. So far, but if there is no driving body, then this escape device cannot be used at all.
Luo couldn't tell Tessa the real situation, but after hearing what Luo said, Tessa was slightly relieved and raised a hope, and it was Luo and Al Elf who should really worry about Xiao Ran's safety. The calm and determined attitude of the two made Tessa calm down.
The danger that Xiao Ran encountered only stopped in the bridge and did not continue to spread. Even the Son of Danu quietly changed its direction, and no one knew it. After more than an hour of investigation, it was finally found. The sender that existed in the Son of Danu also caught the person who brought the sender on the Son of Danu, and perhaps had already been bought.
On an isolated island in the Pacific Ocean, the dense woods were torn apart with a long trace, countless trees were broken and overwhelmed, the soil on the ground was lifted, and the soil and trees were burnt black everywhere. , There are still many places that are burning, and the whole trace is constantly emitting white or black smoke.
Fragments of various shapes were scattered along the trail to the end. A black-painted plane-like thing was lying on the ground quietly, and several big trees that were knocked off were also pressed on the plane. . And Xiao Ran just sat under a big tree about ten meters away from the plane, looking at the deformed fighter plane that was emitting white smoke.
At this time, the wings of the deformed fighter plane have disappeared, the nose is ragged, and the bottom of the body is riddled with holes and traces of torn everywhere, but it still barely retains the general shape and integrity of the body~www.mtlnovel. com~ However, it is impossible to continue using it.
Xiao Ran, who was leaning against the big tree, had a look of tiredness. The helmet was taken off and placed next to him, and at the corner of his mouth, a dark red blood stain that had dried up could be clearly seen, but it seemed that there was no problem.
It is quite helpless to make it look like Xiao Ran. The four thrusters should be able to support him to land safely, but who knows that the most fragile wing will tear itself after undergoing a nuclear explosion, high temperature, and changing direction. In desperation, Xiao Ran could only actively give up the two thrusters to detonate, and only used the remaining two thrusters to land.
But who knew that they hadn’t completely landed on the island, the two thrusters of the legs had a small explosion due to the high heat, causing the body to completely lose the propulsion ability and directly hit the island out of control. A series of impacts caused Xiao Ran also endured a lot of shocks, and was even more severely shocked by the big tree smashed near the cockpit. Even his current physical fitness was also slightly injured, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.
After resting for a while, Xiao Ran also took a heavy breath and stood up, walked in and looked at the deformed fighter plane that was no longer usable, but also gave a wry smile, and patted his forehead vigorously: "It's really a fight against the enemy. Yanpecking, he will be overcast once, this is really...heh." (To be continued.)
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