Chapter 1029: Mop up

(Only one chapter has been updated in the past few days. The drunk mother is sick and needs to be taken care of. She has to go to the hospital for an infusion twice a day, which lasts almost three hours. She has to bring a baby. It’s really tired. , I’m afraid there are some things. For the time being, only one chapter will be updated within a week, and it will be restored after New Year’s Day
While the VF-171 flew out like an arrow from the string, deformed in the air and flew toward the outer territorial waters, at the same time, a conventional force that received the order also received the order to intercept the US fleet and slowly left the port. The calm sea brought many ripples and splashed countless water sprays, and also drove to the stopped US fleet.
Sitting in the new body, Xiao Ran felt the completely different power and speed of this VF-17 and the previous deformed fighter, and also showed a satisfied look. Only when he really drove this fighter to the sky did he know that this body was really like that. What Luo said is indeed a full version of the warplane.
Flew over the land, over the ocean, and left the fleet that was sailing far behind. Soon I saw the three-carrier fleet composed of at least 30 ships, scattered on the sea. There were about three or four submarines parked, and I saw combat helicopters carrying out cruise missions near the fleet, and fighter jets hovering higher in the sky.
And the VF-171 that Xiao Ran was driving was like a stream of light. Before the opponent had time to stop it, it fell directly in front of the three aircraft carrier fleet and transformed into a fortress form, with bright flames sprayed from under his feet. Stayed firmly in the sky which was only about fifty meters long.
A helicopter seems to have only reacted at this time, quickly encircling in the direction of the deformed fighter, and more combat helicopters have also started to take off from the three aircraft carriers and other ships with carrier capabilities. Densely surrounded the deformed fighter planes hovering steadily.
The ships above the sea also began to rotate their turrets, missile launchers and a series of long-range strike weapons, and began to target and lock the deformed fighter that Xiao Ran was driving.
Sitting in the cockpit of the deformed fighter, Xiao Ran saw several different types of combat helicopters rotating around him, and he could even clearly see the pilots with helmets and masks in the helicopter cockpit, one by one. All showed solemn or serious eyes and expressions.
Considering the two conditions of Xiao Ran's driving ability and the speed of the deformed fighter, it was actually possible to launch a surprise attack that made the entire fleet unable to resist and cost them heavy losses from the very beginning, but Xiao Ran chose a kind of deterrence like force. Stop in front of the fleet in the same way and let the opponent's combat helicopters surround yourself.
This is also because the country already under his control in fact has not participated in the chaos that has affected countless countries in name and to a certain extent. As a neutral country, it has not entered itself in other countries. In the case of a territory, it is impossible to attack directly without warning.
This will also make other countries that might have become allies feel that the country under Xiao Ran's control is too unruly, making these countries refuse to ally with them or even hinder them, although Xiao Ran is not worried about such things It happens, but if things can be less, then less is naturally better.
So even if Xiao Ran felt a little troublesome, some scenes had to be spoken out and then started, and Xiao Ran was already familiar with such things.
With a light cough, Xiao Ran directly turned on the full-frequency broadcast, allowing his voice to be transmitted to the fleet, and he appeared extremely strong when he opened his mouth: "Warning, you are about to step into the Japanese territorial waters, please turn around now. Leave in the direction, otherwise we will treat you as a threatening hostile force, and will resort to force to suppress you, and we will not be held responsible for any losses incurred."
Just as Xiao Ran’s words sounded on every ship in the fleet, the commander of this fleet, a middle-aged man who appeared to be forty or fifty years old, knocked his hand heavily on the table in front of him. Gritting his teeth and looking at the deformed fighter plane in the sky with great anger, he shouted: "Damn it!"
The adjutant next to him also showed a look of insult after taking a look at his commander, and asked in a deep voice: "Sir, what should we do then."
"The intelligence is right. Sure enough, this country has nothing to do with this kind of fighter. The remnants of Mithril are definitely in this country. It is clear that we have also mastered the technology of Mithril, why our people don’t have it. Ways to replicate this kind of fighter!"
"Damn damn! If we can create this kind of fighter, who else will be our opponent." The commander struck the table in front of him again and said angrily: "Moreover, our energy system must have failed. It has nothing to do with them, and now even the last resort cannot be used. You also know the combat effectiveness of this type of machine. It depends on what we people can do with some fighters without AS!"
The adjutant also gritted his teeth: "Then now..."
"I can’t walk, I can’t fight and fight. The entire fleet has already begun to feel uneasy. I am afraid that as long as we have a little action and our missiles are not launched, they will be destroyed by the aircraft first. The live ammunition is invalid. Missiles are also ineffective. I don’t want this kind of fighter to destroy several bases in one go."
"What are the people above thinking about? It's not a matter of starting a war with the Soviet Union. They let the people of Mithril run away. It was also the last time the nuclear bomb was launched. This time the active offensive was also the case. Why did they want to erect? With so many enemies, are they satisfied that they want the whole world to become an enemy?"
"Hey..." The commander sighed for a long time, looked at the black deformed fighter plane in the sky, and said humiliatingly: "Surrender... Our soldiers absolutely can't just die here without resistance, meaningless. I can’t explain this kind of responsibility to the people.

"It's just that, because of why all our nuclear energy has failed, and when this country has mastered this technology that can seal nuclear energy, the world is probably going to change..."
"Surrender..." The adjutant glanced at the commander complicatedly, then looked at his commander who had the same complicated face, then sighed helplessly, and ordered the commander's decision.
When the fleet announced its surrender, Xiao Ran did not feel too much accident. When the two aircraft carriers became targets, all ASs lost energy and could not be started, and the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier could not eject successfully for combat. Relying only on some ships that can only serve as targets from the perspective of the deformed fighter, and some aircraft that have already taken off, it is impossible to deal with the deformed fighter.
And I believe the other party is very clear about this, and as for the fleet's so-called last resort, the nuclear bomb carried on the nuclear submarine also fails, and this attack has completely lost its meaning. In addition to surrender, there seems to be no more choice.
And just before the fleet surrendered, several carrier missiles were also launched on the homeland of the country behind Xiao Ran, and in the shortest time they rushed directly out of the atmosphere, and began to spread to several around the world. Start flying to different places.
And all the aircraft in the fleet returned. After the entire fleet surrendered, Xiao Ran did not drive the deformed fighter to leave at the first time, but watched the facts transmitted to the deformed fighter data. All cases of missile delivery.
During the flight of these missiles, two missiles were successfully intercepted by the Soviet Union and the United States, while the remaining warheads that were launched into no man’s land, such as the ocean and the desert, landed smoothly in designated places. A neutron jammer flew out of the automatically disintegrated ballistic trajectory, adjusted its angle during the landing process, and activated the drill bit to quickly penetrate deeper into the ground before falling to the target location.
Until these neutron jammers are activated, it also means that the world's nuclear energy is officially sealed.
In a short period of time, all the ASs that were operating around the world lost energy, and all nuclear power facilities were stopped at the same time. All of a sudden, the world was plunged into a completely opposed mood of panic and relaxation. .
Many cities around the world are plunged into darkness. The suspension of nuclear power facilities and the communication interference caused by the successful activation of neutron jammers will naturally cause most people to panic. And relaxation is more for civilians. All of the ASs in the world are unusable at once, and all nuclear bombs are unusable. The shadow of war seems to have disappeared a bit. At least there is no need to worry about AS suddenly appearing. Above my head, there would be no threat of a nuclear bomb suddenly exploding above my head.
In addition to Japan, most of the world’s powers have also fallen into chaos. The vigorously developed AS turned out to be unusable. How could this affect the battle situation, military strength, and defense not make them panic? Was worried whether he was caught in a conspiracy.
It was not until those fleets from the mainland successfully encircled the surrendered U.S. fleet, and began the procedures of receiving and disarming the surrender, that Xiao Ran drove the deformed fighter into the sky again. The U.S. side gave a few great gifts. It is really not his character if Xiao Ran pays the courtesy, so he drove the transforming fighter all the way towards the United States and started flying.
However, the target chosen this time was not the United States, but the Bering Strait, the best battlefield where the Soviet Union and the United States fought.
Both the United States and the Soviet Union were heavily armed, and it was also the place that had the greatest impact after the neutron jammer was activated. The units that were at war on the two sides turned into scrap iron. At that time, the soldiers on both sides were shocked. There have also been countless losses, and for Xiao Ran, whether it is the Soviet Union or the United States, they are all hostile targets controlled by amalgam penetration, so this time, Xiao Ran really wants to cover their heads with fear. The above, completely turned the Bering Strait into a place where both sides are reluctant to stay.
Even Xiao Ran didn't notice that after the successful activation of the neutron jammer he led, the completion of the main task 2 soared, until it soared to 80% and then stopped. The complete seal of nuclear energy and the seal of the world’s largest main combat weapon, AS, can almost be said to block the actions, development and plans of the hostile forces, and it also suspends the plans of amalgam to trigger a full-scale world war, so all of a sudden It is also normal to increase to 80%.
The speed of the full version of the deformed fighter is far from that of the original deformed fighter. It flies directly out of the atmosphere and then into the earth. The deformed fighter has appeared over the Bering Strait within ten minutes. The armies of the United States and the Soviet Union were stationed on several islands in the strait. However, because of the neutron jammer, the fierce fighting was stopped for a while, and both sides were retreating their forces to take a defensive posture.
Under such circumstances, countless ASs were directly abandoned and scattered on different islands. Some ships that used nuclear energy were also abandoned. Countless soldiers took small boats and began to evacuate quickly. Wherever it can be seen, no other participant's body appears in it.
The war between the United States and the Soviet Union is obviously like fire, but under such circumstances, no machine belonging to the participant joined the battle. Instead, several participants broke out in other places. The battle between the two sides, and none of them are controlled by the United States and the Soviet Union, it seems that it feels unusual.
However, Xiao Ran's purpose this time is also not those of the participants, but the frontline bases of the United States and the Soviet Union in the Bering Strait, so as to completely contain the war between the two sides.
Starting from the side close to the United Xiao Ran began to clean up all the US bases that existed in the information. In the case that the US can only use conventional weapons to deal with deformed fighters, Xiao Ran did not To slaughter a soldier who has no resistance, Xiao Ran will give the opponent a warning and leave him with ten minutes to evacuate before he does anything.
And when the ten-minute time is up, if you don’t give up the base, then Xiao Ran will really become an enemy. He will directly cover the firepower and destroy the entire base, and the number of people killed will naturally not be shut down. Anything out of it.
However, until Xiao Ran swept from the US direction to the Soviet direction, both sides failed to make Xiao Ran perform a massacre. The US side regarded its soldiers more preciously, so from the beginning, whether it was a base or a stronghold, Whether it was the position or the position, they all chose to evacuate obediently.
Even the United States did this, and it spread to the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union will naturally withdraw without the slightest pressure. Until a long time has passed, many parts of the Bering Strait have turned into a sea of ​​flames, and Xiao Ran is driving the deformed fighter plane. Returned to Japan.
In that place, a meeting that had gathered countless reporters and important people was also waiting for Xiao Ran's arrival. (To be continued.)
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