Chapter 1065: Deep meaning

Xiao Ran can be said to be very experienced in obtaining the conditions for the faction territory. One of the faction territories that can be obtained is very important. At least the forces established by the participants themselves after entering the world generally cannot change at all. Into a camp territory.
Just like the world of 0079, if he didn’t get the core of the world, that is, the original constitution, even if he merged Zeon and the Federation in that world, it would not be of any use, unless he was justified and right. The camp uses any means.
The current New Giorre is equivalent to the situation in the 0079 world, the only thing missing is the core of the world.
To say that the Olympic city that actually developed and manufactured the VVV body is the core of the world, Xiao Ran has already been in contact with it. The difference is that the contact is teleported over. In fact, the true location of the Olympic city has not been found, but this is the point. It should not affect whether to obtain the core of the world, which means that the mysterious Olympic City is not the true core of this world at all.
Xiao Ran had no idea what the real core of the world was. The core sequence of this world must be regarded as one of the upwards in Xiao Ran's eyes. The reason why so many things happen in this world is also because of the relationship between the magician, the development of the Dyson ball, and the rune engine. relationship.
In addition to the magician, that is the VVV body and the Olympic City. The only three core sequences Xiao Ran have contacted, but they have never received any hints about the core of the world. The most important thing is not, Xiao Ran. You can't expect to pick a stone on the ground to be the core of the world.
What is the core of the world? Xiao Ran also thought about this question, but after vetoing the magician, the VVV body, and the Olympic City, it was difficult for Xiao Ran to find the answer.
Shaking his head, Xiao Ran said to Cruze: "About this world, you can only say that you are doing your best. As long as you can find the core of the world, then you can say anything. Leonard absorbs the technology of this world, VVV body, Dyson sphere, artificial sun, these are all very useful, no matter how much can be absorbed, as long as they can understand the core concepts and operation methods contained in these technologies, even if they are not completely The technology can also slowly reproduce in the camp territory."
"As for the rune engine, once our mission is completed, the little lover of Al Elf can return to Prometheus with us. She is a genuine magician who has the magic we need. With the knowledge of runes, it can be said that the purpose of this time can be taken away successfully."
Cruze also understands what Xiao Ran said. After all, Xiao Ran developed New Gior into the way it is now. He must have used a lot of methods. War or force violated the core conditions for obtaining the camp territory. Cruze felt This world has very good development potential because of the existence of the relationship between the enchantress, and therefore proposed to Xiao Ran the matter of trying to turn this world into a camp territory.
However, if Al Elf's little lover can join, although it is not as good as getting a complete world, it will be enough for them for the time being. Of course, it would be better to achieve this goal.
After thinking about it, Kluzer smiled slightly: "Then you can lend me the Galaxy Diva, Basac, Graham, and Nalo. In addition, I need a suitable identity and rights, as long as Luo He It’s good for Leonard to stay here, and you will be enough to complete the task."
"Okay." Xiao Ran nodded. He knew what Kruze wanted to do, but he didn't know why Kruze was so concerned about this matter this time, but the reason Xiao Ran would not ask as long as Kruze felt If he wanted to tell Xiao Ran, he would naturally tell his true purpose.
Kruze smiled, stood up, turned and left, until the door behind him was closed, Kruze squeezed his fist and opened it in front of his eyes. After taking a light breath, he gently said to himself. Yu murmured: "The third-generation magician, artificially manipulated genetic particles to create... imitations?"
"So is it a clone of a magician... or an adjuster?"
"Haha." Kruze shook his head and suddenly felt free and easy, and while taking steps again, he thought with regret in his heart: "Unfortunately, there are no genetically oriented technicians in the team. Otherwise, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. If If it is the guy Durandal, he will definitely be fascinated by this world. Blood serum, serum...?"
The reason why Cruze fancyed this world did have his personal reasons. The entire third-generation enchantress seemed to Cruze to be clones just like him, and also like a regulator of his world. But it is more like a product of two combinations.
The human beings who clone the magician's ability and adjust it, if they can master the genetic adjustment technology about the magician, will improve the entire camp territory by leaps and bounds, and for Cruze, turn humans into magic The technology of making also has a different meaning.
Even Kruse sees a deeper meaning, that is, what the two words serum represent. It is clear that human beings have become the third-generation magician due to genetic adjustment. Once activated, they have the ability to immortality and rapid recovery. It is equivalent to the acquired ability and blood of the magic envoy into the normal human body to a certain extent. If this acquired is delayed even further...
Does that mean that they have the ability to give the same demon bloodline to human beings who have grown up, just like the blood serum of Prometheus, a bottle of medicine can give an individual a different kind of bloodline, essence The upper is just a serum.
Serum means that it can be manufactured. Not to mention mass production, even if it is a small quantity. If they can produce this blood serum, no matter what type of blood serum, it doesn’t need to be too high, even the lowest. It means they have more possibilities.
"Bloodline serum may essentially represent the pinnacle of genetic technology. As long as the technology can reach a level that can be touched, it will be possible to produce different serums on its own. The genetic adjustment technology in our world is to adjust the gene itself, and this The world's genetic technology is the addition and integration of the gene itself. One is to optimize and the other is to strengthen two different directions. If they can be merged together..."
"Well, the Gerardians and humans in the world of the ship group seem to have been adjusted and then created. Except for these two races, many alien races are also like this. The race that created these races has genes. Technology should also be developed to the pinnacle level, gene manufacturing and distribution to the pinnacle of evolution."
"And since the bloodline ability is so important in Prometheus, plus the obvious reminder of serum that has human serum covering the bloodline, then Prometheus is also changing directions to remind participants, in fact, bloodline It is also like the organism, the skill has the possibility of adjustment, and the serum is essentially a product that can be manufactured like the organism. Since it can be manufactured, then genetic technology is absolutely no one in Prometheus. Attention is a very important thing."
There were countless thoughts in Kluzer's mind, and in the end only a few words were left in his mind: "The core of the world, the technology to create the third-generation magician, the gene is to the technician."
This is what Kruze thought. He also determined another thing that may be the core of the world according to his own thinking direction. A non-mechanical technology system that a normal participant would never pay attention to. It is impossible to enhance strength at all, and it is not something that genetic technicians cannot grasp at all.
Leaving the building where Xiao Ran was located, Kruze started to get busy according to his own ideas, looking for the technical materials of the third generation magician such as Shijin Haru, Ryuki No Saki, and Guizhou Shoko.
However, due to the war, the original Gior was destroyed by the country, coupled with the war and the reconstruction of New Gior, Xiao Ran never paid much attention to this aspect, so the difficulty of finding and restoring was very large. The insider of the matter either died or disappeared. It took several weeks to find a few insiders, but they only knew the situation of the project, but did not know the specific operation method.
This kind of difficult and it is the goal that Cruze wants to explore. All of a sudden, Cruze devoted himself to it, even Mario, Billy, Moses, Bobby, Graham, and Juggs. , Nalo was arranged by Cruze, and Basac had no brains in Cruze's view and let this guy do what he wanted.
Luo and Leonard are in the research institute, except for fighting and caring for others, Saki's abilities are too poor. They just follow Xiao Ran every day to help Xiao Ran deal with New Gior and tasks. Although Al Elf wants The little lover who wanted to accompany him was still arrested by Kruze. Relying on his powerful intelligence gathering ability, he began to investigate things made by the third generation of magic envoys at that time.
Shiryllu is the easiest of all. Shiryllu, who does not have the ability to fight, collect intelligence, and is basically a mascot, has become a good wife-like character. She practices her body shape and sings every day. Waiting for Xiao Ran and Ryukino Saki to return home, and then wait for Saki, who is proficient in housework, to make a delicious dinner.
For a month, the situation in the rebellious territory of the Dolcia military state has been investigated very carefully by the intelligence of important people. The guys who control the "rebellious party" of the Dolcia military state have also been marked out at any time. You can start the process of this mission.
Within a month and a half, with Luo and Leonard, and using the Galaxy Diva for several times to assist, finally found the mysterious Olympic City, and it was the first time that Xiao Ran was able to see the Olympic City from the outside. The whole picture.
This is something similar in size to the component modules of the Dyson sphere. It is basically the product of a Dyson sphere module. It floats quietly in the orbit of Jupiter in the solar system and is hidden among countless rubble. It can be regarded as a deep place in the universe.
After Lo and Leonard found the Olympic City, they focused their work in the Olympic City. The more research they found, the more problems they found. Who is the creator of the Olympic City? Is it a person or a group of people? Why is it so mysterious? What is the concept and purpose of the VVV body? What is the mysterious transmission ability?
Of course, what the two people are most concerned about is the technical content of the city. More and more technicians have entered the city and pushed the city to the direction of the earth.
Two months, the mission cannot be delayed anymore. After all, the longer the mission is delayed, more unpredictable things will appear, and more than half of the mission time limit has passed. Xiao Ran made people start contacting Dorsey. The royal family of the runner-up state has negotiated the conditions to help them regain their lost land and clear the rebellion. The war seems to be about to break out again.
And just before the official start of the action, Kluzer, Al Elf, Graham and others, plus the little lover of El Elf who shouldn’t be in the team~www.mtlnovel .com~Lize Loti stood in a buried site that was re-excavated, outside a heavy steel giant door, looking at the dark tunnel exposed behind the opened giant door, everyone’s eyes They all revealed a lot of exhaustion and excitement.
Because just after they successfully used Lizelotti's magical ability to open the huge iron gate that was not entirely made by technology, the same voice rang in everyone's ears.
"Ding, No. 678 and its followers to find the core of this world-the magical human fusion adjustment place. The only core in the world: the inertial world, branch worlds and other similar worlds have the only core that can be used once, any branch world in the future This core is useless."
And Xiao Ran in the universe also heard this reminder in his mind for a time. At the moment this voice sounded, Xiao Ran suddenly seemed to forget what he was doing and then stood up all of a sudden. An unbelievable expression appeared, stunned, surprise and joy were completely mixed together.
"That guy Kluzer... how did that guy... do it?" As Xiao Ran muttered to himself, Ryukino Saki, who was wearing an office OL suit and short skirt, also froze, but Immediately afterwards, he looked at Xiao Ran with joy, and after pursing his lips, the smile on his face became more gentle.
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