Chapter 1086: How to break

"How to choose?"
No one asked this sentence, but everyone turned their heads in Xiao Ran's direction in unison, such as Cruze, Kane, Al Elf, and Bucky Lulu in the position of captain. , The same is true for the entire bridge staff.
However, Xiao Ran didn't give the answer to the question that everyone hadn't asked, but it was all well-known.
After several minutes, Xiao Ran took action and shook his head: "Today we can choose two paths. To become humans or aliens, no matter which one we choose, we will encounter many problems. There is basically no peace and negotiation. Possible."
"Federation, DC, aliens should be the three forces in the current Earth circle. Now the aliens have not officially appeared, and the Federation and DC are in a phase of infighting. Together with the alien forces that have not yet appeared, we In fact, there are three parties in total."
"It is absolutely impossible for us to be completely aliens to carry out a war of aggression. The purpose of the aliens should also be to invade the earth. The Federation and DC will protect the earth, and our purpose is to take root in the earth circle, so from this point From the above point of view, we have completely irreconcilable contradictions with these three forces. This will only turn this place into a battlefield of four-sided melee."
"If you really want to say it, we should have a great advantage in the comparison of strengths, and the'homeland' will also be a huge deterrent. It is not impossible to be a party alone, but doing so will make the task process the most difficult. ."
"Unless the weapons on the'homeland' are used directly to kill the earth, and then occupy the moon, forcing the unprofitable aliens to leave, otherwise it will only allow the two sides currently fighting on the earth to turn their artillery towards us, and then alien forces The fisherman makes a profit."
Kane nodded and said, "For the time being, putting aside the choices of non-terrestrials and the fourth force, we want to achieve our goal with minimal loss. The best way is to integrate into this world and into the earth. Join one of the parties or win the support of one of them, this matter can be handled by me."
It is certainly feasible to quickly integrate into humans with the power of the magician, especially after the magician has occupied the bodies of several high-powered people, it will become very easy to achieve this. It is necessary for the magician to do this. It can be said that things are used to the best of their ability, and they are also used to doing such things.
Cruzer also glanced at Kane and nodded slightly: "It is appropriate to let the magic envoys do this, but the number of magic envoys is too small. The personnel to be targeted must be carefully selected, federation, DC, or other , But doing so will only bring us some convenience, and will not completely solve our problems."
"In addition, the important personnel of the Federation and DC are not so easily accessible. It is difficult to effectively guarantee the time if important personnel are controlled without being noticed. It is also necessary to conduct a preliminary investigation before taking action to ensure Action is foolproof."
"At the same time, even if we control some people, we cannot guarantee that another part of them will oppose it. Let us, which is obviously a huge threat, descend on the earth. If some people like Laks, Kira and others appear in the process. The team will also become a collective human resistance against us."
Kane knows Kira and Lacus, but it can’t be said to be familiar, it’s just the degree of acquaintance, and the deeds of Lacus are also not very clear, so after Cruzer finished speaking, he looked a little strange. After taking a look at Cruze, he didn't seem to understand what Cruze specifically pointed out Kira's intention.
But everyone else in the room knew what the restless Lacus had done, and what Xiao Ran did in the SEED world at the beginning. If there are some such people, even if they have mastered the few they currently have. A person with great power is not very useful.
And this point Kane has a very direct feeling. At the time, in the world of the revolutionary machine, Xiao Ran was not the same as all the members who were provoked by Xiao Ran to target the magician. Whether he was high-ranking official or not, rich or not, all were arrested and cleared. Kill.
Xiao Ran waved his hand and said, "There is no choice at this point that the task must be completed. No matter which method is used, there will definitely be a battle and it is inevitable. However, fighting against all humans or against a single party gives us a certain choice. It is feasible to use magic enchantments to control high-ranking officials, but it is not necessary. It can only be carried out as a step in our actions."
"From the current strength, the combined power of DC and satellites has the advantage, but the final result will definitely be the victory of the Federation, and even if the aliens invade the earth, they will end up with the victory of the earth. These Of course it was in the absence of change."
"Although we can form an alliance with aliens, let's give up on this point. From the two forces of the Federation and DC, although the Federation occupies more justice, the federal system determines a lot of things, and the bureaucracy is very serious. There must be a lot of messy things such as inefficiency and power struggle."
"But DC's words are much purer. Bian's wishes can represent the entire DC's actions. There are not so many messy things, and I also quite fancy Bian, who is also very talented. Not in the minority. Compared to the Federation, the situation where only one team can fight is much better."
Cruzer looked at Xiao and asked thoughtfully: "You mean to choose a DC that is doomed to fail?"
"If there is no accident, DC will be doomed to fail, but aren't we the one that happened?" The corner of Xiao Ran's mouth curled slightly. In short, for Xiao Ran who understands the OG world, the Federation is not a good thing, DC Not all of them are good things, but in comparison, Xiao Ran is more willing to choose DC instead of Federation.
Just because of the execution ability federation cannot be compared with DC, at least the current execution ability. Moreover, as far as Xiao Ran’s forces are concerned, he really has no idea about the earth. In the universe, to be precise, it is enough to establish his own stronghold on the moon and bring the moon under his own control. Obedience is a rebellious bureaucracy. It’s really not that easy to control the moon or find a territory on the earth, unless of course there is a magician.
But no matter which side you choose, there is still time to think about it carefully, but it is the first thing to do to show the identity of the earth people and start contacting both sides.
"If we want to choose DC, then our actions should be faster." Al Elf, who has not spoken, suddenly said, "DC headquarters has been attacked, and the battle has just begun."
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