Chapter 105: Luo Jixiu

As soon as he came out of the transmission channel, there was a noisy sound in his ears, and he unconsciously stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, and squinted his head slightly to look up to the sky.
Suddenly, the wonderful picture of the sky made Xiao Ran tilt his head slightly. The sky in Xiao Ran's eyes was layered. The first layer was clean and thorough with only a few clouds as the dotted lower sky, but in the second layer , This kind of cleanness and thoroughness gradually became a little gray, and the third layer directly turned into the vast starry sky of the universe, and the endless blue and black were filled with countless stars.
In Xiao Ran’s eyes, the sky seemed to have day and night at the same time. There was no sun but the first layer of sky was like daytime, and under this daylight, the beauty of the starry sky could be seen at a glance, and this It also reminded him of the same scene in a movie he had ever seen-Thor. In that movie, there was the same picture as it is now, but the feeling in the movie was completely different from what he saw with his own eyes, making Xiao Ran feel that his mind has expanded a bit in a daze.
After standing outside the transmission channel for a few minutes, Xiao Ran recovered from the beauty and remembered his business. When he lowered his head, the noise appeared in his ears again, Xiao Ran saw that the long passage outside the transmission channel was already filled with tables of various shapes at this time, and holographic projection screens were everywhere, many people in twos and threes. Get together, or the people standing in front of and behind the tables are arguing about something.
And looking down the end of the passage, huge buildings stand neatly there. From Xiao Ran’s perspective, those buildings are completely on two branch lines, and there is no trace of extraneous lines that are arranged like a triangle. One corner is aimed at his direction.
Xiao Ran walked in it and watched. He was full of curiosity, and the diverse participants and various advanced technology products made him dizzy. Participants all seem to have the same appearance as Earth humans like him, but there is a big difference in detail. Or the skin color, or the color of the pupils. Or the ears and so on.
For example, a participant that Xiao Ran saw had a gem-like object in the middle of his forehead. This was not an ornament but something that was born with him. When he was arguing with other people, the gem was also emitted. A faint flicker.
There was another participant with sharp teeth and blood-red eyes, and even his nails were red. At this time, he was drinking something that he didn't know what it was. While still smiling and joking with people around him.
Xiao Ran also saw participants with a third eye on their foreheads, participants with pupils like snakes, and so on.
He even saw that a participant directly opened his chest and pulled out his arm before a table. It was opened and pulled out. The chest cavity was the product of biochemical and mechanical modifications. In his arm turned out to be a weapon capable of shooting.
Of course, there are participants who look exactly like normal people on Earth, and these participants still account for most of them, but Xiao Ran is completely afraid to regard these people as the same as himself, even if they are women.
Because he just saw one with long brown hair. A woman who was so beautiful that she was suffocating and her body was too to control her body, hit two or three times on the ground, a strong male participant who was at least two meters high. The height of this female participant is a little worse than Xiao Ran. If it weren’t for the three male participants who were with the female participant quickly stopped her, I’m afraid that strong male participant would suffer another Suddenly beaten up.
Looking at the woman who had already beaten someone, but with a touch of flirtatious smile on her face, Xiao Ran suddenly felt that this Prometheus was really terrifying and terrifying, although the participants were not excepted in Prometheus. You can't kill or get hurt in the arena arena, but it is still very painful to hit the body, but fortunately, these participants obviously have nothing in the power magic, otherwise they will collide in the mission world. The result was really scary and scary.
From the crowd watching the excitement, Xiao Ran squeezed out with difficulty, and Xiao Ran began to get his business done. I started to stroll around these places where it was obvious that various remodeling factories were soliciting business. Xiao Ran did not go to the most lively place, nor did he go to the table where no one cared. After looking around, I came to a table. Although no one is now, Xiao Ran saw a participant leave with a smile on his face two minutes ago.
From the perspective of Xiao Ran, the back of the table is a middle-aged man who looks more than forty years old. He is no different from normal human beings, but he is very strong and belongs to the type of muscular man, with a big cigar in his mouth and a pair of Sunglasses, wearing a black sweat coat, sitting on a sofa very leisurely, and when he saw Xiao Ran walking to his table, he stood up with a smile.
Walking up to Xiao Ran, he took the big cigar from his mouth and asked, "Little brother, what can I do for you? Do you want to remodel the machine or prepare to build a new one."
Xiao Ran was stunned for a moment: "I'm going to transform my body."
"Come and come." The middle-aged man beckoned and patted on the table to signal Xiao Ran to put his hand up.
Just now, Xiao Ran, who has observed the participants and these tables all the way, also saw that many participants also put their hands on them and drew and wrote on the tables with the bosses of these different tables, but when he passed by, what was on the table? I can't see it either. However, I have guessed what it means to put my hands on it, which is roughly the meaning of authorization. Authorizing this desktop can show things like his current body data.
Putting his hand on the desktop without hesitation, two interfaces with different directions but exactly the same popped up on the desktop between the two of them. The left side of the interface is the two units currently owned by Xiao Ran, and the right side of the interface is in Xiao Ran's warehouse. All things, after seeing the things displayed on the top and bottom of the interface, Xiao Ran's face instantly added hesitation.
But just this little change in expression made the middle-aged man who had been watching Xiao Ran see something, smiled slightly, and said, "You are a newcomer."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran glanced at the boss and nodded silently. He suddenly regretted that he rushed to this place recklessly and leaked his information.
"No wonder, it turned out to be a newcomer." The middle-aged boss took a cigar and smiled. He folded his arms and said, "Don't worry, I can only see what you want me to see. In my opinion, there is nothing on the panel in front of you. Unless you do."
As he said, the middle-aged man stretched out his hand in front of him to represent the position of the body bar and waved in Xiao Ran's direction. Xiao Ran was taken aback, but he also understood what was going on.
"Prometheus will only give the newcomer participants some basic information, things like these will not be there." The middle-aged man spit out a few eye circles and said, "I suggest you buy a copy of Prometheus. The newcomer’s guide is available in the system store, and it’s not too expensive for 100 combat points. Something was written by a senior participant a long time ago, and it was approved by Prometheus to be sold in the system store, but there was nothing in it. Misleading place."
Talking. The middle-aged man sighed: "Originally, the participant could get ten merit points for each share. After so long, he has accumulated a lot of numbers. It's just a pity."
Xiao Ran asked curiously: "Dead?"
"It's dead." The middle-aged man spread his hands and smiled: "But because of this he created a guild that is now ranked third, and he died well enough. Now his photos are still hanging in the hall of this guild for worship, haha ."
Xiao Ran felt amused for a while thinking of the scene, and shook his head and looked at the middle-aged man and asked, "Are you also a participant? Prometheus seems to have residents who don't need to participate in the task?"
The middle-aged man nodded, shook his head, and said, "It used to be. Now it is not."
"Huh?" Xiao Ran scratched his hair in confusion.
"Satisfy some conditions, and then pay a certain amount of merit to leave the identity of the participant." The middle-aged man said with his arms faintly: "For people like us who cannot complete the increasingly difficult tasks, and I don’t want to fight. Many have chosen to become residents of Prometheus. Many people on this street are like this."
"Moreover, only residents like us can open factories that serve participants, and we can't disclose any information about customers. Can you rest assured that I can do your business?"
Xiao Ran nodded: "Well, what is your name?"
"That." The middle-aged man put his finger on his head, Xiao Ran raised his head and suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth. A sign was on the middle-aged man's head at this time. The sign was written with four large characters, although it was not the Chinese that Xiao Ran knew. . But he also understood what those words meant: Lao Luo Jixiu.
"Lao Luo?" Xiao Ran shook his head, and swiped the Holy Shield Gundam on the interface in the direction of Lao Luo. Then he sent the tactical compound armor in the warehouse, and after thinking about it, he sent the full energy to the armor and energy shield.
Lao Luo looked at Xiao Ran's hand and waved it several times. He slowly smoked his cigar without caring. When he inadvertently lowered his head to look at it, his eyes suddenly opened up to see what appeared on his interface, and then looked up at Xiao Ran, and put his glasses on his face. He took off his other hand and patted heavily on the table.
"Wow!" Under Xiao Ran's astonishment, a barrier suddenly bounced from the ground, directly sealing the entire table.
"Don't worry, this is just a precautionary measure. Generally, I will open the business when I receive it." Lao Luo lowered his head, looking at the things displayed on the desktop, and said: "You are the best newcomer, I see these things. That’s it. I’ve never seen a good thing, but I’ve never seen a newcomer get something like this."
"C+ grade body, two c grade components, it seems that you have a good harvest in the novice world, and your luck should be good." Lao Luo raised his head, looked at Xiao Ran and said with a slight sigh, "Now the newcomers are more and more. The more powerful it is, this machine has also been remodeled, plus the things you get from the novice mission world, you really make a lot of money."
Seeing the doubt on Xiao Ran's face, Lao Luo patted his forehead and said: "Look at me, you know that you are a newcomer. If you say this, blame me and blame me."
Lao Luo said: "The novice mission world is different from the next mission world. In the novice mission world, you have the ability and luck to get things in that world. You get the body in the novice mission world, even if you equip one hundred types. Go up the weapons and parts. As long as they can be installed and hung, the body weapons and parts you can bring out are considered yours."
Xiao Ran thought for a while and nodded. When he received the exclusive mission of the Dark Heresy, the body was not what it is now, and there was no flight bag, two physical daggers and two combined beam rifles.
Seeing Xiao Ran nodded, Lao Luo continued: "But the next mission is different. Except for the parts rewarded to you, the transformations you make in the mission world will only be effective in that world. Once the mission is completed, you will return to Prometheus. Now, if you want to keep it, if you want to keep it, you must pay the corresponding merit points according to your degree of transformation."
"Although those components are just ordinary components, unlike the system rewards that can be integrated and fused with the original components, for novices, it will save a lot of merit points. But if it is a senior participant, those components that cannot be integrated and integrated weapons It's of little use to their bodies, and they don't look down on those things."
Xiao Ran listened to Lao Luo's words, his mouth opened wide, and as soon as he stretched out his right hand, he slapped himself towards him, saying in his heart: "Damn! Nima, I knew this was the case so that I could put all the Dawning Society in The complete set of parts and weapons on the Dark Heresy and Divine Shield are up!" (to be continued)
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