Chapter 1112: Credible

While Xiao Ran was thinking about it at the bridge, in Bian’s office on the island of Hades at this time, Bai Heshou, Zeng Jia, and Elsam were standing in front of Bian’s desk and Bian was doing another Fan Dialogue, of the four people in the entire huge office, only Bian sits in his chair, and the other three people are all standing opposite Bian.
Bai He's sad expression is relaxed, that is, he rubs his head with his hands from time to time. It seems that the mental shock it gave him before is indeed not small, and Zeng Jia is naturally also affected by the same, but from his stand. With a straight body and calm expression, there is nothing wrong with him.
Standing a little behind the two of them is that although Alsam did not communicate with Xiao Ran, he had already talked with Zeng Jia before he came to Bian’s office, and after hearing Zeng Jia’s views on this exchange, he was clear. He had lost what Zeng Jia felt, so he seemed a little silent until now, not knowing what he was thinking.
Bian sat on a chair and looked at Zeng Jia and Bai Heshou who were separated by a table, and said in a deep voice, "Let's talk about it, what do you think of this'communication'."
Bai Hechou glanced at Zeng Jia and shrugged his shoulders with a smile. It meant that Zeng Jiaxian said that although he and Zeng Jia know each other, they are not that familiar now.
Zeng Jia nodded and said directly: "Unbelievable, it feels unbelievable to me. I never thought that anyone could communicate in this way without using words or any actions. At that time, both sides’ thoughts and pursuits are almost completely open, allowing both sides to understand each other’s most essential thoughts. When you feel it, you will know that his thoughts are true."
"The kindness or malice that cannot be concealed, the most essential and purest thoughts in his heart cannot be concealed, and he can even feel his mood. Some of his past, expressions, eyes, movements and actions can be deceived and concealed, but only his heart But it doesn't work. This should be an inner communication method that transcends language and race."
"I can feel that he has no interest in the earth. It is a feeling that he really does not look at it at all. He just wants to take root in the earth circle, but his malice towards the Federation is equally obvious. It is a very habit. Naturally not happy, his purpose is also very clear, satellite integration or the moon, alliance dc annihilates the federation, and then annex dc to gather all the forces that can be assembled to prepare for unknown threats."
Bian did not communicate and understand, but after hearing Zeng Jia’s words, he seemed to understand something, but he also became more curious. It transcended language and transcended the communication of races. Even if the language is different and the culture is different, he can communicate and understand each other. The way he sees it is also full of some mystery.
After nodding, Bian suddenly thought of another question: "Do you say that this kind of communication is almost completely opening your heart, right? Then everything in your heart and your previous experience are also shown to him? Can you make sure Is your brain in a awake state at that time instead of a scam?"
"It's not like that." Zeng Jia shook her head and said hesitantly: "That feeling is very strange. All that I can feel is absolutely true. I don't know how to describe it but it is true. And whether the secret in my heart Being willing to be open depends entirely on your own thoughts and also on the other's thoughts."
"From the beginning, he didn't mean to explore our inner secrets, and he wanted to explore our inner secrets but we chose to conceal them. He would also feel the resistance in the first place, and vice versa. Actually in that situation When both parties are fully open to understand the most essential thoughts of the other party from the soul, it is already possible to determine what kind of person the other party is and what purpose it holds, but those secrets become irrelevant."
Bian nodded and glanced at Bai Heshou, who had not spoken, with a questioning look. After seeing Bian’s eyes, the latter also nodded: "Captain Zeng Jia is right, and what he wants to say is also true. That’s what I want to say. When I can feel the most sincere thoughts and feelings of the other party, some secrets are no longer important. The most important thing is to determine whether he is kind or malicious. It is a human but a non-human. Is there anything else? Purpose, but from this exchange, at least I can be sure that everything we feel is true."
"In addition, as Captain Zeng Jia said, he wants to resolve the federation, annex DC and then rule the entire earth, and gather all the power of the earth to deal with unknown threats. This unknown is the real unknown, and he knows that it will definitely appear. Threats and very certain threats will definitely appear, but they don't know what threats they are. This also shows that he is not trying to hold the earth to bear the danger, but to face this threat together."
"Why be sure of this is very inexplicable, it's the kind of I know that I know there is no reason." Bai Hechou said that he also spread his hands, expressing that he felt inexplicable, and then said: "But I also felt other things. In his thoughts, the earth is the place he is most familiar with in this world, but it is also the most dangerous place, hiding many unknown threats, but overall it is certain that he does have the idea to protect this planet."
Bian nodded, and he was slightly relieved: "I understand, that means you can confirm the authenticity of the communication, you can also confirm his goodwill, and recognize that he is an ally on our human side, rather than an ally on the earth. Threatening aliens."
"If there is no threat, this is not the case, but the threat he brings is completely different from the threat posed by the real non-human race. This threat is not directed at humans and the earth, but is a sequelae of war and integration. He is targeting the Federation, wanting to annex DC, control the integration of the moon and satellites, and threaten large-scale military development."
" Bian suddenly laughed slightly, and said with approval: "This kind of threat is something that is undesirable for the current earth. The appearance of eot and the void messenger represents alien civilization. The existence of also shows that human beings have been targeted by alien forces that we don’t know and have reached the time of life and death. This threat brings internal pressure and incidental, but the outside is a warning of guns. We need such threats to protect ourselves. "
"Compared to the federation that is so rotten that it wants to trade with aliens and sell the earth, such people are truly people who can become the protectors of the earth, but I don't know whether it will be the federation in the end, us, or they will become this The true guardian of the earth."
Bai Heshou faintly smiled when he heard Bian's words and didn't have a special expression, while Zeng Jia nodded with a serious face.
"To be honest, I don’t believe in them, I don’t believe in the man named Xiao Ran, but I believe in you, I believe that you will protect the world at the expense of your own lives for freedom, for life, and for the common people on this planet, so because You and I will believe them too."
"Since they want the integration of the moon and the satellites, I will openly support them on the moon, and the integration of the satellites..." Bian looked at Alsam, who had not spoken, and asked, "What do you think should be done."
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