Chapter 114: monitor

After explaining Catherine, Xiao Ran also walked back to the hallway outside the door of Shirley and Grace, Grace still smiled, Xiao Ran smiled embarrassedly and nodded at each other, and then stood. Straighten up and waited for Moses to investigate the luggage carried by Shirley. A few minutes later, Moses walked out and shook his head at Xiao Ran, and went to the opposite suite with Grace for inspection. The time also did not take long. I saw Moses walking out accompanied by Grace.
"Sir, we didn't find any suspicious or prohibited items." Moses walked to Xiao Ran and saluted, and said, "In addition to some clothes, the only communication item she carried was a phone, Grace Miss's luggage only carried some clothes."
Xiao Ran nodded. Of course he knew that such a search could not find anything at all. It was purely normal that no suspicious things were found, and he came here only to meet the galaxy singer in the name of investigation. , I think curiosity is one aspect, but the more important thing is to meet Shiryllu and Grace under the testimony of everyone, and that's it.
Xiao Ran turned his head to look at the other person whom President Glass had assigned to his two assistants, Billy, and said, "Billy, I will receive the investigations of other people by tomorrow morning. This matter will be handled by you. , Can you."
Billy, who had been standing aside without any expression or movement, stood at attention: "Yes, sir!"
Xiao Ran nodded slightly, and Xiao Ran walked to Shiryllu, who had come out and held her arms. Sheryllu's face was full of cold smiles. As soon as Xiao Ran came over, Shiryllu snorted heavily and said: "The sir, I don't know if you have found anything. Do you want to see it yourself."
"It's the best if you can't find it, you say, Miss Shirley." Xiao Ran smiled slightly, not paying attention to Shirley's cynicism. As early as when I watched anime, I knew what kind of person this galaxy singer was, and she was just a little girl who had not grown up. Tsundere is too arrogant, sometimes speaking can make people feel quite mean and sharp, but still a soft person in his heart.
Of course, Shirley Lu’s softness and sometimes the little girl’s temperament that sometimes appeared could not be shown in front of Xiao Ran. At this time, it was quite a shame not to show Queen Fan’s curse.
Xiao Ran's face turned straight, and he offered a handsome military salute to Shirley and Grace: "Thank you very much for your cooperation, and I'm sorry to bother you. If the two meet on the 25th ship group What's the trouble. You can also contact me and say goodbye."
Catherine raised her head high and cast Xiao Ran a glance: "Huh, we will protest to your superiors."
After speaking, he turned around and went back to his suite. He closed the door heavily with his hands again, and a bang began to echo in the corridor. Agent Grace smiled embarrassedly at Xiao Ran: "I'm really sorry, her character is like this, please don't mind."
"It's okay, we were abrupt and we are leaving." Xiao Ran waved his hand, and gestured to Billy and Moses: "Close the team."
The heavily armed soldiers quickly turned around. Leaving here neatly, Xiao Ran also turned and left decisively after speaking, Moses and Billy followed him.
Catherine, who had not been talking, also hurriedly said a few words of apology to Grace. Then he hurriedly caught up with Xiao Ran: "Hey, why haven't I met you, why would my father let you investigate them?"
"First of all, I'm not investigating them, but investigating all the people who arrived here with them, even those who have immigrated from galaxy in the past year or several years are my investigators." Xiao Ran kept moving. Without turning his head back, he said, "Second. I am a newcomer who joined today. It is normal for Miss Catherine to have not seen me, and maybe she won't see me soon."
Catherine was also taken aback when she heard Xiao Ran's words. She also closed her mouth and prepared to go back and ask her father, President Glass.
No words all the way. Until Moses and Billy got in the same car and drove a long way. Xiao Ran frowned and said to the two of them: "Moses, have the things been put away, and whether her earrings have noticed."
Moses nodded, "I put down the monitor in Miss Shirley's room, but is that kind of old monitor thing really useful?"
"Of course it's useful. The older things are sometimes more useful." Xiao Ran smiled and nodded, and said, "There is no network connection function, and no real-time message sending function. It shouldn't be noticed by Miss Grace. Although it is troublesome and must be recycled frequently, you should arrange the cleaning staff."
Moses said: "It's arranged. But sir, there is only one earring on her ear, and that earring does not look special. Is it really the space crystal you mentioned, sir? If so, why don't we Arrest them on the spot?"
"Only one?" Xiao Ran frowned and said deliberately, and then shook his head: "Now it is not a chance to capture them. It is useless to capture only one or two. The situation inside the ship group is worse than expected. To completely remove the threat and find out those rats, we must be patient. This is also for the safety of the entire team. Of course, it is worth paying for it."
"I have a feeling that there are quite a few secrets in the agent's body, but as long as we don't rush and change the target of investigation, I believe it will not be long before the mouse jumps out. But now we need it. What I pay attention to is to see if that Miss Shirley is just a cover or really involved in any conspiracy. After all, we can't let a bad person go, but we can't wish for a good person."
After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Moses seemed to want to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, Billy grinned silently on the side.
"Okay, now there are two more things. First, the full monitoring of Shiryllu, without risking follow-up to the hotel, only needs to figure out what she did outside the hotel, where she went, and said Something is fine. As for Miss Grace, don’t monitor her deliberately. Use all the surveillance equipment on the island to know where she is going. Don’t aim the things in the monitor deliberately at her. Well, that's a biochemical transformation person. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is just a robot with a human mind and a human skin."
"In addition, the monitoring of Leon Mishima cannot be relaxed. It is necessary to find out who he often contacts with, where his hand is inserted, and where he has gone and what he has done must be clear."
Moses and Billy nodded, and Moses asked hesitantly, "But where is Miss Catherine?"
"I think I was deceived," Xiao Ran continued: "Secondly, find all the survivors of the 117 investigation team who lived here and give me the information. You must be careful in this regard. UU reading because of this. The survivors are also under surveillance."
The two replied in unison: "Yes, sir."
Xiao Ran nodded, thought about it, and said: "By the way, look for the video of Shirley Lu's concert at the time. I need to make certain things."
Although Xiao Randa thinks that this world should be the world trend of the Macross TV version, because the movie version is after all a drama in the sense, and it can be regarded as a movie made by people in this world afterwards, maybe it is The world also needs to promote positive energy and maintain the good side of the executive, so in the plot of the movie, Grace is not the final oss, but a woman who has to do some bad things to protect Shirley. , Leon Mishima's betrayal was not thorough.
But regardless of the TV version or the movie version, for an outsider, Xiao Ran, it exists in the sense. Perhaps it's still the same trend but different details in two different worlds. Grace is a conspirator and Mishima is a betrayer. , But Xiao Ran still has to know whether he is in the tv version world or the movie version world. Only in this way can he prepare for the next layout. After all, whether it is the movie world or the tv world, Xiao Ran does not want to participate. In the last overwhelming battle, he was able to better borrow the momentum for himself. (To be continued)
ps: One more chapter
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