Chapter 1187: Join me to promote marriage

Huon came out with two entourages and stopped, looking at the two entourages behind him, members of the Forbidden Guards who also existed as the guards of the royal family, and said in a deep voice: "What you just heard must not be leaked out, you know? .ΩΩE novel www.1XIAOSHUO.COM"
Isaiah Huon, the king's knight, but also has another identity, that is, the leader of the forbidden regiment who leads the royal guard.
The expressions on the faces of the two forbidden officers slammed, and they also knew how important what they heard in the reception room just now to Freeh, and immediately nodded and replied, "I understand."
Isaiah nodded but did not speak. He did not step to leave but stood outside the door. He wanted to wait for the Caroland Spy who had betrayed in behavior to grow up, even though the current environment and situation Isaiah couldn't do anything to Caroland, who had already made clear the betrayal, but Huon still wanted to know the real purpose of Caroland.
Then Isaiah would not believe what I said from Carolan’s mouth for the sake of the earth and Freeh’s peace. If this were the case, Carolan would not have opposed the integration plan proposed by Isaiah.
Isaiah waited at the door for half an hour, looking at it as if it was a blue sky and green land, with wind, water, sunshine, and a beautiful natural scenery. Isaiah couldn’t think of it. I can't sigh: "If Frie had such a fortress at the beginning, how could it become what it is now, instead of hiding in the moon with no sunlight, this is what the earth people have become Dyson balls."
An entourage saw Carolan walking out of the building and quickly reminded Isaiah: "My lord, the spy has grown out."
Hearing Ting Xing’s Isaiah turned around, Carolan’s face turned a bit ugly when he saw Carolan walking towards him. When Carolan stood in front of him with a plain face, Isaiah Tatsuya finally couldn't help but asked softly, "Why are you doing this?"
"Huh?" Carolan glanced at Isaiah strangely, seeming to not understand what the other party was saying: "I don't understand what you mean."
"Come with me." Isaiah took a deep breath and turned to leave, and Carolan naturally followed. As he walked, Isaiah also said: "Why didn't I tell the princess about Guranton? Your Highness, how much have you revealed about Freeh, don’t tell me that you are for the ridiculous reason why the earth and Freeh can coexist peacefully, otherwise you would not be so resolutely opposed to what I did at the beginning, if If it's you, it definitely has its own purpose."
Caroland was silent for a moment, and said: "To tell you the truth, because I don't want to die yet, because the earth is stronger and Freeh is definitely not an opponent, because I saw that only Freeh truly integrates into the earth can let me, let me We live better, yes, I do have other goals of my own, at least what I can tell you is that now we are on one side, and our common enemy is Guranton."
"I have introduced the adult about Freeh. If you don’t let that adult know about the real Freeh, then you think that once the person sent by Grantton is caught in Antarctica and identified, you think Wouldn't that adult really not do anything to us? You really thought that the adult didn't pay attention to the Antarctic? As far as I know, that adult arranged many people in the Antarctic, but he didn't find the sealing door accurately. That’s all."
"And all I have to do is to figure out the relationship between Guranton and Freeh in a silly way. As for why there is no report on Her Royal Highness's side, why should I report again? What good is this for me anyway? Whoever decides will not affect me. Why should I intervene in Guranton and the royal family? My loyal minister is only the throne. As for who sits on the throne, it has nothing to do with me. After all, the princess is only a princess, not emperor."
"Before Guranton was strong, he became the king and I was still the Master Spies, but he would have greater credit, but now it is different from Huon. Lord Xiao Ran is stronger than Guranton, and after Freery merges with the earth, the princess still It will be a princess, but I will have greater credit. Why don't I do such a good thing."
Isaiah glanced at Carolan, and asked in a deep voice, "Is the story about Guranton true."
"Do you think I will come up with something false to deceive that adult?" Caroland sneered and said: "Don't say that adult, even the other person I contacted was not using false information to deceive at all. People who have passed, their strength cannot be measured by common sense. They want us to die. We have no possibility of resisting. You can see people who can move freely in the universe with their flesh? Have you ever seen someone with a body arm?"
"Do you also know that the girl who looked just sixteen or seven years old who brought me in just now has the ability to obliterate us in an instant. In front of such a person, there is no spying or assassination. Useful, instead, they will seize the opportunity to sneak into Freeh and kill us all directly. This is no longer a problem that the two races will lead to war, but as long as they want, they can start a massacre on us. "
"Under such a situation, no matter how many bodies are there, what is the use of powerful weapons? No one uses those things but it's just a pile of scrap iron."
"The people who entered Freeh were the ones I brought in. But you know how many people followed you when you came back to Freeh, and you also know which people around you were That adult’s men captured it? The more information I know about them, the more I feel that this adult is simply not someone we can deal with, not to mention that this adult is willing to accept ~Willing to give a piece of land that belongs to us on the earth, so that those who have been sleeping do not have to worry about dying in the deep sleep, but really live in this world."
With this, Caroland stopped, and Isaiah also stopped. The two faced each other and Caroland suddenly said in a somewhat excited tone: "Who doesn't want to live, who doesn't want to live longer, That lord has this ability to bring me all this, Huon, this is our opportunity for Freeh, and also the luck of the princess. If you are really worried that what the lord said is unbelievable, then please join me in asking Your Royal Highness will marry that adult, trust me, this will definitely be the greatest opportunity for all of us Freers."
"As long as you follow that adult, everything is at your fingertips. Immortality will never be a dream again!"
Isaiah was stunned when I saw Carolan who had suddenly become enthusiastic. I never expected that this gloomy guy would show such a side, but after hearing Carolan's words, I asked Isaiah. Erda's face changed several times, and two opposite thoughts came up at the same time.
"Is this guy crazy? Is it controlled or brainwashed?"
"Changsheng...immortality! How is this possible!"
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