Chapter 1239: Stand-alone support

When ejected from the Burning Legion, several unmanned dark spheres appeared on the battlefield together. The dark spheres burst out with red light at the same time, under Xiao Ran's compulsory control. Both fuselages turned on the same frequency at the same time, and the fuselage that Xiao Ran was driving turned into a few red meteors, bringing countless beams of light to tear Zorwalk's attacking forces into cracks.
After the dark sky that Xiao Ran was driving was combined with the tactical armor released from the Burning Legion, the four furnaces were turned on at the same frequency and the three red system was also turned on. Two huge beam sabers instantly popped out, and GN dragoons flew. Surrounded by the surroundings, it turned into a meteor and rushed directly into the strange shapes of Zowok, which had never appeared in the Zowok fleet before.
The meteor rushed through Zorvork's fleet, and countless beams of light scattered from the meteor. Along with the round lights bursting from the surroundings, the dark sky tactical armor rushed directly to the earth without stopping.
And after Xiao Ran drove the body into a light spot and disappeared, leaving only a long wake, a battleship received the Basac, Luo and others also turned on the forced jump that would only be used in critical situations, covering the real The darkness disappeared in the same place instantly, and after reappearing, it had already arrived at the moon city of Mao's enterprise that was being suppressed.
At this time, the battle that broke out over the lunar city of Mao’s enterprise seemed more thrilling. There were also a large number of Zowok enemy troops. The center of the battle was an incompetent shuttle. There are many armed MA, and there is a special robot that Luo has never seen if a girl is wearing armor.
As for the squadron sent by Jeffrey, it just joined the battle. While giving priority to protecting Mao’s enterprise in accordance with Jeffrey’s order, it also dispatched deformed fighters and MS troops to join the battle. The relationship of time is covering Zowok's fleet from the side.
"The opponent's goal is the shuttle. Basac is going to protect the shuttle. Luo will support the girly body. Jigusi cooperates with the flanks of his troops, and Nalo supports it remotely." Graham drove his body. With a push of the joystick, countless particles spewed out and rushed directly to Zorwalk’s fleet after speaking, directly placing the target on a seemingly commander’s aircraft that was flying towards the fleet. There was a high desire to fight and fighting spirit burning in his eyes.
After seeing the movement of Graham's body, Basac screamed madly, but Graham didn't pay attention to it and rushed forward, controlling the body with both hands, and the two beam boomerangs moved towards that one. The commander plane flew over.
The opponent’s command plane is a blue body with a right-handed shield and a left-handed gun with a pair of flying wings. When two beam boomerangs fly to the body, one at the same time, the commander’s plane also flips over instantly. Stopped the action of continuing to rush and shoot the battleship, the right hand lifted a shield to open a beam boomerang far away, and then a backflip kicked another beam boomerang with his foot.
After Graham threw out the beam boomerang, he controlled his body and instantly pulled out two solid swords, bursting red light, and the speed suddenly increased three times, flying towards the blue commander. machine.
"Don't want to go around me!" The two long swords turned into a flash of lightning and slammed on the shield of the blue commander plane, and the two planes slammed together abruptly, spreading red circles. The light slowly dissipated in the universe.
Under Graham’s feverish desire to fight, the blue commander’s plane was retreated even carrying a shield, but as the propeller behind the commander’s fuselage lit up, Graham suddenly turned He pushed back and kicked Graham’s body with one kick. He was about to raise the weapon in his left hand to shoot, but a beam of several meters thick came from a distance and he had to give up his intention to attack. Dodge.
When Graham rushed to the commander's plane, Luo watched the girlish body's eyes lit up instantly, and directly controlled his body to fly in front of Basac: "Quickly, Basac will send me over. "
Luo's body and Basac's body were covered with a layer of golden light one after the other, the raging flames began to burn outside Luo's body, and Basac also controlled the body to lift off the ground with one foot and both hands. .
"Super~ Overlord~ Movie bullet!"
As Basac’s body pushed forward with both hands, Luo’s body instantly changed into a huge fireball and rushed towards the girly body, and Basac controlled the body to open all after sending Luo away. His wings turned into a streamer and flew towards the shuttle.
After Jigusi also left, only Naro was left. After the full-arms were turned on, a lock box appeared on the display in Naro's body, and Naro, who kept Graham focused on the target. It happened to see the picture of Graham's loss, and immediately attacked the commander's plane with a shelling.
"A-class body..." Graham's face became more excited after regaining control of the while controlling the body to rush towards the commander's plane again, he was also in the cockpit. Haha laughed and said: "A-level body, you are qualified to be my opponent, but even if the body is more advanced than me, technology is the basis for determining the outcome! I have already felt that I can defeat you!"
On Xiao Ran’s side, when he arrived over the South American base, the entire core base, the largest in South America, had almost become a ruin. Except for a few buildings that remained intact, most of them had either collapsed or burned. The base is full of the remains of the Earth Defense Army's body, and everywhere is occupied by strange drones with diamond-shaped variability.
And directly above the body, a green body with arms like daggers, shoulders as thrusters, no feet at the waist, just pointed and sharp green body floating quietly in the air.
Seeing this scene, Xiao Ran also slightly narrowed his eyes: "Are all the defensive forces destroyed...the living...and! Then I will destroy you all first!"
The eyes instantly lit up with the light belonging to the changer, but there was a faint faint blue in the golden disc eyes. This was originally the color in Xiao Ran's eyes that shouldn't exist at all, but it strengthened the motivation of the mind. After the bloodline, it could also be expressed in Xiao Ran's eyes in this way.
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