Chapter 1260: Counter persuasion

[Title: War Machine Unlimited Chapter 1260 of the Anti convince: also drunk]
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Highly recommended: the gate of good fortune, the perfect world, immeasurable, immeasurable, immortal, devil, sage, wisdom, emperor, mountains and rivers, three realms, blood song, best practice, strong and young, master, but I, god, recklessness, and desolation Road to Awakening, Wu Zun Dao Wu Zun Yao Zun "Really speaking of humans." After hearing Xiao Ran's voice, Alofimi showed a slightly surprised expression on her small face, and asked in confusion, "But yeah, Why is a human being so pure? You are definitely not an ordinary existence, nor should you be with those humans who only know about destruction. Come on, a pure life like you should be with our native species. We must be able to You change more perfectly and purely."
Xiao Ran raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt a little confused. Alofimi’s remarks didn’t understand the meaning very well. The so-called Xiao Ran in the other party’s mouth was purely puzzled, but Alofimi seemed to be persuading. He joined the native species.
However, although he can't understand the pure meaning of Alofimi's mouth, he can think that maybe all of this has a lot to do with the blood of the purebred changer. Taking the experience of another purebred changer, purebred Changemakers also have the ability to integrate with other alien races.
Of course, this kind of fusion also requires that the other party of the fusion has the similar ability to swallow and assimilate. Els has this ability to make Mossana a pioneer beyond the changer, and the native species in this world also has this Ability, perhaps because of this, Alofimi realized the difference in Xiao Ran's spirit and wondered whether he was a human.
Alofimi's actions made Xiao Ran a little confused. I haven't convinced you girl yet. On the contrary, this girl convinced him. Is the order a bit reversed? Suddenly, Xiao Ran didn’t know what to say. He chuckled at the corner of his mouth and said something directly in Alofimi’s mind:
I’m pretty sure I’m a human being, a changer who evolved from ordinary humans. On the contrary, you are more like human beings than the native species. Why don't you find a boyfriend for you and join us to protect this earth together."
"Ahhhhhhhhhh, can you find me a boyfriend?" Alofimi showed a stunned expression, but said with a pity: "But it can't be said that ordinary human males are not attractive to me at all, and time It’s almost here, and mankind must be completely destroyed."
As soon as Alofimi finished speaking, the Soul Seat suddenly retreated and instantly disappeared into a channel. When he appeared again, he appeared directly behind the dark sky, and countless vines poured out of the Soul Seat. Wrapped to the dark sky, and the soul seat itself also opened his hands as if he wanted to hug the dark sky into his arms.
The sense of unwarranted spatial transfer of the Soul Seat is almost as good as the quantization of the dark firmament. One is transferred through space, and the other is directly transformed into nothingness, which can play a role in performance. They are all similar, but they are completely different in nature, like the essential difference between teleportation and blurring.
But the speed of the soul seat is very fast, disappearing and then appear directly behind the dark sky. Compared with the disappearance of the dark sky quantization, the combination of quantization reduces two processes, even Xiao Ran has to admit that the space transfer of the soul seat To some extent, it is faster than quantization, so the difference of only a few tenths of a second can also play an important role in a battle.
The movement of the soul seat facing the dark sky also turned into countless particles slowly disappearing, and then appeared again behind the soul seat with a beam saber, and the target was directly locked on the head of the soul seat.
And the Soul Seat didn’t seem anxious to face the attack of the dark sky. The two ghost faces floating beside the machine instantly turned around and appeared behind the Soul Seat, one blocked the beam saber of the dark sky, and the other was facing the darkness at the same time. The sky launched a shelling, which made the dark sky had to retract the beam saber, and a sideways avoided the attack of the soul seat.
And from this small confrontation, it can be seen that Alofimi’s ability is indeed not weak, but in fact Alofimi’s ability to respond in this way has other reasons. Compared with other ordinary pilots , Alofimi itself is a higher-level native species, so even if it has the bloodline of the higher-level native species, the driving ability and the bloodline ability do have some special layers and effects.
In addition to the Soul Seat, this machine is not considered to be a conventional machine. Although Xiao Ran's machine is a grade, it is also included in the scope of the conventional machine. This is true of the dark sky, and Zorwalk's gray antelope is also the same. In this way, the Soul Seat is a special body with its own wisdom and real life. It is a native species that has been specially adjusted. Perhaps the body itself can be regarded as a deputy pilot, even floating. On the two ghost faces next to the machine, the red long knife can be regarded as an independent life form, so that it can be used with Alofimi to calmly deal with Xiao Ran's One hit is a hit The dark sky, which had to dodge sideways, did not escape after dodge the attack. Instead, it continued to pursue the Soul Seat. The beam saber changed from horizontal slashing to upwards, and again from upwards to slashing. Slash, he swung sideways towards the Soul Seat several times in a short period of time. While the Soul Seat had to speed up and dodge, the dark sky also resumed its posture and pressed on its steps, forcing the Soul Seat to re-emerge. The space transfer ability was activated once and disappeared directly in front of the dark firmament.
The sudden disappearance of the seat of the soul also caused all the villages in the dark firmament to suddenly burst and start to accelerate indefinitely, seemingly in vain to go back and forth in the universe and singing a one-man show, but in fact it can effectively imitate the soul. The sudden attack of the seat.
Xiao Ran didn't use quantization and disappeared as well. Quantization consumes a lot of money. If he stays at a disadvantage for a long time, Xiao Ran must be himself, so he can only rely on this method to transfer the space of the soul seat.
Until the Soul Seat appeared again, but this time, instead of placing the place behind the dark firmament, it appeared directly from the void in a face-to-face manner, and then accelerated towards the dark firmament, facing head-on. He rushed into the dark sky at an accelerated speed, making it clear that he wanted to make direct contact with the dark sky desperately.
The speed of the two fuselages in the universe is extremely fast, and they are still sprinting relative to each other so that the speed of the two sides approaching is even more terrifying. It is almost only a blink of an eye that the two fuselages will collide together, but how is Xiao Ran possible? Let the dark sky come into contact with the opponent's body and be completely entangled, instantly a ninety-degree turn to break away from the original path, and raise the weapon in his hand to continuously shoot towards the soul seat. 2k novel reading network
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