Chapter 1266: New machine

What Leonard meant was that he not only created an artificial intelligence that can control the b-class machine, but also made a more detailed distinction between artificial intelligence, that is, according to the machine's specialization assault, fighting or support, more firepower The optimization of, the newly researched manpower can only be divided into multiple models, and the corresponding models can maximize the performance of different specialized bodies.
But now artificial intelligence is only researched out. It needs to be tested first, and then from the mechanical aspect, that is, the body itself is designed to be more suitable for artificial intelligence control. Finally, it can become actual combat power. Leonard said at last, facts Shang was also relieved that Xiao Ran was too anxious about this matter, and it was confirmed that it only took a while.
Xiao Ran calmed down after hearing Leonard's words. Artificial intelligence does need a long time to test to ensure its safety before it can be put into battle. Xiao Ran is very clear about this, and this is also true for people in the Macross world. I will be more cautious. After all, there was a crisis caused by artificial intelligence in that world. It is indeed not a rational behavior to put artificial intelligence online in a hurry.
After calming down, Xiao Ran thought for a while, and said: "This matter is indeed not anxious, then you are fortunately Leonard. If there are not enough manpower, you can freely mobilize manpower to assist you in this matter, but you must It should be noted that artificial intelligence must be completely controlled, and there must be no accidents."
Leonard nodded, and the meaning in his eyes was also very obvious: "I understand."
After talking with Leonard, Xiao Ran looked at Luo again: "Let's go, take me to see the new machine."
"Follow me." Luo nodded, then turned around and led Xiao Ran into the huge space under the R&D department. A small factory dedicated to R&D and manufacturing of new types of machines is much less than a real factory. Without any mass production capacity, it can only be regarded as a laboratory at most, but this is the core of the current Burning Legion technology, and the things that can be produced from here are absolutely unmatched by the factory.
This small factory is actually quite huge and it is divided into several areas. Many people come and go, various equipment and materials are stacked in a mess. Thick lines link from one place to another. The place is full of voices.
The first thing that Xiao Ran noticed when Luo followed Luo to the core place was a few units fixed in it, a huge red unit, but now many places have been dismantled, almost less than half. The armor of Xiao Ran is still covering the body, and all kinds of threads appeared in the places where the armor was removed, and there are empty places. This is the second time that Xiao Ran has seen this body, the Emperor's machine given by Freeh After it was manufactured, it was dismantled by Luo Tai people without using it once.
The second is the black Occult Bird, the ex Occasional Bird with a black hole engine, and now most of it has also been dismantled. The most critical energy core has been completely disassembled, leaving only an empty shelf that does not move.
The third one was Valsioni, who had the same face as a human. At this time, all the armor was removed except for the head. There were still a lot of people fiddling with the cockpit. It is restoring and remodeling the cockpit.
The fourth fuselage is a fuselage that Xiao Ran has never seen before, but it looks very similar to the Valkyrie costume driven by Zeng Jia, but its appearance is more refined and sleek, not as angular as the Valkyrie costume. Obviously, the body shape is only about 20 meters of normal ms size. The hideous armor looks like a work of art armor, painted in black and white, but the most conspicuous thing is that it has two long horns that look like evil spirits. Head out.
At this time, the fuselage looked almost completed, but the remaining armor was not installed, and dozens of thick lines spread everywhere on the fuselage. Many people also made corrections and adjustments around this fuselage.
Xiao Ran glanced at Luo and Graham with some surprise, and asked, "Is this machine newly manufactured? Is it so fast?"
Luo nodded and stood beside Xiao Ran and introduced: "This level of machine has no technical difficulties, and there is no problem with its technical reserves. It will take a day to confirm with Graham, and refer to some dedicated machines. For fighting and sword fighting, the war spirits used to make some copies with complete technical drawings, and it would not take too long to rely on the equipment of mechanics."
When Luo said that, Xiao Ran would understand that the mechanic equipment is a super tool specially used by Prometheus mechanics. As long as there is a complete technical drawing, or the operator can fully understand what needs to be manufactured, a part or something is manufactured. The speed at which things came out was surprisingly fast, and a B-class body with the support of sufficient materials and equipment, it was almost like this in a few days.
Luo continued to add: "This machine pursues extreme sportiness and fighting ability. It is strong in strength but poor in defense. It is equipped with dual sun stoves and adopts some new ones. Technology, but although the main body of this machine has been built, the weapon is still being adjusted and manufactured, so it has not been tested yet. It has strong fighting ability but almost no long-range attack ability, except for the energy-gathering energy at the sharp corners of the head. Beyond the ball are a few boomerangs."
Graham spoke next to him and said: "Only by reaching the extreme can I become stronger. Originally, I didn't need any other long-range attack methods besides the boomerang, but Luo told me that sometimes I might need to use high power. The attack method does not affect the performance of the body, so Luo equipped me with the kind of equipment that can release energy balls."
Xiao Ran shook his head: "It's not a good thing to be too extreme. It does require a high-output long-range attack method when you can't dodge and can only resist. So it's good to have a proper match. Then this machine name?"
"Not yet, but it will definitely have a name that matches it."
Xiao Ran shook his head, and looked in another direction far away from these units. There was a brand-new unit the size of a canbit machine fixed there, which was about forty in height, and this was the last one displayed here. Taiwan One is also a brand-new body made by Luo and others for Xiao Ran in the past few months.
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