Chapter 1273: Metal cell

The sudden assault of the two battleships of the Steel and the Black Gold suddenly caused a little chaos in the troops surrounding the island, especially the current area, but then the numerous units released by the two battleships were attacked by Zeng Jia’s Valkyrie. , Elsam’s cave horse, the ancient iron in the atx team, the white knight, and many other mechas can be said to have turned from two battleships and four mechas into an army toward Hades in a short time. Launch an offense.
The emergence of this force also allowed the defense forces of Hades to begin to gather in the current area. At first glance, the sky was full of rebel units that were coming or have joined the battle, and there were also those artillery types on the coast of Hades. The armed crew fired fiercely, and for a while, the entire sky was filled with various beams and live ammunition, and there were also sparks that were hit by the attack and exploded brilliantly.
The defense forces that appeared on the island of Hades are not just rebels, they are simply a messy and uncovered mixed army, the undead used by the original federation, the td used by the original dc, and all kinds of federations and dcs. The armed crew also has a new machine that should belong to Shadow Mirror, which seems to be a machine called the savior ash. There are also special machines belonging to shadow mirrors.
The strength of the defense forces of Hades is far more than that of the Steel. The two battleships of the Black Gold are several times or even dozens of times more powerful. It can be said that this is a completely unequal battle. From the beginning, two battleships were needed. All combat powers are fighting with all their strength.
However, every pilot in the Steel Dragon team is a carefully selected ace pilot. The outstanding pilots far exceed the quality of the rebel army. Often a pilot who wants to really entangle a steel dragon team. , At least four normal units with a tacit understanding can barely do it, but the cooperation of the steel dragon team is also extremely tacit. In other words, the same team organization, one team of the steel dragon team is enough to deal with the guards of the island of Pluto. Of several teams.
In addition, there are special planes that cannot be described by common sense, such as Zeng Jia’s Valkyrie, Elsam’s cave horse, and the few Gulengasts, plus Basac, Luo , Graham, simply resisted directly in the front to make the enemy helpless, and brought casualties and threats that could not be ignored.
As the troops on the periphery of Hades were gradually dispersed, the defense line was slowly broken down. Under the protection of many airframes, the two battleships of the Steel and the Black Gold were getting closer and closer to Hades, and at this time , Dozens of airframes turned into colorful light from the other side of the island, flying from the sky with a meteor-like speed to block the front of the two battleships, and suppressed the attack of the steel dragon team as soon as they appeared.
Xiao Ran looked at the blue arm in the body that appeared to have a sharp knife, and there were also many bodies that resembled round gemstones on the body, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "The main force is finally out, this body. The name seems to be called Soul Reaper. The pilot is also one of the members of the Steel Dragon team in the future. Is it called Axel? Alofimi’s official CP, but Shadow Mirror has this kind of technology for on the road. It seems to be very good. It exploded at a very fast speed for an instant and then stopped instantly after reaching the target.
"Although it is not like performing a space jump, the mode is similar. It is necessary to get a machine and study it."
This means that the unit in front of the Steel Dragon team is a team that belongs to the shadow mirror, and the leader is Axel driving the Soul Reaper, who is also the person Alofimi likes in the future. As for these two How the guy got Xiao Ran together is really not clear.
The emergence of the Shadow Mirror troops restrained the attack and impact of the Steel Dragon team as soon as they appeared on the stage. Each of the units showed very powerful strength, compared to those that stood in front of the Steel Dragon team. For the defense forces, there are almost two levels.
Dozens of airframes confronted Team Steel Dragon, forcing the airframes on Team Steel Dragon's side to be unable to go further, and the average strength displayed was no less than Team Steel Dragon's side.
Xiao Ran also slightly frowned when he noticed this. Although he was only watching the battle between the two sides from the screen of the machine, the shadow mirror unit gave Xiao Ran a strange feeling through the screen.
When Xiao Ran saw a machine body pierced by a beam of light, a few seconds later the pierced place unexpectedly recovered, and continued to join the battle without any impact, but the steel dragon team member who launched the beam was negligent. , Thinking that hitting the enemy is equivalent to solving the enemy, instead, he was shot in the arm by the opponent and escaped the danger with the help of his teammates.
"Metal cells!?" Xiao Ran's pupils shrank suddenly. After seeing what happened to the body, such a word appeared in Xiao Ran's brain. However, Dr. Sophia, who originally invented the metal cells, clearly stayed at home now. Among them, the rebel army still has the kind of metal cells that have the ability to recover from terror, and can recover infinitely without violently destroying them.
At the next moment, Xiao Ran directly connected to the bridge communication, and before there was a sound, he said, "Arrange for me to attack immediately, Feilong, the current position of the Platinum?"
Da Tie did not ask why Xiao Ran would attack As the battle continued, the enemy's ability to self-recover, he also saw in his eyes, these pilots of the Steel Dragon team except for the first echelon In addition to the ability to break the opponent, the rest of the people are basically playing soy sauce nearby to cooperate, and the main work is placed on the surrounding ordinary defense forces. If this continues, it will be difficult to continue to rush to attract more attention.
"The attack procedure is now underway, and the Flying Dragon and Platinum are on standby in the universe."
"I will find a way to attract more enemies after I come out, so that the Flying Dragon and Platinum can almost move." Xiao Ran spoke quickly while swiftly operating the keyboard and face with his hands, while still controlling the body to take the initiative. He walked to the ejection slot, and while waiting for the hatch to open, Xiao Ran also spoke again: "Let the people of the second echelon set the main target on the surrounding ordinary defense forces. This shadow mirror unit is not something they can easily deal with. ."
"Understood, the attack procedure is complete and you can start the attack."
As the voice of the big iron fell, the ejection hatch was also fully opened, slightly bending the huge body of the machine body, accompanied by the tower plate under the foot, flew out instantly, under the action of electromagnetic thrust, Xiao Ran drove his new machine directly up. Up to the clouds.
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