Chapter 1348: Soar up and down

All the bodies surrounding the crystal dragon did not move or make any sound, which made the whole scene seem a little silent and awkward. The crystal dragon felt that he was strong and powerful when he appeared on the stage, but the opponent did not run away. There was no attack, and it seemed that the Crystal Dragon was not at all concerned.
And this weird atmosphere made the crystal dragon seem a little dazed. The original green appearance gradually developed towards purple. I don’t know if it was angry or blind, but what looked like eyes in the abdomen also suddenly violent. The dazzling light.
"Damn you!"
"Wrong, we will not die, and you will not die. According to the request of that adult, but you are required to crawl under his feet. Although it feels very troublesome, we can only do our best, but think about having you. For such a pet, that adult should also be happy, so I hope you can handle it a little bit."
Elsam finished this sentence in a frivolous tone, and saw Zeng Jia’s body flicked a black giant sword with his right hand and instantly popped out. This liquid metal produced by the og world was fused with the rays passing through the Getta The huge sword cast by the irradiated special metal directly turned into a ray of light and rushed to the crystal dragon's body in an instant. The sword swung from the cut to the beat, and slammed it fiercely on the crystal-gathered head.
The airframe Zeng Jia is currently driving is a newly manufactured airframe. The basic settings have followed the Valkyrie outfit, and there hasn't been much change in appearance, but the performance, internal structure, energy, armor, etc. However, it was far different from before. Because of the changes in the energy system, the Valkyrie outfit equipped with the quantum fluctuation engine gained even more terrifying energy output.
The internal structure combines the technology of the g Gundam world and the og world, artificial skeletal muscles, etc., and energy conversion armor to enhance the strength of the bones, and the output has become more terrifying. In addition to the basic abilities of the Valkyrie costume attack, the basic ability is completely inherited and strengthened. In addition, the front end of the double arm guard armor also has the ability to release plasma flow, forming attacks such as electric whip, electric claw, and lightning ball.
Although Zeng Jia did not need to use long-range weapons, she eventually added a long-range auxiliary attack weapon, which is also a small rotating beam laser fired by his hand, which is the Vulcan Cannon laser version. It may face a slightly more powerful body. It's useless, but it's still very useful to deal with missiles.
Similarly, the body is also equipped with a solar furnace, a component that can improve the mobility of the body, and can make many incredible actions in conjunction with the structure of the body.
So after this super-enhanced version of the Valkyrie Costume attacked with a sword, the crystal dragon suddenly fell heavily on the ground and set off countless dust.
Kluzer wanted to control the two large beam cannons of the body to move, but he didn't know what he thought of and finally stopped his movements with a faint smile.
The airframe that Kluzer is driving at this time is almost 21 meters high. He is carrying a huge circular backpack behind him. It looks a bit similar to the legendary Gundam that Ray is driving, but the backpack behind him is not that simple. , Except for the backpack core and the body itself are connected and integrated as the position of the quantum wave engine, the rest of the backpack is completely composed of an enhanced version of the gn dragoon.
Moreover, all these gn dragoons are divided into three types. The first type is the normal gn dragoons, but their attack strength has been greatly enhanced due to the replacement of energy sources. At the same time, each gn dragoon has a high-energy launch. The ability to bombard.
The second type is the self-explosive dragoon, which has very strong defensive performance, and can also be used as a shield. It can rely on its strong defensive performance to directly detonate hard against impact.
The third type is the gn dragoon equipped with eight-foot mirror armor and capable of releasing light curtain barriers. In addition to the normal ability to release beam attacks, it is the same as the first type but has more powerful energy than the first type of attack. Beam attack, after all, this dragoon is also the largest.
The new dragoon design also exists for the control of Kruzer's characteristics. It also has the latest wireless energy transmission technology, which enables the energy to be transmitted directly to the dragoons with only a small amount of consumption, and in future battles. No longer need to recharge.
Completely master the rhythm, control the rhythm, interrupt the rhythm, and master the rhythm does not actually require that every attack is extremely powerful. When the attack appears in the most appropriate place at a critical time, it will also inflict considerable damage on the target. For close combat, as a purely technical guy like a super adjuster, he can definitely teach many guys how to behave.
Holding two long-barreled guns that look almost identical, the positron cannon attack has become the standard. Each weapon is equipped with a black hole engine, so it is not only capable of launching a positron cannon, but when combined, the firepower is sufficient. One shelling leveled the entire Hades Island.
But this is not the strongest firepower of this aircraft. The real strongest firepower is the two high-yield reactive warheads and one med warhead placed in the barrel. There is no single attack in group combat. The problem is that the killing blow is extremely destructive and terrifying.
Kruze just raised his hand to reflexively want to give the opponent a reaction bomb, but after thinking about it, he only gave up the attack with a faint smile.
However, Kluzer did not move. Alsam, Basac, Graham, and Luo rushed over. Alsam’s body was armed with double guns, and Basac’s body was armed with a giant axe~www.mtlnovel. com~Graham's body was holding two swords, Luo directly rushed up with a pair of fists of the body, and the others remained silent for a while.
Suddenly the whole scene became extremely gorgeous, several rays of light flickered continuously, left and right, loud bangs rang through the sky, the ground was shaking, and the crystal dragon was also shaking, basically Maintaining the rhythm of flying twice a minute and landing three times constantly scurrying up and down.
It’s not that it’s willing to jump up and down. If it can, it doesn’t want to come into this world at all. If it can’t just pretend to be that b, if it can, it will greet these people in a low voice, but it can’t. Now it has no ability to move freely. , The attacks of several people were incomparably coordinated, and it flew to the sky with one axe thrown out, and fell to the ground with a punch.
What sword light, flames, and electric currents come out from time to time, making the crystal dragon either shrouded in sword light or covered by flames, and even more electric current impacts, and painful roars fill everyone's ears.
The members of the Steel Dragon team who saw all this not far away were extremely silent about this picture, and Axelene even made a tut, her hands clasped together and said compassionately: "Ah, I hope some will bless you. This poor big worm unexpectedly met these monsters, Amituo Fu."
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