Chapter 1441: Am I the protagonist?

It’s because Xiao Ran knows too much, and in this world, Xiao Ran and Kira Yamato, the current relationship between Lacus, as the speaker, is not a secret. Sooner or later Xiao Ran will know the real situation about the freedom war, so Jill Only when I have been completely seen through and exposed will I feel that it doesn't matter to tell Xiao Ran.
But the more important reason is the relationship between Amblio, the battle of freedom, or the fight between Norma and DRAGON, the former is not a secret to Amblio, it has been launched once. The battle for freedom against Amblio ended in failure.
The battle between Norma and DRAGON, although Jill did not know the details of these monsters, he also knew that for Amblio, all this was just a good show to watch when bored.
Jill took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath and then gently exhaled a series of white smoke. As the smoke rose, Jill also continued to speak slowly: "The battle for freedom is a battle that has been going on for a long time. A long war, a war between humans and gods, Aub, the devas, and the Mecca biochemicals who were destroyed in the rebellion, all participated in the freedom war."
"The final result is indeed the destruction of Orb, successive wars with the Federation, the defiance of the artificial changers of the heavens and humans, the self-reliance of the Mecca biochemicals, and all the preparations made will fail for different reasons.
"Sure enough, someone is behind the scenes leading all of this." Xiao Ran nodded slightly, his expression became a little more serious: "This person is Amblio, so the chaos on the earth now is also caused by this guy? "
"It should be so." Jill nodded and said, "His purpose is to destroy everything that he cannot control and is against him."
"In the past, Blue Cosmos, LOGOS, and even many people in the current high-level federations, especially the Atlantic Federation, are actually a dog that serves Amblio. The purpose is to provoke a war in the world, destroy it, and destroy Austria. cloth."
"The man-made changer's apostasy, the real reason for the Mecca Biochemists' self-reliance is unclear, but it should be inseparable from him.
Xiao Ran frowned: "Why?"
"Because everyone except the Ancestral United Nations, the people in the entire world are just the outcasts of Amblio. He created this world and gave all the Ancestral United Nations the ability to use Mana, and wanted to eliminate Those of us who cannot use Mana, these substandard products in his eyes, even hate those products that are beyond what he did not make, because these existences pollute the world he created."
"For example, adjusters, changers, Mecca biochemical people, in order to fight against Ambulio, adjusters, changers and Mecca biochemical people have appeared one after another. Amblio used his own power to give the ancestor the United Nations those hot uses. Mana’s ability, and the pioneers of the Freedom War used another way to create lives with different powers."
"We also wanted to create a of our own to fight Amblio, but the final result was still a failure... In order to solve these pollutants, Amblio led Blue Cosmos and LOGOS to launch an attack on the adjusters. , In order to solve the problem of the appearance of A-LAWS, in order to eliminate the Nadeshiko, which led to the outbreak of the Mars war, all the total is actually under his control."
"However, although we have suffered various failures so far, we have left a considerable amount of fire to protect a group of powerful forces, such as Kira Yamato, Aslan Sara, and Lux ​​Klein. True Asuka, the four pilots of the Celestial Man, the Nadeshiko of the Federation, Graham Aika, Po Lan Wan Zhang, etc."
"But the only person who is uncertain and can determine the right or left of the war of freedom is another person besides Amblio."
As he said, Jill's eyes looked at Xiao Ran like this, although he didn't say it clearly, it also made it clear.
Xiao Ran was stunned for an instant: "Me?"
"Yes, in fact, you are the most unexpected place among all the preparations. Your appearance and rise are without warning. You broke into the center of the vortex like a meteor, but unconsciously, you have enough to change the world. Even if it is not a god, it has unmatched fighting ability. With your followers, countless people in the whole world support you, no matter what you do, it can greatly affect the battle for freedom."
"You have gained the most powerful power in the shortest time. Just as the rise of the comet suppressed the war between the federation and peace at that time, and made the world peaceful on the surface, the emergence of A-LAWS also has something to do with you, but because You are not a member of the plan, so we are not sure which side you are on at all, so we have been silent with you.
"Aub didn't know everything, but Prime Minister Kagali didn't know everything, but there was one person who knew everything, including the current support for Agenar. This person is also responsible in one hand~www. Ran's mind quickly thought, and within only two seconds, a name appeared in his mind: "Mina Lund? "
"Yes, your newly established Orb is already on the side of the Freedom War, and there is a third party outside of Amblio's side. Although Mina Lund has kept helping us, he is not changing Participate more, just to help you maintain this three-legged situation."
Jill shook the soot and said: "But if you are really one of our people, then the guy who has the most headache is that guy, but your inexplicable disappearance. We originally thought it was Amblio, and the world started to do it again. It became chaotic, but never expected you to reappear, and you also brought back some inexplicable guests, which may also become our strength against Amblio."
Xiao Ran rubbed his temples and felt that he was a little dizzy. He could understand these things Jill said, but it didn't mean that he could fully understand all the conditions.
In short, the adjuster, the changer, and the Mecca biochemical man who has been eliminated are actually appearing in this world to fight and eliminate Amblio, but they have failed again and again, and then he himself, perhaps Because of the relationship between the Orb faction domain that controls the entire world, his identity in this mission is deeply involved with this world, far beyond the concept of normal identity in the original mission.
Basically, he was given the identity of an important person in the world. In other words, he was regarded as a protagonist representing Orb, an important supporting role in heaven and man, and he could barely be regarded as a plot character.
And in the meaning of Jill, he Xiao Ran has become the world's biggest variable, not one of them.
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