Chapter 1465: Luo, get busy

Next, Xiao Ran asked why Amuro appeared in Amaterasu again. Amuro also seemed a little bewildered in the face of this problem.
"I don't know why I came to this world. I only remember that I was in a coma after pushing away Axis. When I woke up again, I became a prisoner of the successor of Mars, and was forcibly captured by them. , And forced me to help them study ν Gundam, and finally used the body’s mental power skeleton as their communication tool for Boson.

Amuro said that his face was flushed and helpless. As a federation's ace pilot, he turned into a prisoner somehow. He was threatened by his life and did some things. He was very concerned about the successors of Mars. Dissatisfaction and anger.
Xiao Ran nodded lightly, and comforted: "In that case, of course, ensuring your own safety is the first thing. You don't have to be too concerned. The anger in your heart will wait until the attack on the successor of Mars is venting. ."
Amuro smiled and said, "I am grateful and disrespectful. Fortunately, you have rescued me. Otherwise, the successors of Mars might use ν Gundam to do unpredictable things."
Xiao Ran: "That's it, Captain Amuro, Tianhe Mingren, if it's okay, you will first go to maintain and replenish the body. Regarding the maintenance of ν Gundam, especially the supplement of floating weapons, it will be done by Luo next to me. Help you with it."
The two nodded and walked out of the conference room side by side, leaving only the commanders of the ships, and Xiao Ran looked at several people and said, "You are the one who makes plans for combat. You don't need to connect the Burning Legion to My combat power is formulated into the plan. Like the previous battles, the Burning Legion will travel together, but it will only serve as a deterrent. If it is unnecessary and threatening, neither the Burning Legion nor I will join the battle."
"The reason is, the first is to hone their pilots, and the second is to worry that someone might be watching us all the time, so I don't want to expose my true combat power now."
Miss Huang, Hoshino Ruri and the others nodded to express their understanding. Okita Thirteen had no objection. He had known how Xiao Ran's combat power was long ago. The shock of the eighteen units in those three seconds was still deeply imprinted at this time. In his memory, if Xiao Ran really played and used all his strength, it seemed that there was indeed no need to use them.
"Although it is for us to make a combat plan..." Miss Huang looked at Xiao Ran with a wry smile, and said helplessly: "But the current situation is that we are attacking the opponent's main base and we still have the Amaterasu. We show a little bit of moving in the direction of Mars, and we will definitely face the opponent's most rigorous defense."
"Although some plans can be used to bring some advantages, our number of troops was originally small. Once we disperse and face the greater number of troops in the headquarters of the successor to Mars, we will only deliberately weaken our advantages. I'm afraid I can only concentrate on pushing forward and break through the opponent's headquarters in the shortest time."
"Isn't a frontal attack also a plan." Xiao Ran smiled and said, "That's it. If the team encounters a dangerous situation, I will take action. I can do it as much as I can before, but You still need to determine the time of action and the way to go to Mars."
Hoshino Ruri replied: "Amaterasu has been captured, but the Federation needs to send someone to take it again. In addition, the Yamato and various fighter bodies also need maintenance and supplies, and the pilots also need sufficient rest time. By the way, the Confederation is requested to send a supply ship and wait until the supply and maintenance are completed."
"The way to go to Mars is left to Nadeshiko. You can use Nadeshiko's boson jump system to take the entire fleet with you. It is estimated that it will take more than twelve hours."
"Yes, I'll pass it on later." Xiao Ran nodded, and after taking a look at Luo from the side, he said, "If the number of combat power is not enough, it will be better to improve the quality as much as possible."
"Luo, you are going to be very busy next, Aslan, Kira, and the three of them have enough bodies, but I think they can be improved, and Amuro's body is also not too much time. Do as much as you can. In addition, the body of the first squadron of Yagenar also needs to be strengthened, especially the white one that needs special attention, as are the bodies such as the Nadeshi Rogue Bird and Gurengast."
"Finally, all the fuselages of the entire fleet should be able to find ways to improve and enhance them, or directly replace them with newer fuselages, Leonard, if it's okay, take Neyin and help Luo."
"Hehe..." Luo twitched the corner of his mouth and let out a helpless laugh. He had already thought about what he would face when he came back, but he didn't expect that he would have to work so quickly, but he nodded and answered. Under this Of course, Luo understands what Xiao Ran said. He didn’t mean to make a brand-new body for these four people. Even if he had mechanic equipment and ready-made upgraded version of the body information, he couldn’t help it. It is so exaggerated to produce four A-class machines in twelve hours, so the real arrangement is to adjust the spare machine, to be precise, to dismantle the machine.
It should be understood that the spare machine loaded by the Burning Legion originally had various types of a-class fuselages, those with mental power skeletons and those without mental power skeletons. The main skeleton of the body is divided into different skeleton structures by different types. But all of them are dedicated skeletons for the a-class body with the solar furnace interface.
There are also various parts stored in the warehouse. In addition, you can also use the machinist’s equipment to make fresh special parts, select a suitable machine body, remove the unnecessary parts and install the things needed, and finally proceed The adjustment can quickly produce a special machine suitable for different pilots.
Anyway, the most critical design, parameters, etc. are all ready-made, and can be done step by step, that is, you have to be lucky.
After thinking for a while, Luo said: "There is not much that can be done in only half a day. Even with Leonard's cooperation, it is very reluctant to get four units first."
Xiao Ran smiled slightly and smiled quite confidently: "Don't worry, I have transferred a lot of maintenance personnel and logistics from Orb to join the Burning Legion this time, and there is also a special technician, Nain, who will help us. Even if it is not enough, you can mobilize it from other ships."
Luo suddenly rolled his eyes, and immediately understood that Xiao Ran had already arranged everything a long time ago, waiting for him to return to the Burning Legion and start working.
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