Chapter 144: Other participants

?? After the fleet jumped through the passage, Xiao Ran left the bridge and went to the dormitory arranged for Shiryllu. After the two talked about the conversation, Xiao Ran closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply, while Shiryllu Sitting in front of Xiao Ran's sleeping bed, he lay his body on his body.
On a carrier ship in the fleet, more than a dozen participants avoided other sergeants and gathered in a small dormitory. The expressions on their faces were not good. The punishment in the main mission two made these people feel a little overwhelmed. gas.
A male participant could not help standing up with an angry expression on his face, and said to a dozen other participants: "What the is this task? There is such a big gap between reward and punishment. It is not possible to deduct 50,000 combat merit points. Whoever is present has 50,000 combat merit points. This is not forcing us to die!"
"You can't say that." A participant who seemed to be slightly calm took the conversation and said: "After all, there is a whole fleet to cooperate with us in the mission. I am afraid that the other camp does not have so many helpers. Will it be correct? It is because of so many helpers that the punishment is so severe."
Another participant shook his head and said,
Now we only know that the destination of the fleet is Planet Gaul 4, where we perform our mission, but we don’t know if the real purpose of the fleet is the same as ours. The squadron went to Gaul 4 not to prevent other camps from opening the Devourer. What is the use of relying on only a dozen of us?"
   "Unless we can get the command of this fleet?" A young participant suddenly uttered a word, which immediately made all the participants' eyes brightened.
   "Yes, if we can take command of this fleet, we can ensure that our mission is completed."
   "Yes, this is also a way, but the key is how we can get the command of this fleet?"
   "Should we all rush to the main ship and directly control all the senior commanders of the fleet?"
   A participant who had not spoken glanced at the other participants who were discussing how to seize command and shook his head slightly. This participant was about twenty-six or seventeen. Male, with blue hair, silver eyes, and a slender figure. I saw him gently tap the table beside him. All the participants stopped the discussion and turned their attention.
   "You don't have to think about the idea of ​​seizing command. This is impossible."
The participant shook his head at the crowd, and sighed: "Don’t you find out that we have been under surveillance all the time. Otherwise, how could a participant be taken away before? Now I also want to understand, we I have been under surveillance since I came to the 25th Ship Regiment. The participant must have shown some footwork before being arrested. It can also be determined that the participant is a member of the hostile camp hidden among us. Now they are arrested. It is also possible that the participant has been unable to join the main line mission two, it can be said that he will definitely die."
   "I also guarantee that as long as we make any rash actions, the first target of this fleet's attack will be us. At that time, let alone complete the mission, even survival will be a problem."
   The words of this participant made the other participants feel as if they were frustrated, and there was no sound for a while. A participant asked helplessly: "Then what should we do?"
The blue-haired participant glanced at all the participants present and said: "Calm down is the only thing we can do now. I believe that Prometheus’s mission announcements must be based, otherwise we will be the main line of death. The task, since the difference between rewards and punishments is so big, maybe this task is difficult for us or it will be very low."
"Big Brother Roger is right." A long-haired female participant stood up. The long nails on her hands naturally revealed a scarlet color, and the pupils of her eyes were also red. She spoke before looking at it. One of the blue-haired participants in the United States took a look and said:
We have no chance to seize command. Even the main ship of the fleet can’t get close to how we seize it. I think it might be like what Roger said. The purpose of this fleet should be It has a lot to do with our mission, otherwise there won't be such a big difference in rewards and punishments."
"That's fine. If you don't have the ability to pick up high-level side quests, you will find death by yourself. The main quests are different. Prometheus will not release quests that let us go to death. Now I think our main purpose is to figure out what mission the fleet is performing before the mission begins."
   At this point, the female participant also gritted her teeth: "It's really not possible, we will tell the matter about the Devourer. I believe the commander of the fleet will not ignore it."
Roger nodded, glanced at the female participant who was talking with a hint of surprise, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, and said: "Lucy is right. Let's find out if the mission of this fleet is compatible. Any overlap of ours is really impossible, and it is only possible to tell the commander of this fleet about the Devourer. After all, this fleet should be Prometheus's helping hand."
   The other participants also nodded one after another. Someone said, "Big Brother Roger said that. I listened to Brother Roger."
   "Me too, there is no better idea now anyway."
   "Then find a way to figure out the purpose of this fleet."
   Roger nodded and smiled slightly. He glanced at the female participant Lucy and smiled at her.
   Roger, body: Skymaster Gundam, C-class general-purpose mecha driving technology, type specialization LV1. Awakening skills: Hand speed overclocking, the inherent hand speed of the driving body is increased by 0.5 times.
   Lucy, body: AEU thug, D-class general driving technology. Awakening skills: Absorb endurance, absorb endurance of other creatures to restore one's endurance, cooling time is one day.
   Seeing that everyone agrees with this opinion, Roger stood up: "Since everyone has no objection, we will now take action. Everyone should be careful not to say something that shouldn't be said, and also pay attention to your own attitude."
The participants all started to leave, but Lucy stayed at the end under Roger's eyes. When only Roger and Lu were left in the dormitory, Roger waved to Lucy. Zhe Jiao smiled and threw himself into Roger's arms, and said softly: "Brother Roger. How am I doing?"
Roger lowered his head and glanced at Lucy who plunged into his arms, and smiled faintly: "It's a good job. There is no one in this world. Only by pulling up his team can I live better. Now I am in These people's hearts are getting heavier and heavier. After finishing the mission in this world, they can start to invite them to form a team."
   Lucy drew circles on Roger's chest with her hand, and said softly, "I am the first to say that I want to join Roger's team. Don't forget me."
   "Of course not." Roger's mouth curled up evilly. Reached out and hooked Lucy's chin: "If I forget, no one will forget you."
After speaking, he kissed Lucy’s red lips, and when he raised his head again, one hand was already wrapped around Lucy’s waist, and the other hand was placed on Lucy’s hip, satisfied. After taking a look at Lucy, Roger's eyes squinted, and the inside flashed: "The commander named Xiao Ran seems to be the pilot of our black deformed fighter at the time. I think he has a problem."
   Lucy stretched out her tongue and licked the corner of her mouth, looked at Roger and asked, "Do you want to check?"
   "That's for sure, but not now." Roger squinted and nodded. Then he looked at Lucy: "Just leave the information to those people. We have more important things to do, don't you think?"
"I hate it." Lucy smiled, and pushed Roger onto the bed in the dormitory with a push with both hands. She pulled her clothes to reveal a tall and full figure, and slowly sat on Roger. After taking off Roger's clothes slowly, the temperature of the room changed. Not long after, men and women were breathing and groaning in the dormitory.
   and the other participants, until Roger and Lucy appeared in front of them. They also didn't seem to have found anything about the matter between the two, but were earnestly looking for the information they needed for their own lives.
   When the fleet came out of the jumping channel, it was almost ten hours later. Xiao Ran, who had already been rested, was already sitting next to Brigadier General Perry. Although as the supreme commander of the fleet, the captain of the new-class warship is still Brigadier General Perry, Xiao Ran naturally will not sit in the position representing the captain.
"I have arrived at Gaul 4, and according to the information from the Skeleton Team, no suspicious traces have been found. The advance fleet on Gaul 4 is in confrontation." Brigadier General Perry turned his head and looked at Xiao Ran: " It seems that the news of the Twenty-Fifth Ship Regiment is correct. These Gerardians have the meaning of rebellion."
"It's just a few people. They stayed on Gaul 4 for so long and haven't returned to human society. It's normal that there will be some problems." Xiao Ran smiled stood up and said : "Send all the reconnaissance troops to conduct a thorough investigation of the star field near Gaul 4, and take advantage of the investigation time to deal with the advance fleet."
   Perry nodded in sight: "Should you just destroy them directly or?"
   "We came with the expectation of peace. Let us let the singer go down and protect our singer, and we must also let the singer's power be used. The soldiers should also want to listen to their songs, right?"
"That's not bad. It's been a long time since a real singer appeared." Brigadier General Perry smiled. An adjutant hurried over to stand beside Xiao Ran and Perry, and took out a storage device and handed it to him. In front of Xiao Ran, he said loudly, "General, I have brought something from that ship."
   "Heh." Xiao Ran narrowed his eyes, took the object and nodded: "No one has seen the contents."
   The adjutant replied loudly: "Report to the general. No one has seen the contents. All the things are recorded and sent directly."
   "I see." Xiao Ran squeezed the storage device in his hand, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly. (To be continued.) xh118
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