Chapter 1474: End

Xiao Ran's premonition is far from predictable. Even if he has the motivation to think, Xiao Ran's motivation is not the kind that develops in the direction of prediction, so this situation is like an ordinary person's left eye jumping fortune and right eye. It’s like jumping into a disaster, it’s simply a special feeling that doesn’t make sense. The difference is that Xiao Ran’s life level is now higher, and the addition of some special abilities endowed by mind power makes this feeling a little stronger than normal. That's it.
In any case, the successor of Mars can be regarded as a small Boss at the gate to this world. Gedim appeared before the opponent was completely defeated. According to the usual blood, I don’t know what to do next. Something inexplicable appeared again.
Suddenly, there was a not-so-good premonition in his heart. At this time, the state of the attacking troops was quite terrible. After such a long battle, all aspects of the consumption were not small, so Xiao Ran decided to drive the body to attack himself.
When Xiao Ran sat in the dark cockpit, directly activated the body and controlled the body to fly directly along the ejection slot, flying to the front of the Burning Legion’s bridge with a green light spot, and at the same time swept his eyes across the screen, All the current conditions on the battlefield are in the eyes of income.
The number of troops left on the successor of Mars is not too much, but most of its own body is also difficult to explode more combat power. Under the orders of the commanders of the various ships, they have begun to return to the direction of the warships. Several airframes of the No. 1 Squadron in Naar had already left the battlefield.
Except for the melee weapons, all weapons consume live ammunition, and the energy is still a body that uses fuel energy. Once the ammunition and fuel are exhausted, it will become a target. In fact, it is not to blame the aircraft of the first squadron of Agenar. The division is not very useful, except that the VILLKISS is a bit weird, the rest of the machine is only this level.
Except for the first squadron of Yagenar, the Brave Express Team has all returned. The summer flowers of the Nadeshiko and the AS of the Danuko are also the same. Almost half of the fuselages returned to their respective battleships and began to supply.
Freedom, Justice, Two Destinies, Getta, Great Demon God, Thornpot 3, Titan 3, Fierce Bird, Gurengast, Hi-ν, ZZ, Z, Golden Heresy, Four Heavens, Widowmaker, The pirates and the F91 are still on the battlefield. Adding Graham, Basac, Luo, Nalo, Saki, and Jigusi, all left behind are those that are not afraid of energy consumption.
At this time, in the battle between Beichen and Beichen on the latter side of Mars, the vacancy appeared because of Xiao Ran's instructions to Graham and Jigusi to take over Van Gore's departure, and even Xiao Ran issued an order to quickly resolve the successors of Mars. The command.
In the short period of time when Xiao Ran left the bridge and piloted the body, only one of the six members of Beichen was left. Graham and the others killed five in succession, and the last one was left. This is the two-minute question. As for Beichen, the villain who has the identity of Mecca biochemical man in this world is also chased by Tianhe Mingren.
Graham had already freed his hands, and it won't take long to get rid of this guy.
On the other side, Gadim’s dozens of drones are not much left. After the drones sent by the Burning Legion were wiped out, in cooperation with the encirclement and suppression of Basac, Nalo and others, they were quickly destroyed. Several A-level pilots were swept away. If Xiao Ran hadn't let Luo catch the air and leave behind the only body driven by the organic pilot, I am afraid that the body had also become fragments.
But this unit is also surrounded and chased by several units and can only rely on that proud speed to dodge back and forth, but even if the speed of this unit is indeed not slow, it is still a bit worse than a few A-class units. After a while, both hands and feet were torn off by Barsac and Luo.
But what people never expected was that Xiao Ran's idea of ​​catching alive ended in failure. The pilot of that machine was quite spine and chose to explode after his body lost the ability to move, and did not give Luo He at all. Any chance of capturing the two of the Basac.
Xiao Ran’s body floated in front of the Burning Legion’s bridge, watching the battle slowly come to an end. Beichen’s red body also burst into a mass over Mars under the continuous and angry attacks of Tianhe Mingren. Spark, the other battles began to calm down gradually, and there were no other unexpected signs at all.
"Is it because I have too much heart?" Xiao Ran frowned slightly, keeping a relative distance from the Burning Legion, following the Nadeshiko, Ptolemy and other four ships gradually stopped at the peculiar tulip called Tulip Above and below the building is both the headquarters of the successors of Mars and the place where the remains of Mars are located.
He really drove his new body to land on the deck of the Burning Legion. After taking off his helmet and wiping his sweat fiercely, he said in a lazy voice, "It's finally over. It feels like this battle has been fought for a long time. Every time, every time, we have to face more enemies than we are. It's really exhausting."
Aslan, Kira, and Luna Maria also stopped the machine near the shining destiny. A battle is indeed a test of physical strength and energy for the pilots who have persisted until now. Many people also They all released the control lever and allowed the body to float in a gravity-free environment, taking advantage of the time when the battle was over but still needed to stay on guard for a good rest.
Aslan also took off his helmet at this took out a bottle of water from under the chair while sucking it in and said,
Now the successor to Mars is resolved, and I don’t know what threats are waiting next. For us, it’s impossible for you to be so discouraged, but this battle is indeed fortunate for you."
"But you have to hold on for a while, and wait until the Federation sends troops to accept it, but don't make any trouble at the last time."
Really pouted, and replied helplessly: "I know."
Nadeshiko also received communications from the building below. Just when they were fighting outside, Yutongzuna Ichiro and Negeral Heavy Industries jointly formed a special force to sneak into the base and suppress it. The rebellious force completely occupied the base below.
Upon receiving this news, Tianhe Mingren couldn't help his excitement in his heart and directly piloted his body toward the base of the successor to Mars.
But at this moment, Tianhe Mingren's body suddenly stiffened, and Widowmaker also stopped instantly following Tianhe Mingren's actions. Not only him, but all the people present suddenly heard a female voice: "Danger... Danger... Mingren... Don't get close, get out of here..."
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