Chapter 1513: The world is changing too fast, leading to Brad Shi Lezhi

Xiao Ran did not directly answer Brad’s question, and he also fully understood Brad’s reluctance to argue about Leonard’s character in his words. After all, Brad knew that Leonard was Xiao Ran’s person, and he was very concerned about Burning. For the Legion, the current facilitator and friendly army, Brad doesn't think he has any qualifications to comment on Leonard, so it should be considered a rather controversial issue simply to put it aside. Three.k. Chinese website
After a noncommittal smile, Xiao Ran said: "I would like to ask Commander Brad a question first. About a historical tragedy that happened in this world, a place called the Laplace satellite exploded and caused the first The death of the President of the Federation?"
Hearing Xiao Ran’s words, Brad’s face showed a pensive expression, and said:
I have heard about this and I have also read the information at the time. It is said that it was because the rebels at the time treated Rapp. The Lassat satellite carried out a publicized attack, which resulted in the death of the then Federal President and representatives of all countries without a single escape."
"That's right." Xiao Ran nodded and said, "The record of this incident, Leonard told me so, but you know that this disaster for this world was not caused by some rebels. You can never guess that the person who did it is the Federation that just declared you traitors. (
"In fact, since that time, the actions of these people in the Federation have caused an inevitable conflict between the earth and the inhabitants of the universe."
Brad’s eyes widened suddenly. After hearing Xiao Ran’s words, even his breathing came to a halt. His face was full of shock. The impact of this incident on Brad was too great. It completely subverted all his senses and expectations of the Federation.
Brad took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down, but the tone of his speech was still a little trembling: " is it possible, evidence, is there evidence?"
Xiao Ran shrugged his shoulders: "Because the incident on the Industrial No. 7 led to the two Katias Biste who knew all about this, Syam Biste is dead, perhaps the sister of Katias Biste and His son should know a little about this, but the only person who knows the whole situation now is Leonard, whom you regard as a sin."
Brad took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "That means, now, your Excellency Xiao Ran, all of what you said, if Albert Bist and Martha Bist didn’t know about it, Is there no reliable evidence to prove all this?"
"It's not the case. ( Xiao Ran stretched out a finger and shook it twice, and said: "In fact, Leonard still has one of the most crucial evidence in his hand, which is sufficient to prove that this World Federation has violated the Constitution and should be tried. Evidence of dissolution and dissolution, a record of the original constitution that was inscribed at the beginning of this era, and the original constitution signed by the first president of the Federation and countless leaders."
"And above the original constitution, there are items that are completely hidden in the constitution that the federation has now taken out, including the preferential treatment of the inhabitants of the universe, equality and even the dominant position of development outside the universe, and the emergence of new humans was expected at that time. , It also gives new humans the right to have higher rights, as the guide and leader of human beings, etc. In short, there are many specific contents. Anyway, if the original constitution is promulgated, many people's interests and rights will suffer huge losses. The consequences will be very terrifying, so Leonard had to make more preparations first."
"And the important point is that the federation will not be just a federation where certain people on the planet dominate, but will become a federation led by new humans for all mankind. Think about this impact on some people. How big, so that tragedy happened."
"If Commander Brad wants to know the specific content, I can also send you the expanded version. Of course, if you want to see the real thing, I'm afraid you have to go to the place where Leonard is currently."
Xiao Ran finished these words with a smile, but Brad already felt a headache and rubbed his temples. What Xiao Ran said about these things is really terrifying and shocking. Of course, the so-called terrifying and shocking are also It's just for the native people in their world.
And indeed, as Xiao Ran said, once such things are announced, the consequences are indeed terrifying to an unimaginable degree. The earth and the universe will definitely fall into even more disorderly chaos.
At this moment, Brad's head didn't know how many thoughts and thoughts flashed through. It was only after ten minutes of silence that Brad looked at Xiao Ran on the screen with red eyes, and said hoarsely: "I also hope that Your Excellency Xiao Ran can arrange for me to visit it in person."
"It's no Xiao Ran nodded with a smile, and then said: "So now Mr. Brad has any doubts about what I said before? "
"No more." Brad shook his head. He now understands what Xiao Ran said, and based on Xiao Ran's relationship with Leonard, he can also think that Xiao Ran is actually expressing that he will be with Renard. De was on the side and jointly dealt with the federation of this world. The purpose, should it be Leonard's goals and aspirations.
But Brad would never understand what Xiao Ran said was true and false, and he deliberately guided him towards the direction Xiao Ran wanted.
And knowing these things, Brad’s idea seemed to have suffered a shock. He suddenly felt that the war between Zeon and the Federation from the beginning to the present seemed to be only Zeon fighting for the rights that he should have received. , And the Federation has become the evil that wants to rule the world, and he actually fought for the Federation for so long.
A mood of being fooled suddenly rose, and it made Brad suddenly feel that he had become a part of evil without knowing it, and the Zeon and amalgam that he had always regarded as evil, tnnd suddenly changed. Became justice, is nmd kidding?
Brad just felt that he almost couldn't help but squirt out a mouthful of blood. Was it because the world was changing too fast, or his brain couldn't react?
In short, Brad's mood at the moment is extremely complicated, extremely complicated, and he is muttering: "Now that he has left the federation, fortunately he has already left the federation..."
Xiao Ran listened to Brad's mumbling, with a strange expression on his face, touched his chin and said softly, "Could it be that the blow was too big and I lost my mind?" 21019
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