Chapter 1546: Tetsuya's Declaration

Suddenly I heard Tetsuya's words, not to mention the other people, but the person involved was covered in his hood, but then he showed a somewhat angry expression: "Why."
"Hmph, there's no reason. Now you only need to get off Demon God Z." Tie also snorted, raising the arms of the Great Demon God, his fists were already clenched, and it seemed that he would attack Demon God Z at any time.
Liulongma stared at the movement of the Great Demon God in amazement, and couldn't figure out why Tie would do this: "That move...Is it to attack Demon God Z, why?"
Liulongma’s doubts were also the doubts of most people present, but in the next second before the Loose’s reply, Jiantie seemed to be threatening or showing his attitude, and directly attacked Demon God Z, and the two iron fists followed The Great Demon God flew out of his arm and directly hit the body of Demon Z.
Maybe I never thought that Iron would actually launch an attack. But even if he didn't resist, he let the Great Demon God's attack hit him. Suddenly, two iron fists slammed into Demon God Z and shot countless sparks. At the same time, the Demon God Z hit the sea.
Wilt looked at the two Demon Gods blindly: "The Great Demon God launched an attack on Demon God Z. It really launched an attack."
When Wilt spoke, he looked like the other person of a pair in the eyes of others, and Xiaolu blinked his eyes: "Huh? What the is going on."
But perhaps Xiao Ran, who knew what all this was for, didn't give anyone an explanation. Even Tie also remained silent at this time, quietly watching the Demon God Z flying out of the red ocean.
Instead, Baron Ashura, who was rescued by Tie Ye, stopped escaping, and looked at the actions of the Great Demon God. He was equally surprised: " are...could it be that?"
"Quickly disappear from my eyes." Turning his back to Baron Ashura, Tie Ye's tone was also quite cold.
"Hahaha." Baron Ashura laughed suddenly for unknown reasons, and did not continue to pick up Jian Tieye's nerves, turned and left and left the last sentence: "Anyway, let me help you last. You can help."
Just after Baron Ashura left, dozens of Taros statues appeared again on the island before the crowds fought, and they suddenly emerged from the ground of the island. It seemed that they had been in ambush for a long time. In general, even showing such a hand before leaving, also made the people of the Victory Fleet feel a bit astonished.
And at this moment, the Hoodie also yelled in the direction of the Great Demon with great anger: "Mr. Tetsuya, what are you...what are you doing! Why are you doing this! Are you not a member of the Victory Fleet? Why? To help your enemy, let me get off Demon Z somehow as soon as I come out, tell me why I want to do this!"
"I can't say that." Tie also kept calm, and said: "But the trooper, get me down from Demon God Z right now, this is for your good."
Loose's became more and more angry: "Who would believe this kind of nonsense!"
Whirlwind Temple dancers controlled their body to avoid the attack of the Talos statue that suddenly appeared, and said loudly, "Mr. Tetsuya, you can tell us what is the matter."
"Brother Tieye, why on earth is this happening?" Shengping, Tieye's apprentice, Tieye's apprentice, Sanbot III's pilot also looked blank.
And Wanzhang was even more ready to fly Titan III to the Great Demon God, and said solemnly: "Let us listen to your reasons, Tetsuya, otherwise I will treat you as an enemy!"
"If you want to treat me as an enemy, please feel free." Tie also took a deep breath and said: "Ryoma, you must leave with me. If you don't cooperate, I can only use force to force you to submit. Up."
"Also, Jia'er, if you still don't want to get off the Demon God Z, then I just have to drag you out."
Carapace gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "No matter what your identity and purpose are, if you want to take away my Demon God Z, then I will do my best to stop you!"
Tie also squeezed his fists, and looked at Demon God Z with extremely firm eyes: "Then let me tell you the enlightenment that a demon mechanic bears!"
Just after Tie also finished saying this sentence, the Great Demon God rushed directly towards Demon God Z, and Demon God Z also made the same action. The two machines that looked very similar in appearance just hit hard in the sky. The two collided together, and the power of the Demon God collided, and the huge shock wave caused the red sea to churn.
And then, the two demon gods were separated by each other's power, but they collided again, and then separated again, constantly moving in the sky and the sea, and they were constantly colliding, flashing light. The appearance again and again dazzled everyone who saw it, and the combat power displayed by the current Great Demon God ~ ~ at least doubled the combat power previously displayed with the Victory Fleet.
When Polan Wanzhang and Liu Longma saw this scene, they drove the body quickly towards the direction of the two demon gods fighting, but Xiao Ran's voice suddenly sounded in the ears of everyone in the Victory Fleet.
"With the exception of Liu Ryoma, no one is allowed to participate in the battle between Jian Tie Ye and Louga Er, and immediately eliminate all other threats that appear in the battle area."
Xiao Ran’s words immediately caused Po Lan Wanzhang and Liu Longma to take their actions, but then the black tower driven by Liu Longma rushed to the two demon gods again, because Xiao Ran’s words were very clear, he could add to the sword. Tie also fights with the two looters.
As for why Xiao Ran would prevent other people from participating in the battle between the two people, Liu Longma is not clear, but for the current Liu Longma, joining the battle there and preventing the two talents is now the top priority. , As for the rest, you can wait until later.
But even though Po Lan Wanzhang stopped his actions after hearing Xiao Ran's words, the incredible and stunned expression on his face also explained his inner thoughts at this time, and he could only control his teeth bitterly when he opened his mouth. The body turned around and went back, according to Xiao Ran's words to destroy the Talos statue that appeared on the island.
To talk about why Polan Wanzhang chose to follow Xiao Ran, in addition to Xiao Ran's high authority in the Western calendar world, a fleet must also have a main commander. Polan Wanzhang also knows that the Victory Fleet issues orders. The man is Xiao Ran, so just because he is now a member of the Victory Fleet, he must obey Xiao Ran's instructions, at least on the battlefield.
However, Po Lan Wanzhang also decided in his heart that he must figure out to Xiao Ran after the battle was over what all this happened today.
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