Chapter 157: Macross Cannon

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   The voice in his mind made Xiao Ran raise his eyebrows and then retracted his hand: "The recovered warship will not disappear or collapse, but the recovered plug-ins and components will cause the corresponding modules to be damaged or lost?"
Xiao Ran touched his nose. Since the prompt said that there will be no collapse, then Xiao Ran will naturally not be pressured to use the skill. The key is to use the skill of the waste recycler, what can be recovered, and Regarding class-class warships, Xiao Ran has also gained a certain understanding of this kind of warship after being in this world for so long.
The modules of the entire battleship are roughly divided into several parts, energy system module, thruster module, gravity control module, space jump system module, battleship defense module, battleship fire attack module, etc. The defense module also includes battleship self-carrying gunboat defense. Needle point defense system, etc., all-round defense system, the attack module contains more things, cannons, micro missile launching phalanx, beam turrets, etc., the mess is not too small, what can be recovered It all depends on luck.
"Part fragments are the most likely thing to get. The main console can be activated, indicating that the energy system should be intact or part of it. In terms of defense, the needle point defense system has been scrapped, otherwise it will not be sunk. The thruster module should It is also broken. In terms of weapons, the cannon seems to be quite complete, and there is a certain possibility of recovery. As for the missile launching phalanx, it is difficult to say."
   Xiao Ran once again put his hands on the main console panel, and started the skill waste recycler together.
"Ding, do you need to spend 20,000 merit points to recover this battleship? There is a certain chance that you can disassemble and recover plug-ins, parts fragments and complete parts. The recovered battleship will not disappear or crash due to skills, but the recovered plug-ins , The parts will cause damage or loss of the corresponding modules of the warship."
   "You have deducted 20,000 combat merit points, and the skill waste recycler has launched... You have recovered 39 component fragments due to the luck of your skills."
   Xiao Ran's face turned black at once. Just when he thought that 20,000 merit points had been replaced by 39 pieces of parts and made a total loss, another sound popped out of his head.
"You recovered the small thermonuclear engine matrix for battleship components × 1." (The battleship energy system is a large energy cluster composed of a matrix of multiple thermonuclear engines. One or two less will not be affected. Especially the warship that has been scrapped. Happening.)
   "You have recovered the battleship parts, the cannon with your luck."
   "Small thermonuclear engine matrix: warship energy components, after loading, restore 2000 energy value per second, the highest energy value storage is 100,000, and the maximum output power is 20000. Small warships can be used."
"Mass-produced cannons: large heavy particle reaction guns for warships, high-energy gravity wave weapons, effective range of 600 kilometers in space, and full range of attack power within 60 kilometers of effective range on the ground. Attack strength decays rapidly beyond the effective range, and maximum attack strength S-level, minimum attack intensity B+, consumes one million energy points per round, 30 minutes of cooling time, large. Very large warships can be used after loading the corresponding energy components."
Xiao Ran was stunned to listen to the sound that popped out of his mind. The prompt sound was cut off. He thought that the harvest this time was only 39 parts fragments, but he unexpectedly added a small thermocore engine matrix. And a cannon, the thermonuclear engine matrix is ​​nothing more than a surprise.
The attack strength of the main gun at the level of S is deeply shocked by Xiao Ran. This is a continuous and continuous attack. Although it is marked with the code name of the mass production type, it is a dead word if there is no defense strength above the S level. The strength with the lowest range is also B+. Even if the Lightning Aegis at the farthest point touched one side, it was still a dead word.
   Judging from the description, the power of Cannon can be seen, but the power is large and the energy consumption makes Xiao Ran a little speechless. The consumption of one million energy values ​​is simply fantastic. In other words, if you want to use this weapon, you need fifty small thermonuclear energy matrices to supply energy for 1 second at the same time, or twenty-five small thermonuclear energy. The matrix supplies energy for two seconds at the same time. This is still the case of full power supply, but generally speaking, it is impossible to supply all energy to the weapon. So this time is appropriately lengthened, and there are really only those super-large warships that can hold 25 thermonuclear energy matrices.
   The thermonuclear energy matrix of a general-class battleship is only about twenty, and the energy accumulation time is between three and five seconds, which is already extremely fast. However, this cannon is originally a main gun weapon used by large battleships. Small battleships can’t be used if they want to use it. Not enough energy is one aspect. The size is the most important. This main gun is almost the size of a battleship. .
   "How much merit is this thing?" After opening the storage compartment, Xiao Ran's first reaction was not to keep it for his own use, but to think about how much benefit this thing could bring him.
Xiao Ran is very self-aware, unless he can get a large-class battleship in this world, otherwise this cannon is not something he can afford, and even if he does get a first-class battleship, he still needs this cannon to do it. Mao, this is something that every class has.
Since it can’t be used, it’s better to resell it and turn it into a tangible benefit. Whether it’s combat merits, plug-in components, or body skills, these things can be turned into strengths in his hands, not In the warehouse, you can see the furnishings that you can use every day when you think about it.
"One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand? Or five hundred thousand?" The more he thought about it, Xiao Ran became more emotional, his cheeks became flushed with excitement and he didn't even know it. He smirked and thought: "Sell, you must sell, too much Now, this Nima is really making money!"
"The cannon is sold, and the thermonuclear energy matrix is ​​left." Xiao Ran took another look at the other thing he got, and raised his head with satisfaction: "I have nothing to do with large and super large battleships, but small battleships or something. Can't I get it yet?"
Feeling comfortable swaying in the bridge for a few laps, Xiao Ran waved his hand and left the warship with the soldiers who were protecting him. He returned to the original route and got on the shuttle and returned to the new-class battleship. He kept the expression on his face, but the joy revealed in his eyes still betrayed him completely.
   After returning to the battleship in the universe, a lot of time has passed since he left. Walking into the bridge, Xiao Ran called the adjutant so that he could arrange a meeting with those people, and then called Moses over.
On the landing ship of the regiment’s camp, Roger leaned against the bed with his hands behind his head. He had found the captain of the landing ship and asked him to meet the commander of the fleet. The captain also looked at Luo. Jie's status as a member of the investigation team symbolically helped him send a message to the Class 1 battleship.
However, at that time Roger also saw that the captain of the landing ship only helped him politely and then he did not manage more. As for the failure to become a success, Roger was not confident in his heart. He waited for several hours. There was no reply. Just when Roger was about to give up, the door of the dormitory was opened, and a few heavily armed soldiers walked in.
   A leading soldier stood at the door, looking at Roger who got up from the bed, and asked indifferently: "Sergeant Roger Bula, an investigator of the Union Army?
   Roger was puzzled when he saw this situation, then he was happy, and quickly replied: "It's me."
  The leading soldier is a second lieutenant. After taking a look at Roger, he checked the information in his hand and nodded: "The general has agreed to your meeting request. Please come with me."
   Roger quickly picked up the jacket that was thrown on the bed and followed the ensign while holding the buttons. When he walked to the landing ship hangar, there was already a two-seater fighter plane ready to trigger.
   When the second lieutenant took Roger to the front of the fighter plane, he waved a few soldiers and walked in front of Roger. The second lieutenant said to Roger blankly: "We will first check the items you are carrying."
"Okay." Roger smiled and raised his Let the soldiers who came by began to fumble on him, not even the soles of his feet were let go. , All the things in his pockets were taken out, and the soldiers nodded to the ensign after confirming that there was nothing else on Roger.
"Inspector Roger, this is required by the security regulations. Please don't mind." The expression on the ensign's face was also relaxed, and he nodded to Roger: "When you arrive at the class battleship, the people over there A comprehensive inspection and scan will be conducted on you, so please cooperate."
"I will, thank you for your reminder." Roger smiled friendly at the ensign, and then got on the fighter plane under the sign of the ensign. Soon the fighter plane rose from the elevator platform into the universe, towards Class battleship flew away.
Just as the ensign said, Roger, who came to the battleship, was subjected to a more detailed inspection, and was scanned once by a kind of perspective. It was confirmed that Roger had no dangerous objects hidden on his body or in his body. After that, he was taken to a spacious place similar to a conference room to watch.
   A group of heavily armed soldiers stood outside the door of this room. In addition to giving Roger a bottle of water, they told General Roger that he was busy now, and asked him to wait for a while and then leave him alone, just stand outside the door and handle the handle.
For an hour, Roger had been sitting on a chair with his head upright, drinking some water when he was thirsty, and in a daze when he was bored, until the door was opened again, and two men and women in military uniforms took the lead. Walked in, and then a man with a mask also followed in. (To be continued.) xh118R1052
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