Chapter 161: In the meeting

"It is not the first time that singing is exchanged for peace. In the war that humans just stepped out of the universe, it was also because the singing of a singer in exchange for the fusion of two races, the current situation is not the same. The situation at the beginning is exactly the same? Whether it was before or today, the power of a true singer should be counted in everyone's mind. It is our luck to be able to maintain peace with bugs or even live on a planet together, and it will also be an inevitable way of human development. ."
"After some understanding, insects are not born that size. In juvenile insects are only that size, and they look very cute. Haha, please forgive me for using the word cute to describe it, but it is like a small pet. The same." Xiao Ran smiled and compared a gesture about the size of a puppy with his hand in front of him, and then continued: "What's more, as our next generation is born and grows up, they will also have and With the same ability as orchids, maybe each of these children will have a bug to grow up with them, from infancy to adolescence, from adolescence to middle age, and even live on each other."
"Do you mean you want us to go to the home planet of the bug?" The president slowly nodded, glanced at other people who were thinking about it, and asked: "Just now you said that everyone can have the orchid. Li What does the same power mean?"
"The President should have also heard about Lan Xue, the mother of orchids. Mei actually contracted V bacteria during her pregnancy and gave birth to orchids. As a result, orchids have the power to communicate with insects, and Shirley... "Speaking of this, Xiao Ran gently shook his head: "In fact, it is also an infected person of V bacteria, but it is indeed Grace that caused the infection as a test product."
"In other words, as long as a person is infected by V bacteria, that person can obtain the same abilities as orchids, and the health of orchids also proves that V bacteria does not actually cause harm to humans... But the premise is to find the right method. ."
As soon as Xiao Ran's words came out, there was a sudden commotion in the conference room. Everyone looked at Xiao Ran. Some of them looked at Xiao Ran with approval, some with doubts, and some even looked at him angrily, but Xiao Ran faced him. There was no expression on his face for such different eyes.
"How can humans live with those bugs? This is simply absurd. I propose to ask all the ships for support and remove the bugs completely."
"You don't want peace, you have to war, do you have a problem in your mind?"
"Don't be noisy, don't be noisy, I think what General Xiao said is also very reasonable, we can try to pretend it."
"Fart, those bugs are a group of aggressive and killer creatures. How can they live with people? I can't imagine the scene of the bugs suddenly going crazy and killing us all."
All kinds of quarrels sounded in the conference room, some supporting Xiao Ran, and some opposing Xiao Ran. The President saw the chaotic conference room and slapped his hands on the table: "Shut up all!"
Suddenly, the meeting room fell into silence again.
The President slammed two cigars and exhaled heavy smoke at the same time he asked Xiao Ran: "Are you going to artificially infect humans with this V bacteria and gain the same power as an orchid? But who was infected with V bacteria? Isn’t Ms. Shiryllu currently undergoing treatment at the central hospital? How can you be sure of the safety after the infection of V bacteria."
"Some doctors have formulated drugs that can suppress the growth of V bacteria based on Lan Xuemei's medical records. Of course, this drug does not have the expected effect that is really needed, because we cannot sacrifice this generation for the next generation." Xiao Ran said here and paused for a while: "But apart from drug suppression, there is another way to make V bacteria truly symbiotic with humans. Instead of letting me talk about it, I don’t have to let me use reality. Prove it to you."
Xiao Ran stood up slowly, and swept the meeting room with a sharp look: "I heard someone say that there is going to be a war. I absolutely disagree with this idea. If there is a war, I would rather bring peace. I join the worm camp with people with the same idea, not to be an enemy of humans, but to keep a continuous fire for humans."
"Human space jumping technology is inherited from the technology of the Jeradiites, and the technology of the Jeradiites comes from another, more ancient ancient civilization, because the existence of the space barrier has the limitation of the maximum jumping distance, and the energy consumption is also extremely terrible. Under such circumstances, in just over fifty years, we humans are about to set foot in every corner of the galaxy."
"But where's the bug?" Xiao Ran sneered, and said: "The bug is a race older than that ancient civilization. I even think that space jumping technology is basically learned from bugs. Do you know that space barriers are not effective against bugs? They exist, they have been around for at least hundreds of thousands of years. Humans have set foot in the Milky Way galaxy for more than 50 years. I ask you, what about the bugs? Did they sleep every day without doing anything for hundreds of thousands of years? Are you dreaming?"
"I can guarantee that if we really go into full-scale war like worms, it will be enough to deal with the worms in the galaxy. If there are worms in other galaxies, once what you said today is put into action, it will inevitably make Humans face the bugs of countless galaxies, and you will be sinners to the entire human race!
Xiao Ran said every word in a loud voice, and when he said that, those who opposed it immediately stunned with open mouths, because what Xiao Ran said was not impossible, but too possible. A force is not weaker than that. A race of humans, a race that can evolve with battle, a race that can jump freely without being affected by space barriers, a race that may have survived for hundreds of thousands of years, such a race, humans must never act with them. The enemy, because its number may be able to completely submerge the entire human race.
Hearing Xiao Ran's words, President Glass frowned, thinking about the possibilities in Xiao Ran's words, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xiao Ran's words might really be facts, and the thought that once a war started, it might be overwhelming. The worms that can't be killed, President Glass only felt a chill in his heart, that kind of picture is really too scary.
"Huh..." President Glass exhaled, shook his head and looked at Xiao Ran: "What you said makes sense, no matter what, humans cannot become enemies with insects. Since you just said that you can prove that other people can be infected. After V bacteria and Orchid get the same ability, and can even confirm the safety, you can prove it to us. If you prove your method is feasible, I will start to recruit volunteers for more tests."
"Okay." Xiao Ran nodded heavily, and said: "But I want to take Shirley and Lanhua to Vajra's home star first."
President Glass thought for a while and agreed: "Yes."
"In that case, let us S.M.S and General Xiao go together this time." Captain Jeffrey, who had not spoken, knocked on his cigarette holder and stood up. Ozma, who was far away, also nodded to Xiao Ran.
President Glass nodded and stood up: "Then it is up to you and General Xiao to go together. In addition, the direction of public opinion within the ship group should also be changed. Let's also broadcast the scenes of the deleted bugs helping humanity, Xiao General, when are you going to leave."
Xiao Ran replied: "I will leave after a day off."
"Well, the ship team will cooperate with you at that time, and I will let Catherine be with you." President Glass nodded and waved away: "I'll be here today. What will happen after Brigadier Xiao Ran returns from Vajra's home star? ."
With the departure of President Glass, the meeting came to an end. Captain Jeffrey nodded with Xiao Ran from a distance and turned to leave. Soon only Brigadier General Perry, Xiao Ran, and Oz were left in the meeting room. Ma and the adjutant.
Brigadier General Perry and his lieutenant approached Xiao Ran: "The battle with insects cannot continue. After several battles with insects, ordinary weapons have gradually lost their effect on insects, and insects are indeed not our enemy. , Brigadier General Xiao Ran, it's up to you."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded, showing a slight smile: "Don't worry, I won't do things that are unsure."
Coming out of the army headquarters, which is the first-class battleship, Xiao Ran and Ozma went directly to the Central Hospital. Billy drove the car, and Billy, who did not set off with the fleet, also rejoined when the fleet returned. Moses sat in the passenger seat. Xiao Ran and Ozma sat in the back.
"How sure are you?" Ozma asked suddenly.
Xiao Ran looked at Ozma with a faint smile: "Which way?"
Ozma scratched his hair and leaned back lazily: "The safety of going to the home planet of the bug, the possibility of humans and bugs living together, Miss Shirley's disease."
"The safety of going to the home planet of Insects is okay. UU reading has a 100% chance that humans and insects can live together." Xiao Ran said here with a lighter smile: "Can Xue Lilu completely let go? V bacteria become symbiotic bacteria. In fact, it represents whether humans can symbiotically with V bacteria. It is also the true basis for whether humans and bugs can understand each other. I don’t know how sure I am, but this time everything will be clear. ."
Ozma shook his head: "I didn't expect it. I thought it was an enemy, but now I want to become a companion who may live together in the future. This feeling is really...somewhat strange."
Xiao Ran smiled and did not answer.
When the car drove to the hospital, a few people walked to the door of Shiryllu’s ward. Billy and Moses stood on both sides of the ward. Xiao Ran pressed the communication: "Shiryllu, can you come in?"
"Come in quickly."
Xiao Ran smiled and opened the door of the room and walked in. At this time, there were only Shiryllu and Lanhua on the hospital bed. Just as Xiao Ran wanted to ask Shiryllu how she was feeling now, he suddenly saw a green in Lanhua's arms. The little thing raised his eyebrows immediately: "Ozma, didn't you just ask if humans can live with bugs? I think there is an answer now." R1152
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