Chapter 1687: tester

"Amblio's kind of pm..." Xiao Ran groaned and asked, "Is it ready to be used?"
hysterica, the official name of the PM used by Amblio, is also the first PM to be developed. Originally it did not exist as a combat machine, but a thing called a human-dimensional observation machine, just because of some Special experience, so this machine also possesses extremely powerful combat capabilities.
When dealing with Amblio before, Xiao Ran used the means of change makers to forcibly destroy a lot of Amblio, and even mentally torture those clones of Amblio in various ways, which directly led to Amblio. Buliou's main body had a nervous breakdown and died of fear. He left dozens of hystericas to Xiao Ran. At this time, he sent some of them to Agenar, and the rest was left in Xiao Ran's hands.
But before, hysterica had no way to be used in practical meaning. It was more in Xiao Ran's hands as trophies and research products. Similarly, this thing was not in Xiao Ran's first processing sequence and sent that part to Agenar. But I also want to see if Agenar has a way to break the invisible shackles of the body itself, and by the way, let them research and develop a new type of PM that suits their use, but I didn’t expect to get a good one. result.
"Yes, hysterica is ready to use." Leonard nodded and said, "But this is also thanks to the ancient people called Tasker and the dragon princess. Originally, villkiss was used by these ancient people from Anbu. Leo has captured it, so he has a way to lift the restrictions and turn these mechas into our power. The Dragons also have their special skills and powers that can help me achieve my goals."
"Yeah." Xiao Ran nodded lightly, tapping his fingers on the table and groaning: "You should know that, in fact, I don't really hope that this kind of body that is not yet sure whether it will bring sequelae into our battle sequence. Yes, but hope that this organism will only exist as a pure technical research product."
"I know." Leonard smiled slightly, and said: "I changed the internal system of the machine and the main computer. In fact, the ancient people's method is almost the same, but there are some special authentication steps, so regardless of hysterica Whether there are any hidden settings that are no longer valid, and the body is just a tool no matter what, isn’t this what you said, not to mention that if these bodies really have residual thoughts belonging to Amblio, Whether it's you or those new humans, I'm afraid I can feel it long ago, right?"
"Hehe." Xiao Ran shook his head and smiled, "But you are right. There is indeed no Amblio mental power in those bodies, but they can still perform normally after replacing the body system and main computer. Is the fighting power coming?"
Leonard smiled confidently: "There is no need to worry about the practicality of this point. I specifically referred to the system of villkiss, which was hosted by me. The newly-written system assisted by the witch princess Sarah can fully utilize the power of the original hysterica. Smart ai is integrated in it, and the power that Hysterica once possessed is now also possessed, but it lacks the ability to shuttle in time."
Speaking of Leonard, he nodded his forehead without consciously: "In other words, these current units are simply new units remanufactured on the basis of hysterica, and the appearance is also adapted to each person’s different hobbies. After the changes, each one has become an independent individual, possessing a dimensional artillery and capable of dimensional shuttles, but what makes me feel a little strange is that it is obvious that hysterica should be the first and the final pole used by Amblio The body, but in terms of potential and built-in performance, it is not even better than villkiss, or does hysterica actually have a deeper hidden mechanism that has not been developed?"
Hearing this, Xiao Ran finally understood the real thoughts in Leonard's heart. After looking at Leonard speechlessly, he shook his head and said: "Forget it, you can do it by yourself. From today onwards, Yagenar You will be in charge of the first squadron, but no matter what kind of experiment and data collector you regard them, safety must be the first priority."
Leonard smiled slightly: "Yeah."
Xiao Ran turned his head and looked at Luo's side again, and asked, "What is the result on your side."
"It's barely the task completed." Luo leaned on the sofa with a tired look, and said lazily: "Gurungast, the two Orion Bird units have been completely remodeled, relying on two of the og worlds. The data of the airframe was completely modified, the power amplifier and weapons in the two airframes were improved, the energy of Gulengast was replaced, the murder bird was raised to the level of ex murder bird, and the external gunner component was added. Finally upgraded the black hole engine to the full version."
"The tactical armor you want is also completed at the same time, and the final assembly is short. The new tactical armor adopts a one-plus-four structure. A large armor is attached to four small ones. The large armor acts on the dawn itself, and the four small ones. It is used by those four drones. UU Reading uses two quantum wave inducers, four solar furnaces, and four European steel extractors for energy. After being assembled, the depth is more than 100 meters. Big guy of length."
"In terms of weapons, in addition to everything that the original tactical armor has, such as large, medium and small gn dragoons, there are also four large artillery ports with higher energy storage strength and attack performance, missile launching pods, and robotic arms, which are more powerful. The beam saber generator and so on, and also installed a high-energy black hole cannon, powered by the black hole engine independently, the control weapons you want, I can only temporarily use black hole weapons to top it, as for the med bomb When the time comes, you can check the other weapons yourself. The inappropriate places will be gradually revised on the road. Anyway, it can only be regarded as a test product."
"Finally is the Basac's body. According to what you said, a trial version was produced in advance. It is 36 meters high. It uses a single photon force energy furnace and a quantum wave engine. A solar furnace is the main energy source. The parts are all made of superalloy z, the energy conversion armor is added inside, and the vps armor is installed outside."
"Compared with the standard Demon God, the internal useless and redundant structure is greatly simplified, artificial muscles are used to enhance the strength and flexibility of the body, the skeleton is also redesigned, and the back uses the same technology and the same as the Demon Emperor g flying wing cloak. The material has the ability to deform and can be converted between the cloak and the form of the flying wing."
"The fighting weapon is made of the same materials as the warrior weapon of Zeng Jia. It is two long swords but can be converted into two giant swords. Both fists can be fired. At the same time, the chest and eyes have the ability to emit flame beams. According to your statement, the components are made up of two beam pistols, which is probably the case." rw more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy
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