Chapter 1787: Remnants

The alarm of the enemy attack made Xiao Ran recover from his own speculation. He was not sure whether the universe recovery system was the situation mentioned by Sanada, let alone whether it was the soul of Okita XIII in the original plot. Taking the place of the soul of the universe recovery system, he was a little annoyed at first when he heard another enemy appear, and he stood up from his seat, and looked at the big screen of the bridge with a gloomy expression.
Many enemies appeared at this time, and they were the same enemies Xiao Ran they had dealt with. A group of Mycenaean gods who looked like monster robots, and a group of small monsters like octopus with wings. Della intercepted in front of the Victory Fleet.
The timing of the appearance of these Mycenaean gods is simply terrible. Originally, none of the results were bothered by the universe recovery system. As a result, these guys had to choose to appear suddenly now, and disrupt Xiao Ran’s Thoughts, Xiao Ran simply burned a ball of anger in his heart.
Not to mention Xiao Ran, even the other members of the Victory Fleet have already arrived on the earth. After seeing the current conditions of the three earths, all the thoughts in their hearts must solve the current problems of the three earths as soon as possible. The Mycenaean gods appear here. It also made the rest of the Victory Fleet quite irritable, bored, and angry, and could not wait to immediately resolve all these annoying Mycenae gods.
Xiao Ran gently squeezed his fists, calming down his heart that was gradually becoming a little irritable. For a moment, he even wanted Maliu to prepare the Devourer of Dimensions and directly give these suddenly appeared Mycenae. The gods came and swallowed these who did not appear early and did not appear late, but then I thought that the dimensions and space around the three earths were not stable enough, if it was because of the launch of the Devourer of Dimensions. What if something happened to speed up the integration of the three earths, so Xiao Ran gave up this idea.
"Let everyone attack and get ready for dawn." After saying that, Xiao Ran turned and walked out of the bridge. Maru also nodded, notifying Genaku that Xiao Ran's body was ready, and also issued an attack order inside the ship.
As for the other battleships, Maru didn’t need to worry about it. During Xiao Ran’s journey to Ganaku, many other battleships, including the Overlord, flew out a lot of fuselages. Z, Demon Emperor, New Freedom, New Justice, Two Destiny...
By the time Xiao Ran flew out of the Burning Legion in Dawn, all the other battleships had been attacked. On the Burning Legion, Kluzer, Graham, Barsac, Luo, and the four shocking legions The prisoners all flew out of the Burning Legion, and all the fuselages were arranged in battle formation in front of the battleship.
Almost thirty B-class fuselages flew out of the Overlord, including the three A-class fuselages in which the Fades fuselage was present, and the S-class fuselage that Nazi was driving. The combat power of this group is absolutely nowhere to be lost. It can be considered powerful, but now it is more obvious that the B-class body is useless in the next battle.
The four pilots who attacked the Legion had previously promised that if the Victory Fleet meets in battle, they will also fight for the Victory Fleet. The ability of the four A-level participant pilots to help fight is not a small combat power. What's more, almost the entire life of the assault legion is now in Xiao Ran's hands, holding the bomb on their necks, even if they don't want it, there is no way they must attack.
Except for these four, the other members of the Assault Legion stayed in another battleship that had no combat capability at all. There was no body to attack, and no weapons to fight. They could only be notified by Maru. He didn't hesitate to choose the direction to turn, the propellers were fully opened in the protection and surveillance of a group of B-class fuselages of the Overlord Legion and the UAV flying out of the Burning Legion quickly left the combat area.
At this time, the sound that didn't know what medium was used to transmit sounded in the ears of everyone in the Victory Fleet. The deep and cold voice made many people unconsciously have some goose bumps.
"Finally...finally found you, detestable human beings, for the sake of the Mycenaean gods, for the revenge of Lord Hades, we must destroy you all here!!!"
Xiao Ran’s eyes suddenly lit up with golden flashes of light. During those days when I was in Iskandall, during the quiet and peaceful time on the way back, the original weak state had disappeared with time, and quantum assimilation. After cooling down, perhaps Xiao Ran may not be regarded as the most perfect Xiao Ran, but some of the problems caused by the outbreak of overdraft before will not become the main factors affecting Xiao Ran's battle.
As Xiao Ran’s eyes lit up with golden light, dawn began to spray out endless GN particles. The four GN particles tornadoes up, down, left and right spouted out, and gradually merged together to form a huge light wing. Hanging behind the dawn, countless GN particles began to envelope the battlefield, forming a strip of light spreading rapidly like an aurora.
And at this moment, the Burning Legion ejected a group of things that were not the body again, and began to deform as they flew towards the dawn, and then combined with the body of the dawn one by one, making the dawn once again become the foot. It has dawn tactical armor the size of a small battleship.
And when the combination of these tactical armors is completed and all the GN solar furnaces are linked, the concentration of GN particles ejected becomes even more terrifying. If all these GN particles are regarded as light, then the current dawning tactical armor is Has become the sun, and all the light strips floating in the universe have all become solar hurricanes.
"Cracking noise!" The GN particle dispersion was completed in a short time, and the dawn of the tactical armor began to rush forward, and Xiao Ran's extremely cold voice was also in the ears of the Mycenae gods and everyone in the victory fleet. It sounded: "Remnant, dare to stand in front of me, are you ready for death?"
Xiao Ran's voice fell, and the huge figure of the dawn tactical armor had turned into a light and rushed directly to the Mycenae gods. Numerous GN dragoons and missiles began to fly out with the dash of the dawn tactical armor. GN Dragoons and missiles spread out, and two super-huge crystalline beam sabers with a length of one or two kilometers extended from the front end of the dawn tactical armor, instantly turning the front of the dawn tactical armor into a world of light.
Following Xiao Ran's actions, Na Zi also rushed forward. A kite shield appeared in Na Zi's body with a left hand, and suddenly appeared when she raised her right hand whip sword. The rest of the people also said nothing. Flying out, they began to attack the Mycenae gods.
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