Chapter 177: Weird blond man

The 200,000 combat merit points need to be strengthened, upgraded skills, learned new skills, and transformed the Inky Heresy and Black Hawk fighters. It can be said that these combat merit points only seem to be large, and Xiao Ran can’t guarantee that they will be enough. It’s still not enough, and I have to set aside 10,000 points so that the next mission is not in a world that Xiao Ran is not sure of. This way, Shirley can stay in Prometheus and avoid paying even if she can’t take care of herself. Go to take care of Shirley.
In addition, it is also necessary to retain some of the points of merit as a punishment for mission failure. Although Xiao Ran believes that he will be able to complete the mission, this is a kind of confidence in understanding the plot, but no matter he is confident, he must be well prepared to avoid it. He was in a hurry.
So before he was not sure whether the battleship could be sold in this cycle, Xiao Ran didn't dare to use his combat merit points to buy too expensive weapons or energy, or even the multiple locking systems he wanted.
After shopping around, Xiao Ran also had a rough idea of ​​the prices of the things sold in the trading area. He spent the second day after returning to Prometheus, but before going back, Xiao Ran also bought What he had used before, the skills of fighting and shooting, can be regarded as a skill that is not a skill.
After letting Shiryllu study, Xiao Ran practiced shooting that night and also taught Shiryllu to be familiar with the pistol that Lao Luo gave her. Although she learned shooting skills, Shiryllu still had some training at night. It was terrible, but the key was Shiryllu's poor basic attributes.
A few days have passed. Xiao Ran will go to the trading area every day to see if there is anything suitable. Shiryllu will go out with Xiao Ran at first, but will basically stay at home later, but in the end she still maintains a more cautious attitude. Nothing was bought, that is, the battery pack. Inky Black Heresy and Black Hawk were sent to Luo, who asked him to install 9v artificial intelligence chips for the three units.
It is not impossible for Xiao Ran to directly attach the chip to the two units. But if you want to use artificial intelligence chips, you must make a lot of adjustments to the body's system, and install the signal receiving end on the three machines. There are even encryption of the signal transmission medium, etc. These things are completely beyond the reach of Xiao Ran. Of course, Xiao Ran and Lao Luo have a good relationship, but they also have to pay Lao Luo for merit points. In Prometheus, basically There is no such thing as free.
Including the Lightning Aegis, a total of 12,000 points need to be paid to Lao Luo. The unit price is four thousand, which is still discounted, which is similar to the last time the Lightning Aegis was transformed. One appearance fee accounts for a lot.
One day at noon, Xiao Ran and Shiryllu came out of the gym. After taking a shower and eating, Xiao Ran bid farewell to Shiryllu and went to the trading area again. This is what they have done every day since this time. A few days ago, I had not found anything suitable, but as time passed a few days, Xiao Ran also found that there were more and more people in the trading area, and the same was true for people selling things. More people meant more products.
As soon as I arrived in the trading area, I wandered around as usual, and greeted the vendors who had been familiar with the participants in the past few days. Walking around and looking around, before he knew it, two things attracted his attention. It also made him unconsciously stop and look at the two things on the stall in front of him.
"Shoulder i force field generator: a c+ level component, when used, it can generate a repulsive force field on the surface of the body, completely resist c-level and below beam attacks, and cause c+-level beam attacks to halve the attack intensity. A beam attack with a level of intensity reduces the attack intensity by 25%. It is automatically turned on. When turned on, it consumes 100 energy per second and can be turned off manually."
"Bird Screen Smashing Crossbow: A special weapon that can shoot 9 beams into a large area at a time, the main launch port is x1. The attack strength is b-, and each shot consumes 10 energy points. The secondary launch port (x8), attack strength c The energy consumption value of a single shot is 5 (x8)."
"The weapon of Pirate Gundam?" Xiao Ran was stunned after seeing this weapon, and raised his head to look at the seller. This is a man who looks very attractive to women. His blond hair is handsome and cold, and he looks just two. She is in her teens, wearing black leather pants and a simple t-shirt on her upper body. At this time, two gods’ eyes are also looking at Xiao Ran. The green eyes reveal that they want to ask Xiao Ran to see. What happened.
Xiao Ran first asked "How do I sell the i-force field generator and the bird screen crushing crossbow?"
The handsome young man glanced at his cargo and said in a soft voice, "I stand 30,000, weapons 50,000, do you want to buy it? In the i position, the c-class machine is very useful, and it can also be used at the b-class. As for the weapon, it was originally a weapon of a Class B body."
"A total of 80,000?" Xiao Ran was a little moved, but still felt that something was too expensive, and then looked down at the other things in the booth, and after seeing one thing, Xiao Ran was also stunned: "This is not the pirate up to all. Demolish it? Wouldn't it be that after going to the world of Pirate Gundam and joining the opposing camp of Pirate Gundam?"
Small beam shield generator: consumes energy value to form a beam barrier, defensive strength against live ammunition c+, defensive effect b against beam, has an attack effect on the edge of the barrier, attack strength c+, consumes energy value of 1 per second when it is turned on, and increases when attacked Energy consumption.
Xiao Ran pointed to the small beam shield and looked at the opponent. The latter glanced at what Xiao Ran was pointing at, tapped his chin with one finger, and groaned softly, "How about fifty thousand points?"
"Three total points cost 130,000 points?" Xiao Ran shook his head and said, "It's not worth it, the i stand is too expensive, it is impossible to use it for a long time, the cost performance is not high, and it has big defects. , The defensive beam has no effect on live ammunition, not only that, but also has no effect on penetrating beam weapons."
"More importantly, you have only one generator in this position. Normal generators are two sets of two to have the greatest effect. Perhaps it is because you have one less effect and the effect is not so good, and the energy consumption also changes. If it’s higher, only half of it may cause problems."
"Although the beam shield can defend against beams and live ammunition, you must not forget that this kind of thing is not open at all times. It is completely manual operation to increase the difficulty of operation. The edge of the beam shield also has attack strength, so you can accidentally fight. At that time, even your own body will be cut off, and this kind of shield should have a defensive upper limit. If it exceeds that upper limit, it will penetrate directly. At least the physical shield will block the final blow for you. What about this shield?"
"Weapons, I won’t say much. The eight sub-launch ports have more of an interference effect. If you want to use this to aim and shoot, then you must not tilt the hands of the body. You have to be cheaper. Three I want it all."
When Xiao Ran finished speaking, he smiled at the other party. The blond man looked at Xiao Ran blankly, then looked at his merchandise, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "Is it really that bad? I'm in the mission world. It's difficult to deal with the body with the beam shield and the i-stance in it."
Xiao Ran scratched his hair. He always felt that something was wrong with this man. He shook his head and asked curiously: "These things are rewarded by missions?"
"There are mission rewards, and some can be obtained by destroying the body."
Xiao Ran was taken aback for a moment: "Is there any reward for breaking the machine body?"
"Nor." The blond man shook his head and looked at Xiao Ran with a little more alertness in his eyes: "But I can't tell you."
Xiao Ran rolled his eyes, and suddenly frowned: "Don't tell me, after you broke this body in the mission world, put it away, find a technician to remove the intact place and install it on your body, and then pay the high price belt. Back to Prometheus?"
The blond man opened his eyes wide and looked at Xiao Ran incredulously, "How did you know!"
"Hehe..." Xiao Ran looked at this man who made him feel quite wrong, only feeling a drop of cold sweat left, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and said thoughtfully: "This is indeed a good's not right... …"
"Are you kidding me." Xiao Ran looked up at the other party speechlessly, looked at him like an idiot, and said: "Are you an idiot? Can you take down the things you get this way and sell? "
"Of course not for ordinary people." The blond man brought his head close to Xiao Ran and blinked his eyes: "You look very smart, since you know it, or I will sell you these three things at a cost price, you join How is my team? I'll tell you if you join my team, but we have to sign an agreement and not let it out."
"Huh?" Xiao Ran glanced at the opponent in amazement, with a strange expression on his face: "Your team?"
The blond nodded: "Yes, UU reading, I found it seems difficult for a person to continue, so I am preparing to form a team."
Speaking of the team, Xiao Ran was somewhat interested: "How many people do you already have in your team?"
The blond man pointed at Xiao Ran, then pointed at himself: "If you add you, there will be two."
"I'll go!" Xiao Ran rolled his eyes and shook his head: "I don't have any plans to join a team. I have to have a team, and someone else must join my team."
The blond man smiled, "That's okay, I can join your team."
That smile made Xiao Ran feel a little faint. Should a man have such a beautiful smile, calmly Xiao Ran looked at the other person and frowned and asked, "What level are you now, and how many worlds have you experienced."
"B-class general-purpose mecha driving skills, specialization in combat warfare, the fifth world is over, and I will not tell you until you have teamed up with me." (to be continued)
ps: The third chapter today, there are still 6 chapters, right? Continue to ask for votes r466. Easy. Look. Small. Talk.
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