Chapter 1803: Can't get up mad

When the Godim fleet launched an attack, the body that Cruzer was driving directly raised the cannon in his hand, and the GN Dragoons on his body also ejected white light, carrying green GN particles from the body. It ejected, blocking the front of dawn like lightning. While creating a light curtain, a large reaction warhead flew by in an instant and flew far in the direction of Godim.
A warhead and still at such a long distance, it is facing countless Gadim's attacks in the opposite direction, and it is possible to be hit at any time, but Kruze’s goal is not to let him launch this one. Large-scale reaction bombs attack Gadim, just like the ejected GN Dragoons, just to add a layer of defense to Xiao Ran, using the huge energy generated by the reaction bomb explosion to affect and weaken, and even swallow it. Gadim's attack was nothing more.
Kira, Amuro and other people with the same GN Dragoons also released the GN Dragoons at the same time when Cruze made such a move, cooperating with Cruze to build more defensive barriers in front of the dawn.
Several EVAs, the first unit driven by Ikura Shinji, the zero unit driven by Rei Ayanami, the second unit driven by Asuka, the eighth unit driven by Shinshiba, and the one who has the status of an apostle but is willing to follow the victory fleet. The 13th unit driven by Zhuxun's also rushed to the front of Dawn under the impetus of his back pack armor. Several units directly erected a layer of AT stand in front of Dawn.
The backpacks used by several EVAs are not the kind of backpacks used by conventional MS, but a very simple energy-driven system integrated on a bracket, and then attached a little armor plate to mount a few weapons, more like one The backpack is still very different from the backpack in the conventional sense understood by Xiao Ran.
Kluzer is still very good at the rhythm. Before Godim's attack hit the reaction shell, he actively detonated the warhead. A huge ball of light appeared instantly and swallowed everything around him into the white light. The countless beams of light emitted by Godim began to be distorted, refracted, and even disappeared completely.
Next, even if there is an attack that can penetrate the huge energy generated by the explosion of the reaction bomb, it must pass through several layers of light curtain barriers. Even so, it is impossible to hit the dawn, and hit anything behind the dawn. , Because there is also an AT position comparable to absolute defense as the final guard.
Those airframes that did not have the capability of group defense scattered from the left and right, detoured a large circle and started attacking in the direction of Godim, placing the target of the attack on the warships at the farthest point. The Gadim UAV troops rushing in the direction of the Victory Fleet were completely out of their target.
Because everyone believes that Xiao Ran’s next attack will inevitably kill all drones directly, and the scene of changing a beam of light into thousands of beams is also firmly imprinted on the majority of the Victory Fleet. Mind.
But the more powerful an attack naturally requires energy storage. It can be launched within ten seconds of energy storage, and it can also be launched within one minute of energy storage. Compared with the energy storage time of ten seconds, a one-minute attack of energy storage is of course necessary. More powerful.
While accumulating energy, Xiao Ran's eyes indifferently scanned the red frames that appeared on the screen, and locked all the targets in front of them through all obstacles, as they quickly filled the main system screen. Reading the value of the bar, the thumb of the right hand also lifted the safety on the operating lever.
For more than a minute, the barriers in front blocked all Gadim's attacks. Finally, Gadim's drone mechanical force also rushed to the front of the barrier, depressed. The voice suddenly sounded at this moment: "It's okay."
All the GN dragoons dispersed in an instant with Xiao Ran's three words, and several EVAs were also separated from the left and right. In the next moment, countless attacks rushed towards the direction of dawn without any obstacle, and at this time, dawn was on the chest. In an instant, the giant cannon burst out with even more dazzling light than the reaction bomb exploded.
An incomparably huge beam shot out directly from the front of the muzzle. At the same time, it was accompanied by countless sputtering small beams. The scattered beams and the terrifying huge beam in the middle easily broke dawn. The semicircular area was completely occupied, exploding countless brilliant lights in the first place.
The huge beam of light only flew out of the muzzle of dawn, which was less than a hundred meters away, and started to spread for the first time. It was converted from one beam to thousands of beams. After another one or two hundred meters, the beam began again. The second diffusion, followed by the third, fourth, four consecutive diffusions The entire universe has become a world with only light beams and explosions, everything is before dawn Things, whether it's Godim's drone, various fragments scattered in the universe, or small rubble, are all completely submerged by the countless light beams.
The overwhelming beam of light blasted towards Godim’s mobile unit, it was the rain of death that couldn’t even be avoided. The flames appeared again and again and then disappeared instantly. All the flames were connected as if they were in A huge super firework was released in the universe, showing a shocking beauty.
In a full minute, when the last beam of light dissipated, a full minute had passed since the attack from breaking dawn, and after this minute, there was nothing left between Godim’s battleship and the Victory Fleet. More than half of Godim’s warships were covered in Xiao Ran’s attack just now. These warships were either dotted with sparks that flickered from time to time and emit thick black smoke, or they were directly affected by light beams. Submerged completely disappeared in this world.
The expression on the face of Alves, who was extremely arrogant just now, was not satisfied with the previous look, but with a dull face and wide eyes, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief, just a minute, just an attack, let him send it out Not to mention the destruction of all drone-powered troops, even the fleet has suffered huge losses and traumas. This is an incredible thing in his eyes.
He may already understand what Xiao Ran said just now, what did the sentence that gave him a chance mean, at that time Alphos only felt that Xiao Ran was too mad, too arrogant, and a scum I don't know what the situation is, but it may be him who really does not know the situation. 8) For more wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy
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