Chapter 1852: The beginning of change

When facing the sharp corners of the assault species, the thick carapace makes it impossible for existing tactical aircraft to use conventional 36mm rifles to bring more damage to the sharp corners from the front, but under the power of beam weapons, those The thick carapace is like the most common layer of steel, which can be easily penetrated by beam weapons to the degree of lethal blow.
With this weapon, the guards don’t have to take the risk to take off to find the weak point of the crack attacking the sharp corner, nor do they need to rush to the back of the sharp corner, and also risk attacking the sharp among countless betas. When standing upright, boringly lock and pull the trigger to eliminate the sharp corners.
Of course, the power of beam weapons is not small, but they also have huge disadvantages. Whether it is Uzès, Ingram or Kiliam, the attack frequency of beam weapons they create in this world is not as good as they thought. The standard level, on average, is just one shot per second.
Such an attack speed is absolutely unqualified in the eyes of the Burning Legion people, and it is almost as high as the 0079 world small beam weapon practicality has just appeared, so all the bodies are actually equipped with 36mm assault rifles as secondary Weapon supplements, but this level is already very scary for people in this world. As long as they have a certain number of beam weapons, they can also chase beta.
Don’t look at the frontal battlefield with only a small number of undead attacking with beam weapons, but one attack is enough to penetrate and destroy several betas. A total of more than 20 undeads actually rush forward. The countless betas that came to play were chaotic, and the speed of advancement was suddenly much slower.
In addition, Char rushed directly to the beta group. When facing the beta group, Char even let himself form a line of defense. In the eyes of the Argus team, the round-shaped thing held by the left arm of the body suddenly popped out. With a beam of light, he easily cut an assault species in half from the front, and after evaporating countless red mist, a massacre began.
Not only the beam rifle, but also the beam saber appeared, which made the Argus team even more incredible. Not only the Argus team, but the other two experimental teams also saw the beam saber and the beam rifle, but only The experimental team where the two white hairs belonged was the happiest, especially the chief of the two white hairs, his eyes lit up completely after seeing the two weapons.
At any time in the past, the word massacre in this world refers to beta to humans, but today, in this place, the word massacre has become a description of humans to beta, not just Char, separate All the undead of the Crimson Comet Brigade and Garr Brigade became the main force in this massacre of betas, and no beta was able to carry the beam weapon attack.
The body that Xia drove rushed into the beta group, but turned into a monster even more terrifying than beta, terrifying speed, terrifying attack, terrifying reflection ability, beam rifle, beam saber, and two shoulders. The exposed 36mm that was exposed after the armor was turned on was maintaining a very high frequency of attacks throughout the entire process, destroying the beta surrounding the body piece by piece.
Any type of beta, sharp horns, little zombie, little scorpion, and even hookworms called fortress level by the world, in Xia’s eyes, there is no difference at all, all can be eliminated with a single shot The little scum, even the largest fortress-level hookworm, can directly penetrate the head of the hookworm with a single beam of light, and then spatter countless red mist streams that drip down the red liquid like human blood.
After eliminating the beta, Char’s squad communicator on the front of the screen flashed suddenly, and two messages popped up, Ingram, Amuro, Matsunaga Ma, and Jonny have successfully completed In order to eliminate the mission of the light species, it also slaughtered all the betas around the light species.
Seeing this news, Xia also nodded slightly. After replying to both sides with her voice, she opened the command channel and issued her own command again: "The air force immediately began bombing the combat area, ordering all tactical aircraft except the undead. Evacuate immediately 30 kilometers to re-form the encirclement of beta."
Not long after, Ingram, Amuro, Matsunaga Ma, and Jonny returned to the front line and formed a team according to Char’s instructions and went to the left and right defense lines respectively, maintaining a high level. The speed dropped from the sky, as if about to fall, but it scared many pilots who were fighting on both sides.
But just for an instant, the four units that hadn't landed on the ground suddenly changed into ms form, and then stopped steadily at a distance of about 30 meters from the holding weapons in both hands. The massacre of beta began.
In the Far East, near the Yokohama base, the front line, Shirakawashou, Zengga, Elsam, and Ess have gathered here, standing at the highest point of the defense line and looking at the land occupied by beta on the other side. At this time, when the beta is not attacking, the existence of a beta cannot be seen at all, but the eyes of the four people are all looking over there as if there is something that attracts them.
Suddenly, the communicators of the four of them rang. After seeing the exact same content on the communicators, Zeng Jia directly turned and walked towards the group of young boys and girls standing behind them. .
Yujian Mingye, Chizuru, Caifenghui, Zhuze Renji, Kaiyi Zunren, etc., these girls who should have shown their glory at another point in time suddenly stood among them. Everyone dressed differently. The guards normally use all black combat uniforms.
The essence of these combat uniforms is the original guard combat uniforms. After all, they have good resistance to pressure, and can also tighten the user’s muscles and provide a certain amount of defense. However, the original ones that made Zeng Jia feel ashamed Part of it has been completely revised and changed to a more formal and strictly prohibited style. It looks like an outer jacket of different styles for men and women is put on the outside, but it is also a whole of the combat uniform.
Glancing at the teenagers standing upright in front of him, and then at the numerous machines standing behind them, as well as Xiangyue Xihu, who was jumping around the machine body underneath, with a look of excitement, Zeng Jia said in a deep voice. : "Today is when you show me your training results. If there is no beta, you will take the initiative to find the beta. There is only one goal. Fight! Eliminate all visible betas!"
"Board and set off."
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