Chapter 1944: poor child

"My lord, it has been confirmed that this person has become a scum." Flying Eagle confirmed the situation of Ziyun Tongye through the speaker in the cockpit, but then said: "But sir, according to the database search, this person is not Ai Selda Huon’s child."
Xiao Ran wanted to rub his forehead very much, but his forehead was already covered by a mask, so Xiao Ran could only squeeze his chin: "However, it is not. You should know that this is another world, and the Ziyun of this world. Ye is not the Ziyun Tongye of our world, but two people with the same looks and completely different. As for why he should die, you only need to know that he is dead and I can rest assured."
Flying Eagle replied as if he had understood: "I understand the lord, but my lord, I think this is disgusting, I want to wash my hands."
"Stand up and let me go out to talk about this." Xiao Ran let out a breath. He really felt that the flying eagle's ultra-ai character was a bit strange, but once ultra-ai was created and activated, even the core rules of ultra-ai There are certain restrictions, but the personality aspect is completely unchangeable, just like that of Nevalinna with super low EQ.
Among the large number of super ai, some like pranks, some like scary people, some think of themselves as paladins, some like jokes, some like poetry, some like watching dog blood dramas, and flying eagles are that kind The neurotic model, until now, Leonard hasn’t grasped the reason for this, but fortunately, even if the personality is a little weird, he can at least follow the orders and complete the tasks well, and the flying eagle is still smart in super AI The kind, so it can be considered reliable.
As Xiao Ran's voice fell, Fei Ying slowly took himself as an injured body and got up from the ground, then half-kneeled on the ground and opened the cockpit. Xiao Ran, who was wearing a black windbreaker and a mask, took advantage of the situation. Jumped out of the cockpit.
After'seeing' the distorted and somewhat flat corpse, the lower half of the face that was not covered by Xiao Ran's mask also made a look of consternation and annoyance in a timely manner, and even slightly squeezed his fists to give full play to his acting skills. Got vividly.
"How could this be..." Xiao Ran took a deep breath, turned around and looked at the flying eagle, who had slowly stood up straight and closed the cockpit, and asked loudly, "Flying, what's going on? !"
Flying eagle is like wearing an eagle helmet. The expression of its head has changed a bit. The use of flexible metal and liquid metal technology allows it to make the same expression as humans. At this time, the expression on flying eagle's face is just annoyance and apology.
"Sorry, my lord, the thruster was unidentified and I was unable to control the thruster before, and eventually lost my balance and fell to the ground. However, I have regained control of the balance and can ensure the safety of this person by supporting it with my hands when falling on the ground. , But... I was hit and lost my balance again."
"How could this be?"
"What did we do..."
Before Xiao Ran spoke, three different female voices were emitted from the speaker on Biexi Road, who was already standing up. The luck of each voice was very surprised and astonished, and it made Xiao Ran turn his head and look at Biexi Road. direction.
Suddenly, a girl's voice with a slightly delicate and long tail sounded suddenly: "No! Just now, I clearly saw you pressing against the boy, so I pushed you away. Hey, how can that machine speak? ?"
"Tinia, it's not the time to talk about this." The gentle and steady voice of the girl sounded, and said self-blaming: "I'm really sorry that we did extra things. Originally, this tragedy shouldn't have happened. I really wanted to save this child, but I didn't expect to end up killing him."
The first girl spoke in a dissatisfied voice: "Hey, Katia, it's not our fault. If they didn't fall suddenly, it wouldn't happen at all, you are all to blame."
"Yes, it's all because of our relationship." Xiao Ran sighed long and said in a low tone: "If we hadn't landed here, there wouldn't be such a thing. An innocent person lost his life."
"My lord, we suddenly appeared in the sky over this area, and after being strongly affected, we have no way to control where we appeared and where we landed." Flying Eagle took a word at this time, and then started again. Nervous: "But my lord, can I go to the river to wash my hands first? I saw a river nearby when I landed, and the liquid on my hands made me feel uncomfortable."
Xiao Ran reluctantly covered his head with his The other hand swayed gently: "Go, go."
"Hey, hey, how is your robot like this?" The girl named Tinia said again: "When did she still think about washing her hands, if it weren't for it, it wouldn't happen at all, OK? "
"Tinia, this matter is also related to us, so don't talk about this gentleman and that robot." The girl named Katia stopped Tinia from speaking and said, "This gentleman, don't care. How about this child is indeed because of us, so..."
"Katia, the body is responding!" The third shouted out in a very surprised tone except for the weak voice that said a word at the beginning, and also caused the girl named Katia to stop. the words said.
In the cockpit on Biexi Road, multiple systems belonging to this body started to operate on their own without being turned on, and it was originally difficult to use a stable power source and Xichuang particle operating system to slow down from the original unstable state. Slowly becoming stable, the body's screen automatically locked Xiao Ran, who was currently standing on the ground, and the entire cockpit also lit up with a green light.
"This person..." Katia looked at Xiao Ran, who was wearing a mask on the large screen of the machine, and again showed a look of astonishment on her face. Before she had time to speak, Tini was even more impulsive among the three in the cockpit. Ya just smiled and said, "It seems that it's not bad to fall here."
"Hey, the person below, what is your name, why do you appear here, what is your identity."
When Xiao Ran heard Tina's question, he was taken aback for a moment and then replied: "Me? My name is Xiao Ran. Before answering your questions, can you please tell me where exactly is this?"
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